Various tools str) dict[source]

Get a dict of {name: value} pairs from the name="value" pairs of unix export lines (that is, lines of the ``export NAME="VALUE" format


exports – Filepath or string contents thereof


A dict of extracted {name: value} pairs

>>> extract_exports('export KEY="secret"\nexport TOKEN="arbitrary"')
{'KEY': 'secret', 'TOKEN': 'arbitrary'}

Use case:

You have access to environment variables through os.environ, but if you want to extract exports from only a specific file (env vars are often placed in different linked files), or the exports are defined in a string you hold, then this simple parser can be useful.'/home/runner/.config/config2py/configs', *, configs_name='configs')[source]

Get the local store of configs.


config_src – A specification of the local config store. By default: If it’s a directory, it’s assumed to be a folder of text files. If it’s a file, it’s assumed to be an ini or cfg file. If it’s a string, it’s assumed to be an app name, from which to create a folder str = '/home/runner/.config/config2py/configs', *, first_look_in_env_vars: bool = True, ask_user_if_key_not_found: bool | None = None, config_store_factory: ~typing.Callable = <function get_configs_local_store>)[source]

Make a simple config getter from a “central” config source specification.

The purpose of this function is to implement a common pattern of getting configs: One that, by default (but optionally), looks in environment variables first, then in a central config store, created via a simple configs_src specification and then, if the key is not found in this “central” store, optionally (but not by default) asks the user for the value and stores it in the central config store.

  • configs_src – A specification of the central config store. By default: If it’s a directory, it’s assumed to be a folder of text files. If it’s a file, it’s assumed to be an ini or cfg file. If it’s a string, it’s assumed to be an app name, from which to create a folder

  • first_look_in_env_vars – Whether to look in environment variables first

  • ask_user_if_key_not_found – Whether to ask the user if the key is not found (and subsequently store the key in the central config store)

  • config_store_factory – A function that takes a config source specification and returns the central config store*config_params)[source]

A decorator factory that sources config params, based on their names, to a config getter that will be provided when calling the wrapped function.


config_params – The names of the config params to source


A decorator that sources the config params to the config getter

>>> @source_config_params('a', 'b')
... def foo(a, b, c):
...     return a, b, c
>>> config = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
>>> foo(a='a', b='b', c=3, _config_getter=config.get)
(1, 2, 3)

A common use case is when you need to partialize a function with configs but the config source is not defined yet.

>>> from functools import partial
>>> bar = partial(foo, a='a')

a is set, but you’ll be able to call bar with different config sources, >>> bar(b=’b’, c=3, _config_getter=config.get) (1, 2, 3) >>> other_config = {‘a’: 11, ‘b’: 22, ‘c’: 33} >>> bar(b=’b’, c=3, _config_getter=other_config.get) (11, 22, 3)

What if the function as kwargs? No problem, the decorator will handle it. Just make sure to use the same names for the kwargs as the config params.

>>> @source_config_params('a', 'b', 'd')
... def foo(a, b, c, **kwargs):
...     return a, b, c, kwargs
>>> config = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}
>>> foo(a='a', b='b', c=3, d='d', _config_getter=config.get)
(1, 2, 3, {'d': 4})

As you can see, d is sourced as well.