This module contains key-value views of disparate sources.
- class dol.sources.AttrContainer(*objects, _object_namer: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Any], str] = <function _dflt_object_namer>, **named_objects)[source]
Convenience class to hold Key-Val pairs as attribute-val pairs, with all the magic methods of mappings.
On the other hand, you will not get the usuall non-dunders (non magic methods) of
. This is so that you can use tab completion to access only the keys the container has, and not any of the non-dunder methods likeget
, etc.>>> da = AttrContainer(foo='bar', life=42) >>> 'bar' >>> da['life'] 42 >>> da.true = 'love' >>> len(da) # count the number of fields 3 >>> da['friends'] = 'forever' # write as dict >>> da.friends # read as attribute 'forever' >>> list(da) # list fields (i.e. keys i.e. attributes) ['foo', 'life', 'true', 'friends'] >>> 'life' in da # check containement True
>>> del da['friends'] # delete as dict >>> del # delete as attribute >>> list(da) ['life', 'true'] >>> da._source # the hidden Mapping (here dict) that is wrapped {'life': 42, 'true': 'love'}
If you don’t specify a name for some objects,
will use the__name__
attribute of the objects:>>> d = AttrContainer(map, tuple, obj='objects') >>> list(d) ['map', 'tuple', 'obj']
You can also specify a different way of auto naming the objects:
>>> d = AttrContainer('an', 'example', _object_namer=lambda x: f"_{len(x)}") >>> {k: getattr(d, k) for k in d} {'_2': 'an', '_7': 'example'}
See also
Objects in
- class dol.sources.AttrDict(*objects, _object_namer: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Any], str] = <function _dflt_object_namer>, **named_objects)[source]
Convenience class to hold Key-Val pairs with both a dict-like and struct-like interface.
The dict-like interface has just the basic get/set/del/iter/len (all “dunders”: none visible as methods). There is no get, update, etc. This is on purpose, so that the only visible attributes (those you get by tab-completion for instance) are the those you injected.
>>> da = AttrDict(foo='bar', life=42)
You get the “keys as attributes” that you get with
:>>> 'bar'
But additionally, you get the extra
methods:>>> list(da.keys()) ['foo', 'life'] >>> list(da.values()) ['bar', 42] >>> da.get('foo') 'bar' >>> da.get('not_a_key', 'default') 'default'
You can assign through key or attribute assignment:
>>> da['true'] = 'love' >>> da.friends = 'forever' >>> list(da.items()) [('foo', 'bar'), ('life', 42), ('true', 'love'), ('friends', 'forever')]
See also
Objects in
- class dol.sources.Attrs(obj, key_filt=<function not_underscore_prefixed>, getattrs=<built-in function dir>)[source]
A simple recursive KvReader for the attributes of a python object. Keys are attr names, values are Attrs(attr_val) instances.
Note: A more significant version of Attrs, along with many tools based on it, was moved to pypi package: guide.
pip install guide
- update([E, ]**F) None. Update D from mapping/iterable E and F.
If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v
- update_keys_cache(keys)
Updates the _keys_cache by calling its {} method
- class dol.sources.CachedKeysSequenceKvReader(sequence: ~typing.Iterable, key: ~typing.Callable | ~typing.Iterable[str | int] | str | int = None, val: ~typing.Callable | ~typing.Iterable[str | int] | str | int = None, val_postproc=<class 'list'>)[source]
SequenceKvReader but with keys cached. Use this one if you will perform multiple accesses to only some of the keys of the store
- update([E, ]**F) None. Update D from mapping/iterable E and F.
If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v
- update_keys_cache(keys)
Updates the _keys_cache by deleting the attribute
- class dol.sources.CachedSequenceKvReader(key: ~typing.Callable | ~typing.Iterable[str | int] | str | int = None, val: ~typing.Callable | ~typing.Iterable[str | int] | str | int = None, val_postproc=<class 'list'>)[source]
SequenceKvReader but with the whole mapping cached as a dict. Use this one if you will perform multiple accesses to the store
- class dol.sources.CascadedStores(stores: Mapping[Any, Mapping], default: Any = None, *, get_existing_values_only: bool = False, need_to_set_all_stores: bool = False, ignore_non_existing_store_keys: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]
A MutableMapping interface to a collection of stores that will write a value in all the stores it contains, read it from the first store it finds that has it, and write it back to all the stores up to the store where it found it.
This is useful, for example, when you want to, say, write something to disk, and possibly to a remote backup or shared store, but also keep that value in memory.
The name CascadedStores comes from “Cascaded Caches”, which is a common pattern in caching systems (e.g.
To demo this, let’s create a couple of stores that print when they get a value:
>>> from collections import UserDict >>> class LoggedDict(UserDict): ... def __init__(self, name: str): ... = name ... super().__init__() ... def __getitem__(self, k): ... print(f"Getting {k} from {}") ... return super().__getitem__(k) >>> cache = LoggedDict('cache') >>> disk = LoggedDict('disk') >>> remote = LoggedDict('remote')
Now we can create a CascadedStores instance with these stores and write a value to it:
>>> stores = CascadedStores([cache, disk, remote]) >>> stores['f'] = 42
See that it’s in both stores:
>>> cache['f'] Getting f from cache 42 >>> disk['f'] Getting f from disk 42 >>> remote['f'] Getting f from remote 42
See how it reads from the first store only, because it found the f key there:
>>> stores['f'] Getting f from cache 42
Let’s write something in disk only:
>>> disk['g'] = 43
Now if you ask for g, it won’t find it in cache, but will find it in disk and return it. The reason you see the “Getting g from cache” message is because the stores object first tries to get it in cache, and only if it doesn’t find it there, it tries to get it from disk.
>>> stores['g'] Getting g from cache Getting g from disk 43
Here’s the thing though. Now, g is also in cache:
>>> cache {'f': 42, 'g': 43}
But remote still only has f:
>>> remote {'f': 42}
- from_variadics(*args, **kwargs)
A way to create a fan-out store from a mix of args and kwargs, instead of a single dict.
- param args: sub-stores used to fan-out the data. These stores will be
represented by their index in the tuple.
- param kwargs: sub-stores used to fan-out the data. These stores will be
represented by their name in the dict. __init__ arguments can also be passed as kwargs (i.e. default, get_existing_values_only, and any other subclass specific arguments).
Let’s use the same sub-stores:
>>> bytes_store = dict( ... a=b'a', ... b=b'b', ... c=b'c', ... ) >>> metadata_store = dict( ... b=dict(x=2), ... c=dict(x=3), ... d=dict(x=4), ... )
We can create a fan-out reader from these stores, using args:
>>> reader = FanoutReader.from_variadics(bytes_store, metadata_store) >>> reader['b'] {0: b'b', 1: {'x': 2}}
The reader returns a dict with the values from each store, keyed by the index of the store in the args tuple.
We can also create a fan-out reader passing the stores in kwargs:
>>> reader = FanoutReader.from_variadics( ... bytes_store=bytes_store, ... metadata_store=metadata_store ... ) >>> reader['b'] {'bytes_store': b'b', 'metadata_store': {'x': 2}}
This way, the returned value is keyed by the name of the store.
We can also mix args and kwargs:
>>> reader = FanoutReader.from_variadics(bytes_store, metadata_store=metadata_store) >>> reader['b'] {0: b'b', 'metadata_store': {'x': 2}}
Note that the order of the stores is determined by the order of the args and kwargs.
- class dol.sources.FanoutPersister(stores: Mapping[Any, Mapping], default: Any | None = None, *, get_existing_values_only: bool = False, need_to_set_all_stores: bool = False, ignore_non_existing_store_keys: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]
A fanout persister is a fanout reader that can also set and delete items.
param stores: A mapping of store keys to stores. param default: The value to return if the key is not in any of the stores. param get_existing_values_only: If True, only return values for stores that contain
the key.
- param need_to_set_all_stores: If True, all stores must be set when setting a value.
If False, only the stores that are set will be updated.
- param ignore_non_existing_store_keys: If True, ignore store keys from the value that
are not in the persister. If False, a ValueError is raised.
Let’s create a persister from in-memory stores:
>>> bytes_store = dict() >>> metadata_store = dict() >>> persister = FanoutPersister( ... stores = dict(bytes_store=bytes_store, metadata_store=metadata_store) ... )
The persister sets the values in each store, based on the store key in the value dict.
>>> persister['a'] = dict(bytes_store=b'a', metadata_store=dict(x=1)) >>> persister['a'] {'bytes_store': b'a', 'metadata_store': {'x': 1}}
By default, not all stores must be set when setting a value:
>>> persister['b'] = dict(bytes_store=b'b') >>> persister['b'] {'bytes_store': b'b', 'metadata_store': None}
This allow to update a subset of the stores whithout having to set all the stores.
>>> persister['a'] = dict(bytes_store=b'A') >>> persister['a'] {'bytes_store': b'A', 'metadata_store': {'x': 1}}
This behavior can be changed by passing need_to_set_all_stores=True:
>>> persister_all_stores = FanoutPersister( ... stores=dict(bytes_store=dict(), metadata_store=dict()), ... need_to_set_all_stores=True, ... ) >>> persister_all_stores['a'] = dict(bytes_store=b'a') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: All stores must be set when setting a value. Missing stores: {'metadata_store'}
By default, if a store key from the value is not in the persister, a ValueError is raised:
>>> persister['a'] = dict( ... bytes_store=b'a', metadata_store=dict(y=1), other_store='some value' ... ) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The value contains some invalid store keys: {'other_store'}
This behavior can be changed by passing ignore_non_existing_store_keys=True:
>>> persister_ignore_non_existing_store_keys = FanoutPersister( ... stores=dict(bytes_store=dict(), metadata_store=dict()), ... ignore_non_existing_store_keys=True, ... ) >>> persister_ignore_non_existing_store_keys['a'] = dict( ... bytes_store=b'a', metadata_store=dict(y=1), other_store='some value' ... ) >>> persister_ignore_non_existing_store_keys['a'] {'bytes_store': b'a', 'metadata_store': {'y': 1}}
Note that the value of the non-existing store key is ignored! So, be careful when using this option, to avoid losing data.
Let’s delete items now:
>>> del persister['a'] >>> 'a' in persister False
The key as been deleted from all the stores:
>>> 'a' in bytes_store False >>> 'a' in metadata_store False
As expected, if the key is not in any of the stores, a KeyError is raised:
>>> del persister['z'] Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: 'z'
However, if the key is in some of the stores, but not in others, the key is deleted from the stores where it is present:
>>> bytes_store=dict(a=b'a') >>> persister = FanoutPersister( ... stores=dict(bytes_store=bytes_store, metadata_store=dict()), ... ) >>> del persister['a'] >>> 'a' in persister False >>> 'a' in bytes_store False
- class dol.sources.FanoutReader(stores: Mapping[Any, Mapping], default: Any | None = None, *, get_existing_values_only: bool = False)[source]
Get a ‘fanout view’ of a store of stores. That is, when a key is requested, the key is passed to all the stores, and results accumulated in a dict that is then returned.
param stores: A mapping of store keys to stores. param default: The value to return if the key is not in any of the stores. param get_existing_values_only: If True, only return values for stores that contain
the key.
Let’s define the following sub-stores:
>>> bytes_store = dict( ... a=b'a', ... b=b'b', ... c=b'c', ... ) >>> metadata_store = dict( ... b=dict(x=2), ... c=dict(x=3), ... d=dict(x=4), ... )
We can create a fan-out reader from these stores:
>>> stores = dict(bytes_store=bytes_store, metadata_store=metadata_store) >>> reader = FanoutReader(stores) >>> reader['b'] {'bytes_store': b'b', 'metadata_store': {'x': 2}}
The reader returns a dict with the values from each store, keyed by the name of the store.
We can also pass a default value to return if the key is not in the store:
>>> reader = FanoutReader( ... stores=stores, ... default='no value in this store for this key', ... ) >>> reader['a'] {'bytes_store': b'a', 'metadata_store': 'no value in this store for this key'}
If the key is not in any of the stores, a KeyError is raised:
>>> reader['z'] Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: 'z'
We can also pass get_existing_values_only=True to only return values for stores that contain the key:
>>> reader = FanoutReader( ... stores=stores, ... get_existing_values_only=True, ... ) >>> reader['a'] {'bytes_store': b'a'}
- classmethod from_variadics(*args, **kwargs)[source]
A way to create a fan-out store from a mix of args and kwargs, instead of a single dict.
- param args: sub-stores used to fan-out the data. These stores will be
represented by their index in the tuple.
- param kwargs: sub-stores used to fan-out the data. These stores will be
represented by their name in the dict. __init__ arguments can also be passed as kwargs (i.e. default, get_existing_values_only, and any other subclass specific arguments).
Let’s use the same sub-stores:
>>> bytes_store = dict( ... a=b'a', ... b=b'b', ... c=b'c', ... ) >>> metadata_store = dict( ... b=dict(x=2), ... c=dict(x=3), ... d=dict(x=4), ... )
We can create a fan-out reader from these stores, using args:
>>> reader = FanoutReader.from_variadics(bytes_store, metadata_store) >>> reader['b'] {0: b'b', 1: {'x': 2}}
The reader returns a dict with the values from each store, keyed by the index of the store in the args tuple.
We can also create a fan-out reader passing the stores in kwargs:
>>> reader = FanoutReader.from_variadics( ... bytes_store=bytes_store, ... metadata_store=metadata_store ... ) >>> reader['b'] {'bytes_store': b'b', 'metadata_store': {'x': 2}}
This way, the returned value is keyed by the name of the store.
We can also mix args and kwargs:
>>> reader = FanoutReader.from_variadics(bytes_store, metadata_store=metadata_store) >>> reader['b'] {0: b'b', 'metadata_store': {'x': 2}}
Note that the order of the stores is determined by the order of the args and kwargs.
- class dol.sources.FlatReader(readers)[source]
Get a ‘flat view’ of a store of stores. That is, where keys are (first_level_key, second_level_key) pairs. This is useful, for instance, to make a union of stores (you’ll get all the values).
>>> readers = { ... 'fr': {1: 'un', 2: 'deux'}, ... 'it': {1: 'uno', 2: 'due', 3: 'tre'}, ... } >>> s = FlatReader(readers) >>> list(s) [('fr', 1), ('fr', 2), ('it', 1), ('it', 2), ('it', 3)] >>> s[('fr', 1)] 'un' >>> s['it', 2] 'due'
- class dol.sources.FuncReader(funcs: Mapping[str, Callable] | Iterable[Callable])[source]
Reader that seeds itself from a data fetching function list Uses the function list names as the keys, and their returned value as the values.
For example: You have a list of urls that contain the data you want to have access to. You can write functions that bare the names you want to give to each dataset, and have the function fetch the data from the url, extract the data from the response and possibly prepare it (we advise minimally, since you can always transform from the raw source, but the opposite can be impossible).
>>> def foo(): ... return 'bar' >>> def pi(): ... return 3.14159 >>> s = FuncReader([foo, pi]) >>> list(s) ['foo', 'pi'] >>> s['foo'] 'bar' >>> s['pi'] 3.14159
You might want to give your own names to the functions. You might even have to (because the callable you’re using doesn’t have a __name__). In that case, you can specify a
{name: func, ...}
dict instead of a simple iterable.>>> s = FuncReader({'FU': foo, 'Pie': pi}) >>> list(s) ['FU', 'Pie'] >>> s['FU'] 'bar'
- exception dol.sources.NotUnique[source]
Raised when an iterator was expected to have only one element, but had more
- class dol.sources.ObjReader(_obj_of_key: Callable)[source]
A reader that uses a specified function to get the contents for a given key.
>>> # define a contents_of_key that reads stuff from a dict >>> data = {'foo': 'bar', 42: "everything"} >>> def read_dict(k): ... return data[k] >>> pr = ObjReader(_obj_of_key=read_dict) >>> pr['foo'] 'bar' >>> pr[42] 'everything' >>> >>> # define contents_of_key that reads stuff from a file given it's path >>> def read_file(path): ... with open(path) as fp: ... return >>> pr = ObjReader(_obj_of_key=read_file) >>> file_where_this_code_is = __file__
should be the file where this doctest is written, therefore should contain what I just said:>>> 'therefore should contain what I just said' in pr[file_where_this_code_is] True
- class dol.sources.SequenceKvReader(sequence: ~typing.Iterable, key: ~typing.Callable | ~typing.Iterable[str | int] | str | int | None = None, val: ~typing.Callable | ~typing.Iterable[str | int] | str | int | None = None, val_postproc=<class 'list'>)[source]
A KvReader that sources itself in an iterable of elements from which keys and values will be extracted and grouped by key.
>>> docs = [{'_id': 0, 's': 'a', 'n': 1}, ... {'_id': 1, 's': 'b', 'n': 2}, ... {'_id': 2, 's': 'b', 'n': 3}] >>>
Out of the box, SequenceKvReader gives you enumerated integer indices as keys, and the sequence items as is, as vals
>>> s = SequenceKvReader(docs) >>> list(s) [0, 1, 2] >>> s[1] {'_id': 1, 's': 'b', 'n': 2} >>> assert s.get('not_a_key') is None
You can make it more interesting by specifying a val function to compute the vals from the sequence elements
>>> s = SequenceKvReader(docs, val=lambda x: (x['_id'] + x['n']) * x['s']) >>> assert list(s) == [0, 1, 2] # as before >>> list(s.values()) ['a', 'bbb', 'bbbbb']
But where it becomes more useful is when you specify a key as well. SequenceKvReader will then compute the keys with that function, group them, and return as the value, the list of sequence elements that match that key.
>>> s = SequenceKvReader(docs, ... key=lambda x: x['s'], ... val=lambda x: {k: x[k] for k in x.keys() - {'s'}}) >>> assert list(s) == ['a', 'b'] >>> assert s['a'] == [{'_id': 0, 'n': 1}] >>> assert s['b'] == [{'_id': 1, 'n': 2}, {'_id': 2, 'n': 3}]
The cannonical form of key and val is a function, but if you specify a str, int, or iterable thereof, SequenceKvReader will make an itemgetter function from it, for your convenience.
>>> s = SequenceKvReader(docs, key='_id') >>> assert list(s) == [0, 1, 2] >>> assert s[1] == [{'_id': 1, 's': 'b', 'n': 2}]
argument islist
by default, but what if we don’t specify any? Well then you’ll get an unconsumed iterable of matches>>> s = SequenceKvReader(docs, key='_id', val_postproc=None) >>> assert isinstance(s[1], Iterable)
argument specifies what to apply to this iterable of matches. For example, you can specifyval_postproc=next
to simply get the first matched element:>>> s = SequenceKvReader(docs, key='_id', val_postproc=next) >>> assert list(s) == [0, 1, 2] >>> assert s[1] == {'_id': 1, 's': 'b', 'n': 2}
We got the whole dict there. What if we just want we didn’t want the _id, which is used by the key, in our val?
>>> from functools import partial >>> all_but_s = partial(exclusive_subdict, exclude=['s']) >>> s = SequenceKvReader(docs, key='_id', val=all_but_s, val_postproc=next) >>> assert list(s) == [0, 1, 2] >>> assert s[1] == {'_id': 1, 'n': 2}
Suppose we want to have the pair of (‘_id’, ‘n’) values as a key, and only ‘s’ as a value…
>>> s = SequenceKvReader(docs, key=('_id', 'n'), val='s', val_postproc=next) >>> assert list(s) == [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)] >>> assert s[1, 2] == 'b'
But remember that using
will only give you the first match as a val.>>> s = SequenceKvReader(docs, key='s', val=all_but_s, val_postproc=next) >>> assert list(s) == ['a', 'b'] >>> assert s['a'] == {'_id': 0, 'n': 1} >>> assert s['b'] == {'_id': 1, 'n': 2} # note that only the first match is returned.
If you do want to only grab the first match, but want to additionally assert that there is no more than one, you can specify this with
:>>> s = SequenceKvReader(docs, key='s', val=all_but_s, val_postproc=unique_element) >>> assert s['a'] == {'_id': 0, 'n': 1} >>> # The following should raise an exception since there's more than one match >>> s['b'] Traceback (most recent call last): ... sources.NotUnique: iterator had more than one element