
Dispatching python functions as webservices, docker containers, and GUIs

Consider these three functions:

>>> def foo(a: int = 0, b: int = 0, c=0):
...     'This is foo. It computes something'
...     return (a * b) + c
>>> def bar(x, greeting='hello'):
...     'bar greets its input'
...     return f'{greeting} {x}'
>>> def confuser(a: int = 0, x: float = 3.14):
...     return (a ** 2) * x

The objective here is to be able to do this:

>>> app = dispatch_funcs([foo, bar, confuser], ...)  

getting a deployable app that allows the user to operate with these three wonderful functions. The ellipses () are there to indicate that we may want to specify the kind of app we want (web-service, GUI, CLI…) as well as particular configurations for the latter.