
Tools for multi-streams

class creek.multi_streams.MergedStreams(streams_map: Mapping[Any, Iterable], sort_key: Optional[Callable] = None)[source]

Creates an iterable of (stream_id, stream_item) pairs from a stream Mapping, that is, {stream_id: stream, …}.

The stream_item will be yield in sorted order. Sort behavior can be modified by the sort_key argument which behaves like key arguments of built-in like sorted, heapq.merge, itertools.groupby, etc.

If given, the sort_key function applies to stream_item (not to stream_id).

Important: To function as expected, the streams should be already sorted (according to the sort_key order).

The cannonical use case of this function is to “flatten”, or “weave together” multiple streams of timestamped data. We’re given several streams that provide (timestamp, data) items (where timestamps arrive in order within each stream) and we get a single stream of (stream_id, (timestamp, data)) items where the ``timestamp``s are yield in sorted order.

The following example uses a dict pointing to a fixed-size list as the stream_map but in general the stream_map will be a Mapping (not necessarily a dict) whose values are potentially bound-less streams.

>>> streams_map = {
...     'hello': [(2, 'two'), (3, 'three'), (5, 'five')],
...     'world': [(0, 'zero'), (1, 'one'), (3, 'three'), (6, 'six')]
... }
>>> streams_items = MergedStreams(streams_map)
>>> it = iter(streams_items)
>>> list(it)  
[('world', (0, 'zero')),
 ('world', (1, 'one')),
 ('hello', (2, 'two')),
 ('hello', (3, 'three')),
 ('world', (3, 'three')),
 ('hello', (5, 'five')),
 ('world', (6, 'six'))]
creek.multi_streams.multi_stream_items(streams_map: Mapping[Any, Iterable])[source]

Provides a iterable of (k1, v1_1), (k1, v1_2), …

>>> streams_map = {'hello': 'abc', 'world': [1, 2]}
>>> hello_items, world_items = multi_stream_items(streams_map)
>>> list(hello_items)
[('hello', 'a'), ('hello', 'b'), ('hello', 'c')]
>>> list(world_items)
[('world', 1), ('world', 2)]
creek.multi_streams.staticmethods(cls, *, method_trans=<class 'staticmethod'>)

Applies method_trans to all the methods of cls

>>> from functools import partial
>>> staticmethods = partial(transform_methods, method_trans=staticmethod)

Now staticmethods is a class decorator that can be used to make all methods be defined as staticmethods in bulk

>>> @staticmethods
... class C:
...     foo = lambda x: x + 1
...     bar = lambda y: y * 2
>>> c = C()
creek.multi_streams.transform_methods(cls, method_trans=<class 'staticmethod'>)[source]

Applies method_trans to all the methods of cls

>>> from functools import partial
>>> staticmethods = partial(transform_methods, method_trans=staticmethod)

Now staticmethods is a class decorator that can be used to make all methods be defined as staticmethods in bulk

>>> @staticmethods
... class C:
...     foo = lambda x: x + 1
...     bar = lambda y: y * 2
>>> c = C()