
This module is about generating, validating, and operating on (parametrized) fields (i.e. stings, e.g. paths).

class dol.naming.BigDocTest[source]

# TODO: Fix this test (maybe test assertions aren’t correct) # This happened when we changed some re.compile to safe_compile # >>> # >>> e_name = BigDocTest.mk_e_naming() # >>> u_name = BigDocTest.mk_u_naming() # >>> e_sref = ‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/files/USER/SUBUSER/2017-01-24/1485272231982_1485261448469’ # >>> u_sref = “s3://uploads/GROUP/upload/files/USER/2017-01-24/SUBUSER/a_file.wav” # >>> u_name_2 = “s3://uploads/ANOTHER_GROUP/upload/files/ANOTHER_USER/2017-01-24/SUBUSER/a_file.wav” # >>> # >>> ####### is_valid(self, name): ###### # >>> e_name.is_valid(e_sref) # True # >>> e_name.is_valid(u_sref) # False # >>> u_name.is_valid(u_sref) # True # >>> # >>> ####### is_valid_prefix(self, name): ###### # >>> e_name.is_valid_prefix(‘s3://bucket-‘) # True # >>> e_name.is_valid_prefix(‘s3://bucket-GROUP’) # False # >>> e_name.is_valid_prefix(‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/’) # False # >>> e_name.is_valid_prefix(‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/files’) # False # >>> e_name.is_valid_prefix(‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/files/’) # True # >>> e_name.is_valid_prefix(‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/files/USER/SUBUSER/2017-01-24/’) # True # >>> e_name.is_valid_prefix(‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/files/USER/SUBUSER/2017-01-24/0_0’) # True # >>> # >>> ####### info_dict(self, name): ###### # >>> e_name.info_dict(e_sref) # see that utc_ms args were cast to ints # {‘group’: ‘GROUP’, ‘user’: ‘USER’, ‘subuser’: ‘SUBUSER’, ‘day’: ‘2017-01-24’, ‘s_ums’: 1485272231982, ‘e_ums’: 1485261448469} # >>> u_name.info_dict(u_sref) # returns None (because self was made for example! # {‘group’: ‘GROUP’, ‘user’: ‘USER’, ‘day’: ‘2017-01-24’, ‘subuser’: ‘SUBUSER’, ‘filename’: ‘a_file.wav’} # >>> # but with a u_name, it will work # >>> u_name.info_dict(u_sref) # {‘group’: ‘GROUP’, ‘user’: ‘USER’, ‘day’: ‘2017-01-24’, ‘subuser’: ‘SUBUSER’, ‘filename’: ‘a_file.wav’} # >>> # >>> ####### extract(self, item, name): ###### # >>> e_name.extract(‘group’, e_sref) # ‘GROUP’ # >>> e_name.extract(‘user’, e_sref) # ‘USER’ # >>> u_name.extract(‘group’, u_name_2) # ‘ANOTHER_GROUP’ # >>> u_name.extract(‘user’, u_name_2) # ‘ANOTHER_USER’ # >>>

# # >>> ####### mk_prefix(self, *args, **kwargs): ###### # >>> e_name.mk_prefix() # ‘s3://bucket-’ # >>> e_name.mk_prefix(group=’GROUP’) # ‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/files/’ # >>> e_name.mk_prefix(group=’GROUP’, user=’USER’) # ‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/files/USER/’ # >>> e_name.mk_prefix(group=’GROUP’, user=’USER’, subuser=’SUBUSER’) # ‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/files/USER/SUBUSER/’ # >>> e_name.mk_prefix(group=’GROUP’, user=’USER’, subuser=’SUBUSER’, day=’0000-00-00’) # ‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/files/USER/SUBUSER/0000-00-00/’ # >>> e_name.mk_prefix(group=’GROUP’, user=’USER’, subuser=’SUBUSER’, day=’0000-00-00’, # … s_ums=1485272231982) # ‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/files/USER/SUBUSER/0000-00-00/1485272231982_’ # >>> e_name.mk_prefix(group=’GROUP’, user=’USER’, subuser=’SUBUSER’, day=’0000-00-00’, # … s_ums=1485272231982, e_ums=1485261448469) # ‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/files/USER/SUBUSER/0000-00-00/1485272231982_1485261448469’ # >>> # >>> u_name.mk_prefix() # ‘s3://uploads/’ # >>> u_name.mk_prefix(group=’GROUP’) # ‘s3://uploads/GROUP/upload/files/’ # >>> u_name.mk_prefix(group=’GROUP’, user=’USER’) # ‘s3://uploads/GROUP/upload/files/USER/’ # >>> u_name.mk_prefix(group=’GROUP’, user=’USER’, day=’DAY’) # ‘s3://uploads/GROUP/upload/files/USER/DAY/’ # >>> u_name.mk_prefix(group=’GROUP’, user=’USER’, day=’DAY’) # ‘s3://uploads/GROUP/upload/files/USER/DAY/’ # >>> u_name.mk_prefix(group=’GROUP’, user=’USER’, day=’DAY’, subuser=’SUBUSER’) # ‘s3://uploads/GROUP/upload/files/USER/DAY/SUBUSER/’ # >>> # >>> ####### mk(self, *args, **kwargs): ###### # >>>’GROUP’, user=’USER’, subuser=’SUBUSER’, day=’0000-00-00’, # … s_ums=1485272231982, e_ums=1485261448469) # ‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/files/USER/SUBUSER/0000-00-00/1485272231982_1485261448469’ # >>>’GROUP’, user=’USER’, subuser=’SUBUSER’, day=’from_s_ums’, # … s_ums=1485272231982, e_ums=1485261448469) # ‘s3://bucket-GROUP/example/files/USER/SUBUSER/2017-01-24/1485272231982_1485261448469’ # >>> # >>> ####### replace_name_elements(self, *args, **kwargs): ###### # >>> name = ‘s3://bucket-redrum/example/files/’ # >>> e_name.replace_name_elements(name, user=’NEW_USER’, group=’NEW_GROUP’) # ‘s3://bucket-NEW_GROUP/example/files/NEW_USER/ozeip/2008-11-04/1225779243969_1225779246969’


alias of KeyMaps

class dol.naming.KeyMaps(key_of_id, id_of_key)

Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


alias of StrTupleDictWithPrefix

class dol.naming.ParametricKeyStore(store, keymap=None)[source]
class dol.naming.PartialFormatter[source]

A string formatter that won’t complain if the fields are only partially formatted. But note that you will lose the spec part of your template (e.g. in {foo:1.2f}, you’ll loose the 1.2f if not foo is given – but {foo} will remain).

>>> partial_formatter = PartialFormatter()
>>> str_template = 'foo:{foo} bar={bar} a={a} b={b:0.02f} c={c}'
>>> partial_formatter.format(str_template, bar="BAR", b=34)
'foo:{foo} bar=BAR a={a} b=34.00 c={c}'

Note: If you only need a formatting function (not the transformed formatting string), a simpler solution may be: ` import functools format_str = functools.partial(str_template.format, bar="BAR", b=34) ` See for more options and discussions.

class dol.naming.StoreWithDictKeys(store, keymap=None)[source]
class dol.naming.StoreWithNamedTupleKeys(store, keymap=None)[source]
class dol.naming.StoreWithTupleKeys(store, keymap=None)[source]
class dol.naming.StrTupleDictWithPrefix(template: str | tuple | list, format_dict=None, process_kwargs=None, process_info_dict=None, named_tuple_type_name='NamedTuple', sep: str = '/')[source]

Converting from and to strings, tuples, and dicts, but with partial “prefix” specs allowed.

  • template – The string format template

  • format_dict – A {field_name: field_value_format_regex, …} dict

  • process_kwargs – A function taking the field=value pairs and producing a dict of processed {field: value,…} dict (where both fields and values could have been processed. This is useful when we need to process (format, default, etc.) fields, or their values, according to the other fields of values in the collection. A specification of {field: function_to_process_this_value,…} wouldn’t allow the full powers we are allowing here.

  • process_info_dict – A sort of converse of format_dict. This is a {field_name: field_conversion_func, …} dict that is used to convert info_dict values before returning them.

  • name_separator – Used

>>> ln = StrTupleDictWithPrefix('/home/{user}/fav/{num}.txt',
...                   format_dict={'user': '[^/]+', 'num': r'\d+'},
...                   process_info_dict={'num': int},
...                   sep='/'
...                  )
>>>'USER', num=123)  # making a string (with args or kwargs)
>>> ####### prefix methods #######
>>> ln.is_valid_prefix('/home/USER/fav/')
>>> ln.is_valid_prefix('/home/USER/fav/12')  # False because too long
>>> ln.is_valid_prefix('/home/USER/fav')  # False because too short
>>> ln.is_valid_prefix('/home/')  # True because just right
>>> ln.is_valid_prefix('/home/USER/fav/123.txt')  # full path, so output same as is_valid() method
>>> ln.mk_prefix('ME')
>>> ln.mk_prefix(user='YOU', num=456)  # full specification, so output same as same as mk() method

Check if name is a valid prefix. :param s: a string (that might or might not be a valid prefix) :return: True iff name is a valid prefix

dol.naming.dict_to_namedtuple(d, namedtuple_obj=None)[source]
>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> NT = namedtuple('MyTuple', ('foo', 'hello'))
>>> nt = NT(1, 42)
>>> nt
MyTuple(foo=1, hello=42)
>>> d = namedtuple_to_dict(nt)
>>> d
{'foo': 1, 'hello': 42}
>>> dict_to_namedtuple(d)
NamedTupleFromDict(foo=1, hello=42)
>>> dict_to_namedtuple(d, nt)
MyTuple(foo=1, hello=42)

Get list from {item} items of template string :param template: a “template” string (a string with {item} items – the kind that is used to mark token for str.format) :return: a list of the token items of the string, in the order they appear

>>> get_fields_from_template('this{is}an{example}of{a}template')
['is', 'example', 'a']

Make a dict transformer from functions that depends solely on keys (of the dict to be transformed) Used to easily make process_kwargs and process_info_dict arguments for LinearNaming.

dol.naming.mk_pattern_from_template_and_format_dict(template, format_dict=None, sep='/')[source]

Make a compiled regex to match template :param template: A format string :param format_dict: A dict whose keys are template fields and values are regex strings to capture them

Returns: a compiled regex

>>> import os
>>> p = mk_pattern_from_template_and_format_dict('{here}/and/{there}')
>>> if == 'nt':  # for windows
...     assert p == re.compile('(?P<here>[^\\\\]+)/and/(?P<there>[^\\\\]+)')
... else:
...     assert p == re.compile('(?P<here>[^/]+)/and/(?P<there>[^/]+)')
>>> p = mk_pattern_from_template_and_format_dict('{here}/and/{there}', {'there': r'\d+'})
>>> if == 'nt':  # for windows
...     assert p == re.compile(r'(?P<here>[^\\\\]+)/and/(?P<there>\d+)')
... else:
...     assert p == re.compile(r'(?P<here>[^/]+)/and/(?P<there>\d+)')
>>> type(p)
<class 're.Pattern'>
>>> p.match('HERE/and/1234').groupdict()
{'here': 'HERE', 'there': '1234'}
dol.naming.mk_store_from_path_format_store_cls(store=None, *, subpath='', store_cls_kwargs=None, key_type=<function namedtuple>, keymap=<class 'dol.naming.StrTupleDict'>, keymap_kwargs=None, name=None, __module__=None, __name__=None, __qualname__=None, __doc__=None, __annotations__=None, __defaults__=None, __kwdefaults__=None)[source]

Wrap a store (instance or class) that uses string keys to make it into a store that uses a specific key format.

  • store – The instance or class to wrap

  • subpath – The subpath (defining the subset of the data pointed at by the URI

  • store_cls_kwargs – # if store is a class, the kwargs that you would have given the store_cls to make itself

  • key_type – The key type you want to interface with: dict, tuple, namedtuple, str or ‘dict’, ‘tuple’, ‘namedtuple’, ‘str’

  • keymap – # the keymap instance or class you want to use to map keys

  • keymap_kwargs – # if keymap is a cls, the kwargs to give it (besides the subpath)

  • name – The name to give the class the function will make here

Returns: An instance of a wrapped class

Example: ``` # Get a (session, bt) indexed LocalJsonStore s = mk_store_from_path_format_store_cls(LocalJsonStore,

os.path.join(root_dir, ‘d’), subpath=’{session}/d/{bt}’, keymap_kwargs=dict(process_info_dict={‘session’: int, ‘bt’: int}))


dol.naming.mk_tupled_store_from_path_format_store_cls(store=None, *, subpath='', store_cls_kwargs=None, key_type=<function namedtuple>, keymap=<class 'dol.naming.StrTupleDict'>, keymap_kwargs=None, name=None, __module__=None, __name__=None, __qualname__=None, __doc__=None, __annotations__=None, __defaults__=None, __kwdefaults__=None)

Wrap a store (instance or class) that uses string keys to make it into a store that uses a specific key format.

  • store – The instance or class to wrap

  • subpath – The subpath (defining the subset of the data pointed at by the URI

  • store_cls_kwargs – # if store is a class, the kwargs that you would have given the store_cls to make itself

  • key_type – The key type you want to interface with: dict, tuple, namedtuple, str or ‘dict’, ‘tuple’, ‘namedtuple’, ‘str’

  • keymap – # the keymap instance or class you want to use to map keys

  • keymap_kwargs – # if keymap is a cls, the kwargs to give it (besides the subpath)

  • name – The name to give the class the function will make here

Returns: An instance of a wrapped class

Example: ``` # Get a (session, bt) indexed LocalJsonStore s = mk_store_from_path_format_store_cls(LocalJsonStore,

os.path.join(root_dir, ‘d’), subpath=’{session}/d/{bt}’, keymap_kwargs=dict(process_info_dict={‘session’: int, ‘bt’: int}))


>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> NT = namedtuple('MyTuple', ('foo', 'hello'))
>>> nt = NT(1, 42)
>>> nt
MyTuple(foo=1, hello=42)
>>> d = namedtuple_to_dict(nt)
>>> d
{'foo': 1, 'hello': 42}
dol.naming.update_fields_of_namedtuple(nt: tuple, *, name_of_output_type=None, remove_fields=(), **kwargs)[source]

Replace fields of namedtuple

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> NT = namedtuple('NT', ('a', 'b', 'c'))
>>> nt = NT(1,2,3)
>>> nt
NT(a=1, b=2, c=3)
>>> update_fields_of_namedtuple(nt, c=3000)  # replacing a single field
NT(a=1, b=2, c=3000)
>>> update_fields_of_namedtuple(nt, c=3000, a=1000)  # replacing two fields
NT(a=1000, b=2, c=3000)
>>> update_fields_of_namedtuple(nt, a=1000, c=3000)  # see that the original order doesn't change
NT(a=1000, b=2, c=3000)
>>> update_fields_of_namedtuple(nt, b=2000, d='hello')  # replacing one field and adding a new one
UpdatedNT(a=1, b=2000, c=3, d='hello')
>>> # Now let's try controlling the name of the output type, remove fields, and add new ones
>>> update_fields_of_namedtuple(nt, name_of_output_type='NewGuy', remove_fields=('a', 'c'), hello='world')
NewGuy(b=2, hello='world')
dol.naming.validate_kwargs(kwargs_to_validate, validation_dict, validation_funs=None, all_kwargs_should_be_in_validation_dict=False, ignore_misunderstood_validation_instructions=False)[source]

Utility to validate a dict. It’s main use is to validate function arguments (expressing the validation checks in validation_dict) by doing validate_kwargs(locals()), usually in the beginning of the function (to avoid having more accumulated variables than we need in locals()) :param kwargs_to_validate: as the name implies… :param validation_dict: A dict specifying what to validate. Keys are usually name of variables (when feeding

locals()) and values are dicts, themselves specifying check:check_val pairs where check is a string that points to a function (see validation_funs argument) and check_val is an object that the kwargs_to_validate value will be checked against.

  • validation_funs – A dict of check:check_function(val, check_val) where check_function is a function returning True if val is valid (with respect to check_val).

  • all_kwargs_should_be_in_validation_dict – If True, will raise an error if kwargs_to_validate contains keys that are not in validation_dict.

  • ignore_misunderstood_validation_instructions – If True, will raise an error if validation_dict contains a key that is not in validation_funs (safer, since if you mistype a key in validation_dict, the function will tell you so!


True if all the validations passed.

>>> validation_dict = {
...     'system': {
...         'be in': {'darwin', 'linux'}
...     },
...     'fv_version': {
...         'be a': int,
...         'be at least': 5
...     }
... }
>>> validate_kwargs({'system': 'darwin'}, validation_dict)
>>> try:
...     validate_kwargs({'system': 'windows'}, validation_dict)
... except AssertionError as e:
...     assert str(e).startswith('system must be in')  # omitting the set because inconsistent order
>>> try:
...     validate_kwargs({'fv_version': 9.9}, validation_dict)
... except AssertionError as e:
...     print(e)
fv_version must be a <class 'int'>
>>> try:
...     validate_kwargs({'fv_version': 4}, validation_dict)
... except AssertionError as e:
...     print(e)
fv_version must be at least 5
>>> validate_kwargs({'fv_version': 6}, validation_dict)