
CRUDE stands for CRUD-Execution. It is a method to solve the problem of dealing with complex python objects in an environment that doesn’t natively support these.

The method’s trick is to allow the complex object’s that we “crudified” to be controlled via a string key that references the complex object, via a “store” which maps these string keys to the actual physical object. This store could be a python dictionary (so in RAM) or any persisting storage system (files, DB) that is given a typing.Mapping interface (see or for tools to do so).

Take, for instance, a GUI that allows a user to compute some descriptive statistics of the columns of a table. The inputs are a table, and one of the following statistics function: statistics.mean, statistics.median, or statistics.stdev.

Python functions are not a type natively handled by GUI, so what can we do? We can stick a layer between our compute_stats(stats_func, table) function and our GUI, endowed with a {"mean": statistics.mean, “median”: statistics.median, “std”: statistics.stdev}`` mapping. We expose the string keys to the GUI, and map them to the functions before calling compute_stats.

In the case of the table, we’d probably add a means for the GUI user to upload tables (say from .csv or .xlsx files), storing them under a name of their choice, then pointing to said table via the name, when they want to execute a compute_stats(stats_func, table).

These are examples of what we call “crudifying” variables or functions.

Here we therefore offer tools to do this sort of thing; wrap functions so that the complex arguments can be specified through a string key that points to the actual python object (which is stored in a session’s memory or persisted in some fashion).

class front.crude.Crudifier(param_to_mall_map: Optional[Union[dict, Iterable]] = None, mall: Optional[Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]] = None, include_stores_attribute: bool = False, output_store: Optional[Union[Mapping, str]] = None, store_multi_values: bool = False, save_name_param: str = 'save_name', empty_name_callback: Callable[], Any] = None, auto_namer: Callable[[], str] = None, output_trans: Callable[[], Any] = None, verbose: bool = True)[source]

Convenience class to make crudify (i.e. map/source inputs of) functions.


prepare_for_crude_dispatch works well if you want to crudify a single function, but if you’re trying to crudify multiple functions according to a specific fixed convention, using it directly would involve too much boilerplate.

Crudifier is one the tools we offer to reduce this boilerplate.

Here are a few examples of how to use it.

>>> def foo(x, y):
...     return x + y
>>> def bar(a, x):
...     return a * x

Let’s say we want x to be sourced by the x_store mapping listed in the mall. We can make a crudify function like this:

>>> crudify = Crudifier(
...     param_to_mall_map={'x': 'x_store'}, mall={'x_store': {'stored_two': 2, 'stored_four': 4}}
... )

And apply it to any function containing a argumennt named x:

>>> from inspect import signature
>>> crudified_foo = crudify(foo)
>>> str(signature(crudified_foo))  # note how x has now a Literal annotation showing what the valid str inputs are
"(x: Literal['stored_two', 'stored_four'], y)"
>>> crudified_foo('stored_two', 3)  # -> 2 + 3
>>> crudified_bar = crudify(bar)
>>> str(signature(crudified_bar))
"(a, x: Literal['stored_two', 'stored_four'])"
>>> crudified_bar(3, 'stored_two')  # -> 3 * 2

If the argument names correspond to mall key, the first param_to_mall_map argument can be specified a list of arguments, or even a space-separated string of these argument names. In the following, the 'x y' is equivalent to ['x', 'y'], which is equivalent to {'x': 'x', 'y', 'y'}.

>>> crudify = Crudifier('x y', mall={'x': {'stored_two': 2, 'stored_four': 4}, 'y': {'three': 3}})
>>> f = crudify(foo)
>>> str(signature(f))  # note that both x and y have a str annotation now
"(x: Literal['stored_two', 'stored_four'], y: Literal['three'])"
>>> f('stored_two', 'three')

This allows you to do things like partialize, to fix the mall, and only have to specify the param_to_mall_map when you want to crudify. In the following, note the verbose=False which tells the crudification not to issue any warning when it sees we have keys in our mall that are not arguments of the function.

>>> from functools import partial
>>> mall = {
...     'x': {'stored_two': 2}, 'y': {'three': 3}, 'fall_back_store': {'zebra': 11}
... }
>>> Crudify = partial(Crudifier, mall=mall, verbose=False)
>>> f = Crudify('x')(foo)
>>> f('stored_two', 3)
>>> f = Crudify('x y')(foo)
>>> f('stored_two', 'three')
>>> b = Crudify({'a': 'fall_back_store'})(bar)
>>> b('zebra', 3)

This callable object, or something like it, can then be used in a recursive transformer such a the front rendering process to indicate that a function should be crudified, and how.

For example, say we had a mini-language where this

>>> config = {
...     foo: {
...         'preprocesses': Crudify('x y'),
...         'whatevs': 42
...     },
...     bar: {
...         'blahblah': 24
...     }
... }

should be preprocessed in such a way that adds a 'func' key to each item of config which contains a transformed function if a `preprocess function or list of functions is specified, or the original function itself otherwise. The following would implement this:

>>> from typing import Iterable
>>> from i2 import Pipe
>>> def _ensure_iterable(v):
...     if not isinstance(v, Iterable):
...         v = [v]
...     return v
>>> def prepare(config):
...     for func, specs in config.items():
...         if (processes := specs.get('preprocesses', None)) is not None:
...             preprocess = Pipe(*_ensure_iterable(processes))
...             _func = preprocess(func)
...         else:
...             _func = func
...         specs = dict(specs, func=_func)
...         yield func, specs
>>> prepared_configs = dict(prepare(config))

Now get the func value under foo, and see that it has been crudified:

>>> processed_foo = prepared_configs[foo]['func']
>>> processed_foo('stored_two', 'three')
class front.crude.DillFiles(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Serializes and deserializes with dill

front.crude.auto_key(*args, **kwargs) → str

Make a str key from arguments.

>>> auto_key_from_arguments(1,2,c=3,d=4)
>>> auto_key_from_arguments(1,2)
>>> auto_key_from_arguments(c=3,d=4)
>>> auto_key_from_arguments()
front.crude.auto_key_from_arguments(*args, **kwargs) → str[source]

Make a str key from arguments.

>>> auto_key_from_arguments(1,2,c=3,d=4)
>>> auto_key_from_arguments(1,2)
>>> auto_key_from_arguments(c=3,d=4)
>>> auto_key_from_arguments()
front.crude.auto_key_from_time(*args, __format: Union[numbers.Number, str, Callable] = 1000000.0, **kwargs) → str[source]

Make a str key with current timestamp (ignoring arguments)


__format – When a number, will be used as a multiplier of current utc time

>>> auto_key_from_time()  

But auto_key_from_time is really meant to be used with functools.partial to parametrize its __format, such as:

>>> from functools import partial
>>> time_in_ms = partial(auto_key_from_time, __format=1e3)
>>> normal_format = partial(auto_key_from_time, __format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
>>> modulo_1000 = partial(auto_key_from_time, __format=lambda x: int(x % 1000))
>>> time_in_ms()  
>>> normal_format()  
'2022-11-29 12:26:27'
>>> modulo_1000()  
front.crude.crudify_based_on_names(func, *, param_to_mall_map=(), output_store=(), crudifier=<class 'front.crude.Crudifier'>)[source]

Crudify a function based on general

  • func

  • param_to_mall_map

  • output_store

  • crudifier


>>> from functools import partial
>>> def foo(x, y):
...     return x + y
>>> def bar(a, x):
...     return a * x
>>> general_crudifier = partial(
...     crudify_based_on_names,
...     param_to_mall_map={'x': 'x_store'},
...     crudifier=partial(prepare_for_crude_dispatch, mall={'x_store': {'stored_two': 2, 'stored_four': 4}})
... )
>>> foo, bar = map(general_crudifier, [foo, bar])
>>> foo('stored_two', 10)
>>> bar(4, 'stored_four')
front.crude.mk_mall_of_dill_stores(store_names=typing.Iterable[str], rootdir=None)[source]

Make a mall of DillFiles stores

front.crude.simple_mall_dispatch_core_func(key: str, action: str, store_name: str, mall: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]])[source]

Helper function to dispatch a mall

This function is only meant to be a helper to give a UI (GUI, CLI…) mall-exploration capabilities. Namely:

  • list(mall): list the keys of a mall. This is achieved with args:

    (key=None, action=None, store_name=None, mall=mall)

  • mall[store_name]: get a store. Acheived by:

    (key=None, action=None, store_name=store_name, mall=mall)

  • list(mall[store_name]): list keys of a store (of the mall). Acheived by:

    (key=None, action='list', store_name=store_name, mall=mall)

  • list(filter(key, mall[store_name])): list keys of a store (of the mall)

    according to a substring filter. (only keys that have key as substring) (key=key, action='list', store_name=store_name, mall=mall)

  • mall[store_name][key]: get the value/data of a store for key

    (key=key, action='get', store_name=store_name, mall=mall)

  • key – The key

  • action – ‘list’ (to list keys of a store) or ‘get’ (to get the value of key in the store (named store_name)

  • store_name – Store name to look up in mall. If not given, the function will output the mall keys (which are valid store names)

  • mall – dict of stores (Mapping interface to data)


>>> mall = {
...     'english': {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3},
...     'french': {'un': 1, 'deux': 2},
... }

List the keys of a mall:

>>> simple_mall_dispatch_core_func(None, None, None, mall=mall)
['english', 'french']

Get a store

>>> simple_mall_dispatch_core_func(None, None, store_name='english', mall=mall)
{'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}

List keys of a store (of the mall):

>>> simple_mall_dispatch_core_func(
...     None, action='list', store_name='english', mall=mall
... )
['one', 'two', 'three']

List keys of a store (of the mall) according to a substring filter:

>>> simple_mall_dispatch_core_func(
...     'e', action='list', store_name='english', mall=mall
... )
['one', 'three']
>>> simple_mall_dispatch_core_func(
...     'two', action='get', store_name='english', mall=mall
... )