
Signature calculus: Tools to make it easier to work with function’s signatures.

How to:

  • get names, kinds, defaults, annotations

  • make signatures flexibly

  • merge two or more signatures

  • give a function a specific signature (with a choice of validations)

  • get an equivalent function with a different order of arguments

  • get an equivalent function with a subset of arguments (like partial)

  • get an equivalent function but with variadic *args and/or **kwargs replaced with

non-variadic args (tuple) and kwargs (dict)

  • make an f(a) function in to a f(a, b=None) function with b ignored

Get names, kinds, defaults, annotations:

>>> def func(z, a: float=1.0, /, b=2, *, c: int=3):
...     pass
>>> sig = Sig(func)
>>> sig.names
['z', 'a', 'b', 'c']
>>> from inspect import Parameter
>>> assert sig.kinds == {
...     'z': Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY,
...     'a': Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY,
...     'b': Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD,
...     'c': Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY
... }
>>> # Note z is not in there (only defaulted params are included)
>>> sig.defaults
{'a': 1.0, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
>>> sig.annotations
{'a': <class 'float'>, 'c': <class 'int'>}

Make signatures flexibly:

>>> Sig(func)
<Sig (z, a: float = 1.0, /, b=2, *, c: int = 3)>
>>> Sig(['a', 'b'])
<Sig (a, b)>
>>> Sig('x y z')
<Sig (x, y, z)>

Merge signatures.

>>> def foo(x): pass
>>> def bar(y: int, *, z=2): pass  # note the * (keyword only) will be lost!
>>> Sig(foo) + ['a', 'b'] + Sig(bar)
<Sig (x, a, b, y: int, z=2)>

Give a function a signature.

>>> @Sig('a b c')
... def func(*args, **kwargs):
...     print(args, kwargs)
>>> Sig(func)
<Sig (a, b, c)>

Notes to the reader

Both in the code and in the docs, we’ll use short hands for parameter (argument) kind.


  • VP = Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL

  • VK = Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD

  • PO = Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY

  • KO = Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY

exception dol.signatures.FuncCallNotMatchingSignature[source]

Raise when the call signature is not valid

exception dol.signatures.IncompatibleSignatures[source]

Raise when two signatures are not compatible. (see for more information on signature compatibility)

class dol.signatures.MissingArgValFor(argname: str)[source]

A simple class to wrap an argument name, indicating that it was missing somewhere.

>>> MissingArgValFor("argname")

alias of dol.signatures.Param

class dol.signatures.Param(name, kind=<_ParameterKind.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: 1>, *, default, annotation)[source]

A thin wrap of Parameters: Adds shorter aliases to argument kinds and a POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD default to the argument kind to make it faster to make Parameter objects

>>> list(map(Param, 'some quick arg params'.split()))
[<Param "some">, <Param "quick">, <Param "arg">, <Param "params">]
>>> from inspect import Signature
>>> P = Param
>>> Signature([P('x', P.PO), P('y', default=42, annotation=int), P('kw', P.KO)])
<Signature (x, /, y: int = 42, *, kw)>
class dol.signatures.Sig(obj: Union[Iterable[inspect.Parameter], inspect.Signature, Mapping[str, inspect.Parameter], Callable, str] = None, *, name=None, return_annotation, __validate_parameters__=True)[source]

A subclass of inspect.Signature that has a lot of extra api sugar, such as

  • making a signature for a variety of input types (callable,

    iterable of callables, parameter lists, strings, etc.)

  • has a dict-like interface

  • signature merging (with operator interfaces)

  • quick access to signature data

  • positional/keyword argument mapping.

# Positional/Keyword argument mapping

In python, arguments can be positional (args) or keyword (kwargs). … sometimes both, sometimes a single one is imposed. … and you have variadic versions of both. … and you can have defaults or not. … and all these different kinds have a particular order they must be in. It’s is mess really. The flexibility is nice – but still; a mess.

You only really feel the mess if you try to do some meta-programming with your functions. Then, methods like normalize_kind can help you out, since you can enforce, and then assume, some stable interface to your functions.

Two of the base methods for dealing with positional (args) and keyword (kwargs) inputs are:

  • kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs: Map some args/kwargs input to a keyword-only

    expression of the inputs. This is useful if you need to do some processing based on the argument names.

  • args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs: Translate a fully keyword expression of some

    inputs into an (args, kwargs) pair that can be used to call the function. (Remember, your function can have constraints, so you may need to do this.

The usual pattern of use of these methods is to use kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs to map all the inputs to their corresponding name, do what needs to be done with that (example, validation, transformation, decoration…) and then map back to an (args, kwargs) pair than can actually be used to call the function.

Examples of methods and functions using these: call_forgivingly, tuple_the_args, extract_kwargs, extract_args_and_kwargs, source_kwargs, and source_args_and_kwargs.

# Making a signature

You can construct a Sig object from a callable,

>>> def f(w, /, x: float = 1, y=1, *, z: int = 1):
...     ...
>>> Sig(f)
<Sig (w, /, x: float = 1, y=1, *, z: int = 1)>

but also from any “ParamsAble” object. Such as… an iterable of Parameter instances, strings, tuples, or dicts:

>>> Sig(
...     [
...         "a",
...         ("b", Parameter.empty, int),
...         ("c", 2),
...         ("d", 1.0, float),
...         dict(name="special", kind=Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, default=0),
...     ]
... )
<Sig (a, b: int, c=2, d: float = 1.0, *, special=0)>
>>> Sig(
...     [
...         "a",
...         "b",
...         dict(name="args", kind=Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL),
...         dict(name="kwargs", kind=Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD),
...     ]
... )
<Sig (a, b, *args, **kwargs)>

The parameters of a signature are like a matrix whose rows are the parameters, and the 4 columns are their properties: name, kind, default, and annotation (the two laste ones being optional). You get a row view when doing Sig(…).parameters.values(), but what if you want a column-view? Here’s how:

>>> def f(w, /, x: float = 1, y=2, *, z: int = 3):
...     ...
>>> s = Sig(f)
>>> s.kinds  
{'w': <_ParameterKind.POSITIONAL_ONLY: 0>,
'x': <_ParameterKind.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: 1>,
'y': <_ParameterKind.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: 1>,
'z': <_ParameterKind.KEYWORD_ONLY: 3>}
>>> s.annotations
{'x': <class 'float'>, 'z': <class 'int'>}
>>> assert (
...     s.annotations == f.__annotations__
... )  # same as what you get in `__annotations__`
>>> s.defaults
{'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}
>>> # Note that it's not the same as you get in __defaults__ though:
>>> assert (
...     s.defaults != f.__defaults__ == (1, 2)
... )  # not 3, since __kwdefaults__ has that!

We can sum (i.e. merge) and subtract (i.e. remove arguments) Sig instances. Also, Sig instance is callable. It has the effect of inserting it’s signature in the input (in __signature__, but also inserting the resulting __defaults__ and __kwdefaults__). One of the intents is to be able to do things like:

>>> import inspect
>>> def f(w, /, x: float = 1, y=1, *, z: int = 1):
...     ...
>>> def g(i, w, /, j=2):
...     ...
>>> @Sig.from_objs(f, g, ["a", ("b", 3.14), ("c", 42, int)])
... def some_func(*args, **kwargs):
...     ...
>>> inspect.signature(some_func)
<Sig (w, i, /, a, x: float = 1, y=1, j=2, b=3.14, c: int = 42, *, z: int = 1)>
>>> sig = Sig(f) + g + ["a", ("b", 3.14), ("c", 42, int)] - "b" - ["a", "z"]
>>> @sig
... def some_func(*args, **kwargs):
...     ...
>>> inspect.signature(some_func)
<Sig (w, i, x: float = 1, y=1, j=2, c: int = 42)>
add_params(params: Iterable)[source]

Creates a new instance of Sig after merging the parameters of this signature with a list of new parameters. The new list of parameters is automatically sorted based on signature constraints given by kinds and default values. See Python native signature documentation for more details.

>>> s = Sig('(a, /, b, *, c)')
>>> s.add_params([
...     Param('kwargs', VK),
...     dict(name='d', kind=KO),
...     Param('args', VP),
...     'e',
...     Param('f', PO),
... ])
<Sig (a, f, /, b, e, *args, c, d, **kwargs)>
property annotations

annotation, …} dict of annotations of the signature. What func.__annotations__ would give you.



args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(kwargs, apply_defaults=False, allow_partial=False, allow_excess=False, ignore_kind=False, args_limit: Optional[int] = 0)[source]

Extract args and kwargs such that func(*args, **kwargs) can be called, where func has instance’s signature.

  • kwargs – The {argname: argval,…} dict to process

  • args_limit

    How “far” in the params should args (positional arguments) be searched for. - args_limit==0: Take the minimum number possible of args (positional

    arguments). Only those that are position only or before a var-positional.

    • args_limit is None: Take the maximum number of args (positional arguments).

      The only kwargs (keyword arguments) you should have are keyword-only and var-keyword arguments.

    • args_limit positive integer: Take the args_limit first argument names

      (of signature) as args, and the rest as kwargs.

>>> def foo(w, /, x: float, y=1, *, z: int = 1):
...     return ((w + x) * y) ** z
>>> foo_sig = Sig(foo)
>>> args, kwargs = foo_sig.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(
...     dict(w=4, x=3, y=2, z=1)
... )
>>> assert (args, kwargs) == ((4,), {"x": 3, "y": 2, "z": 1})
>>> assert foo(*args, **kwargs) == foo(4, 3, 2, z=1) == 14

The args_limit begs explanation. Consider the signature of def foo(w, /, x: float, y=1, *, z: int = 1): … for instance. We could call the function with the following (args, kwargs) pairs: - ((1,), {‘x’: 2, ‘y’: 3, ‘z’: 4}) - ((1, 2), {‘y’: 3, ‘z’: 4}) - ((1, 2, 3), {‘z’: 4}) The two other combinations (empty args or empty kwargs) are not valid because of the / and * constraints.

But when asked for an (args, kwargs) pair, which of the three valid options should be returned? This is what the args_limit argument controls.

If args_limit == 0, the least args (positional arguments) will be returned. It’s the default.

>>> kwargs = dict(w=4, x=3, y=2, z=1)
>>> foo_sig.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(kwargs, args_limit=0)
((4,), {'x': 3, 'y': 2, 'z': 1})

If args_limit is None, the least kwargs (keyword arguments) will be returned.

>>> foo_sig.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(kwargs, args_limit=None)
((4, 3, 2), {'z': 1})

If args_limit is a positive integer, the first args_limit arguments will be returned (not checking at all if this is valid!).

>>> foo_sig.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(kwargs, args_limit=1)
((4,), {'x': 3, 'y': 2, 'z': 1})
>>> foo_sig.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(kwargs, args_limit=2)
((4, 3), {'y': 2, 'z': 1})
>>> foo_sig.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(kwargs, args_limit=3)
((4, 3, 2), {'z': 1})

Note that ‘args_limit’’s behavior is consistent with list behvior in the sense that:

>>> args = (0, 1, 2, 3)
>>> args[:0]
>>> args[:None]
(0, 1, 2, 3)
>>> args[2]

By default, only the arguments that were given in the kwargs input will be returned in the (args, kwargs) output. If you also want to get those that have defaults (according to signature), you need to specify it with the apply_defaults=True argument.

>>> foo_sig.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(dict(w=4, x=3))
((4,), {'x': 3})
>>> foo_sig.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(dict(w=4, x=3), apply_defaults=True)
((4,), {'x': 3, 'y': 1, 'z': 1})

By default, all required arguments must be given. Not doing so will lead to a TypeError. If you want to process your arguments anyway, specify allow_partial=True.

>>> foo_sig.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(dict(w=4))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: missing a required argument: 'x'
>>> foo_sig.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(dict(w=4), allow_partial=True)
((4,), {})

Specifying argument names that are not recognized by the signature will lead to a TypeError. If you want to avoid this (and just take from the input kwargs what ever you can), specify this with allow_excess=True.

>>> foo_sig.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(dict(w=4, x=3, extra='stuff'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Got unexpected keyword arguments: extra
>>> foo_sig.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(dict(w=4, x=3, extra='stuff'),
...     allow_excess=True)
((4,), {'x': 3})

An edge case: When a VAR_POSITIONAL follows a POSITION_OR_KEYWORD

>>> Sig(lambda a, *b, c=2: None).args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(
...     {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3], "c": 4}
... )
((1, [2, 3]), {'c': 4})

See kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs (namely for the description of the arguments.

ch_param_attrs(param_attr, *arg_new_vals, _allow_reordering=False, **kwargs_new_vals)[source]

Change a specific attribute of the params, returning a modified signature. This is a convenience method for the modified method when we’re targetting a fixed param attribute: ‘name’, ‘kind’, ‘default’, or ‘annotation’

Instead of having to do this

>>> def foo(a, *b, **c): ...
>>> Sig(foo).modified(a={'name': 'A'}, b={'name': 'B'}, c={'name': 'C'})
<Sig (A, *B, **C)>

We can simply do this

>>> Sig(foo).ch_param_attrs('name', a='A', b='B', c='C')
<Sig (A, *B, **C)>

One quite useful thing you can do with this is to set defaults, or set defaults where there are none. If you wrap your function with such a modified signature, you get a “curried” version of your function (called “partial” in python). (Note that the functools.wraps won’t deal with defaults “correctly”, but wrapping with Sig objects takes care of that oversight!)

>>> def foo(a, b, c):
...     return a + b * c
>>> special_foo = Sig(foo).ch_param_attrs('default', b=2, c=3)(foo)
>>> Sig(special_foo)
<Sig (a, b=2, c=3)>
>>> special_foo(5)  # should be 5 + 2 * 3 == 11

# TODO: Would like to make this work (reordering) # Now, if you want to set a default for a but not b and c for example, you’ll # get complaints: # # ` # ValueError: non-default argument follows default argument # ` # # will tell you. # # It’s true. But if you’re fine with rearranging the argument order, # ch_param_attrs can take care of that for you. # You’ll have to tell it explicitly that you wish for this though, because # it’s conservative. # # >>> # Note that for time being, Sig.wraps doesn’t make a copy of the function # >>> # so we need to redefine foo here@ # >>> def foo(a, b, c): # … return a + b * c # >>> wrapper = Sig(foo).ch_param_attrs( # … ‘default’, a=10, _allow_reordering=True # … ) # >>> another_foo = wrapper(foo) # >>> Sig(another_foo) # <Sig (b, c, a=10)> # >>> another_foo(2, 3) # should be 10 + (2 * 3) = # 16

property defaults

A {name: default,...} dict of defaults (regardless of kind)

extract_args_and_kwargs(*args, _ignore_kind=True, _allow_partial=False, _apply_defaults=False, _args_limit=0, **kwargs)[source]

Source the (args, kwargs) for the signature instance, ignoring excess arguments.

>>> def foo(w, /, x: float, y=2, *, z: int = 1):
...     return w + x * y ** z
>>> args, kwargs = Sig(foo).extract_args_and_kwargs(4, x=3, y=2)
>>> (args, kwargs) == ((4,), {"x": 3, "y": 2})

The difference with extract_kwargs is that here the output is ready to be called by the function whose signature we have, since the position-only arguments will be returned as args.

>>> foo(*args, **kwargs)

Note that though w is a position only argument, you can specify w=4 as a keyword argument too (by default):

>>> args, kwargs = Sig(foo).extract_args_and_kwargs(w=4, x=3, y=2)
>>> (args, kwargs) == ((4,), {"x": 3, "y": 2})

If you don’t want to allow that, you can say _ignore_kind=False

>>> Sig(foo).extract_args_and_kwargs(w=4, x=3, y=2, _ignore_kind=False)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'w' parameter is positional only, but was passed as a keyword

You can use _allow_partial that will allow you, if set to True, to underspecify the params of a function (in view of being completed later).

>>> Sig(foo).extract_args_and_kwargs(x=3, y=2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: missing a required argument: 'w'

But if you specify _allow_partial=True

>>> args, kwargs = Sig(foo).extract_args_and_kwargs(
...     x=3, y=2, _allow_partial=True
... )
>>> (args, kwargs) == ((), {"x": 3, "y": 2})

By default, _apply_defaults=False, which will lead to only get those arguments you input.

>>> args, kwargs = Sig(foo).extract_args_and_kwargs(4, x=3, y=2)
>>> (args, kwargs) == ((4,), {"x": 3, "y": 2})

But if you specify _apply_defaults=True non-specified non-require arguments will be returned with their defaults:

>>> args, kwargs = Sig(foo).extract_args_and_kwargs(
...     4, x=3, y=2, _apply_defaults=True
... )
>>> (args, kwargs) == ((4,), {"x": 3, "y": 2, "z": 1})
extract_kwargs(*args, _ignore_kind=True, _allow_partial=False, _apply_defaults=False, **kwargs)[source]

Convenience method that calls kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs with defaults, and ignore_kind=True.

Strict in the sense that the kwargs cannot contain any arguments that are not valid argument names (as per the signature).

>>> def foo(w, /, x: float, y="YY", *, z: str = "ZZ"):
...     ...
>>> sig = Sig(foo)
>>> assert (
...     sig.extract_kwargs(1, 2, 3, z=4)
...     == sig.extract_kwargs(1, 2, y=3, z=4)
...     == {"w": 1, "x": 2, "y": 3, "z": 4}
... )

What about var positional and var keywords?

>>> def bar(*args, **kwargs):
...     ...
>>> Sig(bar).extract_kwargs(1, 2, y=3, z=4)
{'args': (1, 2), 'kwargs': {'y': 3, 'z': 4}}

Note that though w is a position only argument, you can specify w=11 as a keyword argument too (by default):

>>> Sig(foo).extract_kwargs(w=11, x=22)
{'w': 11, 'x': 22}

If you don’t want to allow that, you can say _ignore_kind=False

>>> Sig(foo).extract_kwargs(w=11, x=22, _ignore_kind=False)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'w' parameter is positional only, but was passed as a keyword

You can use _allow_partial that will allow you, if set to True, to underspecify the params of a function (in view of being completed later).

>>> Sig(foo).extract_kwargs(x=3, y=2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: missing a required argument: 'w'

But if you specify _allow_partial=True

>>> Sig(foo).extract_kwargs(x=3, y=2, _allow_partial=True)
{'x': 3, 'y': 2}

By default, _apply_defaults=False, which will lead to only get those arguments you input.

>>> Sig(foo).extract_kwargs(4, x=3, y=2)
{'w': 4, 'x': 3, 'y': 2}

But if you specify _apply_defaults=True non-specified non-require arguments will be returned with their defaults:

>>> Sig(foo).extract_kwargs(4, x=3, y=2, _apply_defaults=True)
{'w': 4, 'x': 3, 'y': 2, 'z': 'ZZ'}
get_names(spec, *, conserve_sig_order=True, allow_excess=False)[source]

Return a tuple of names corresponding to the given spec.

  • spec – An integer, string, or iterable of intergers and strings

  • conserve_sig_order – Whether to order according to the signature

  • allow_excess – Whether to allow items in spec that are not in signature

>>> sig = Sig('a b c d e')
>>> sig.get_names(0)
>>> sig.get_names([0, 2])
('a', 'c')
>>> sig.get_names('b')
>>> sig.get_names([0, 'c', -1])
('a', 'c', 'e')

See that by default the order of the signature is conserved:

>>> sig.get_names('b e d')
('b', 'd', 'e')

But you can change that default to conserve the order of the spec instead:

>>> sig.get_names('b e d', conserve_sig_order=False)
('b', 'e', 'd')

By default, you can’t mention names that are not in signature. To allow this (making spec have “extract these” interpretation), set allow_excess=True:

>>> sig.get_names(['a', 'c', 'e', 'g', 'h'], allow_excess=True)
('a', 'c', 'e')
property has_var_keyword

Use index_of_var_keyword or var_keyword_name directly when needing that information as well. This will avoid having to check the kinds list twice.

property has_var_kinds

None).has_var_kinds False >>> Sig(lambda x, *y: None).has_var_kinds True >>> Sig(lambda x, **y: None).has_var_kinds True

>>> Sig(lambda x, *, y
property has_var_positional

Use index_of_var_positional or var_keyword_name directly when needing that information as well. This will avoid having to check the kinds list twice.

property index_of_var_keyword

The index of a VAR_KEYWORD param kind if any, and None if not. See also, Sig.index_of_var_positional

>>> assert Sig(lambda **kwargs: 0).index_of_var_keyword == 0
>>> assert Sig(lambda a, **kwargs: 0).index_of_var_keyword == 1
>>> assert Sig(lambda a, *args, **kwargs: 0).index_of_var_keyword == 2

And if there’s none…

>>> assert Sig(lambda a, *args, b=1: 0).index_of_var_keyword is None
property index_of_var_positional

The index of the VAR_POSITIONAL param kind if any, and None if not. See also, Sig.index_of_var_keyword

>>> assert Sig(lambda x, *y, z: 0).index_of_var_positional == 1
>>> assert Sig(lambda x, /, y, **z: 0).index_of_var_positional == None
is_call_compatible_with(other_sig, *, param_comparator: Callable = None)[source]

Return True if the signature is compatible with other_sig. Meaning that all valid ways to call the signature are valid for other_sig.

kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs(args, kwargs, *, apply_defaults=False, allow_partial=False, allow_excess=False, ignore_kind=False, debug=False)[source]

Extracts a dict of input argument values for target signature, from args and kwargs.

When you need to manage how the arguments of a function are specified, you need to take care of multiple cases depending on whether they were specified as positional arguments (args) or keyword arguments (kwargs).

The kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs (and it’s sorta-inverse inverse, args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs) are there to help you manage this.

If you could rely on the the fact that only kwargs were given it would reduce the complexity of your code. This is why we have the all_pk_signature function in

We also need to have a means to make a kwargs only from the actual (*args, **kwargs) used at runtime. We have Signature.bind (and bind_partial) for that.

But these methods will fail if there is extra stuff in the kwargs. Yet sometimes we’d like to have a dict that services several functions that will extract their needs from it.

That’s where Sig.extract_kwargs(*args, **kwargs) is needed. :param args: The args the function will be called with. :param kwargs: The kwargs the function will be called with. :param apply_defaults: (bool) Whether to apply signature defaults to the non-specified argument names :param allow_partial: (bool) True iff you want to allow partial signature fulfillment. :param allow_excess: (bool) Set to True iff you want to allow extra kwargs items to be ignored. :param ignore_kind: (bool) Set to True iff you want to ignore the position and keyword only kinds,

in order to be able to accept args and kwargs in such a way that there can be cross-over (args that are supposed to be keyword only, and kwargs that are supposed to be positional only)


An {argname: argval, …} dict

See also the sorta-inverse of this function: args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs

>>> def foo(w, /, x: float, y="YY", *, z: str = "ZZ"):
...     ...
>>> sig = Sig(foo)
>>> assert (
...     sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs((11, 22, "you"), dict(z="zoo"))
...     == sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs((11, 22), dict(y="you", z="zoo"))
...     == {"w": 11, "x": 22, "y": "you", "z": "zoo"}
... )

By default, apply_defaults=False, which will lead to only get those arguments you input.

>>> sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs(args=(11,), kwargs={"x": 22})
{'w': 11, 'x': 22}

But if you specify apply_defaults=True non-specified non-require arguments will be returned with their defaults:

>>> sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs(
...     args=(11,), kwargs={"x": 22}, apply_defaults=True
... )
{'w': 11, 'x': 22, 'y': 'YY', 'z': 'ZZ'}

By default, ignore_excess=False, so specifying kwargs that are not in the signature will lead to an exception.

>>> sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs(
...     args=(11,), kwargs={"x": 22, "not_in_sig": -1}
... )
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Got unexpected keyword arguments: not_in_sig

Specifying allow_excess=True will ignore such excess fields of kwargs. This is useful when you want to source several functions from a same dict.

>>> sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs(
...     args=(11,), kwargs={"x": 22, "not_in_sig": -1}, allow_excess=True
... )
{'w': 11, 'x': 22}

On the other side of ignore_excess you have allow_partial that will allow you, if set to True, to underspecify the params of a function (in view of being completed later).

>>> sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs(args=(), kwargs={"x": 22})
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: missing a required argument: 'w'

But if you specify allow_partial=True

>>> sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs(
...     args=(), kwargs={"x": 22}, allow_partial=True
... )
{'x': 22}

That’s a lot of control (eight combinations total), but not everything is controllable here: Position only and keyword only kinds need to be respected:

>>> sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs(args=(1, 2, 3, 4), kwargs={})
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: too many positional arguments
>>> sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs(args=(), kwargs=dict(w=1, x=2, y=3, z=4))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'w' parameter is positional only, but was passed as a keyword

But if you want to ignore the kind of parameter, just say so:

>>> sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs(
...     args=(1, 2, 3, 4), kwargs={}, ignore_kind=True
... )
{'w': 1, 'x': 2, 'y': 3, 'z': 4}
>>> sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs(
...     args=(), kwargs=dict(w=1, x=2, y=3, z=4), ignore_kind=True
... )
{'w': 1, 'x': 2, 'y': 3, 'z': 4}
merge_with_sig(sig: Union[Iterable[inspect.Parameter], inspect.Signature, Mapping[str, inspect.Parameter], Callable, str], ch_to_all_pk: bool = False, *, default_conflict_method: str = 'strict')[source]

Return a signature obtained by merging self signature with another signature. Insofar as it can, given the kind precedence rules, the arguments of self will appear first.

  • sig – The signature to merge with.

  • ch_to_all_pk – Whether to change all kinds of both signatures to PK (


>>> def func(a=None, *, b=1, c=2):
...     ...
>>> s = Sig(func)
>>> s
<Sig (a=None, *, b=1, c=2)>

Observe where the new arguments d and e are placed, according to whether they have defaults and what their kind is:

>>> s.merge_with_sig(["d", "e"])
<Sig (d, e, a=None, *, b=1, c=2)>
>>> s.merge_with_sig(["d", ("e", 4)])
<Sig (d, a=None, e=4, *, b=1, c=2)>
>>> s.merge_with_sig(["d", dict(name="e", kind=KO, default=4)])
<Sig (d, a=None, *, b=1, c=2, e=4)>
>>> s.merge_with_sig(
...     [dict(name="d", kind=KO), dict(name="e", kind=KO, default=4)]
... )
<Sig (a=None, *, d, b=1, c=2, e=4)>

If the kind of the params is not important, but order is, you can specify ch_to_all_pk=True:

>>> s.merge_with_sig(["d", "e"], ch_to_all_pk=True)
<Sig (d, e, a=None, b=1, c=2)>
>>> s.merge_with_sig([("d", 3), ("e", 4)], ch_to_all_pk=True)
<Sig (a=None, b=1, c=2, d=3, e=4)>
modified(_allow_reordering=False, **changes_for_name)[source]

Returns a modified (new) signature object.

Note: This function doesn’t modify the signature, but creates a modified copy of the signature.

IMPORTANT WARNING: This is an advanced feature. Avoid wrapping a function with a modified signature, as this may not have the intended effect.

>>> def foo(pka, *vpa, koa, **vka): ...
>>> sig = Sig(foo)
>>> sig
<Sig (pka, *vpa, koa, **vka)>
>>> assert sig.kinds['pka'] == PK
Let’s make a signature that is the same as sig, except that
  • poa is given a PO (POSITIONAL_ONLY) kind insteadk of PK

  • koa is given a default of None

  • the signature is given a return_annotation of str

>>> new_sig = sig.modified(
...     pka={'kind': PO},
...     koa={'default': None},
...     return_annotation=str
... )
>>> new_sig
<Sig (pka, /, *vpa, koa=None, **vka) -> str>
>>> assert new_sig.kinds['pka'] == PO  # now pos is of the PO kind!

Here’s an example of changing signature parameters in bulk. Here we change all kinds to be the friendly PK kind.

>>> sig.modified(**{name: {'kind': PK} for name in sig.names})
<Sig (pka, vpa, koa, vka)>

Repetition of the above: This gives you a signature with all PK kinds. If you wrap a function with it, it will look like it has all PK kinds. But that doesn’t mean you can actually use thenm as such. You’ll need to modify (decorate further) your function further to reflect its new signature.

On the other hand, if you decorate a function with a sig that adds or modifies defaults, these defaults will actually be used (unlike with functools.wraps).

property n_required

The number of required arguments. A required argument is one that doesn’t have a default, nor is VAR_POSITIONAL (*args) or VAR_KEYWORD (**kwargs). Note: Sometimes a minimum number of arguments in VAR_POSITIONAL and VAR_KEYWORD are in fact required, but we can’t see this from the signature, so we can’t tell you about that! You do the math.

>>> f = lambda a00, /, a11, a12, *a23, a34, a35=1, a36='two', **a47: None
>>> Sig(f).n_required

Get the arg names tuple for a given kind. Note, if you need to do this several times, or for several kinds, use names_of_kind property (a tuple) instead: It groups all names of kinds once, and caches the result.

property params

Just list(self.parameters.values()), because that’s often what we want. Why a Sig.params property when we already have a Sig.parameters property?

Well, as much as is boggles my mind, it so happens that the Signature.parameters is a name->Parameter mapping, but the Signature argument parameters, though baring the same name, is expected to be a list of Parameter instances.

So Sig.params is there to restore semantic consistence sanity.

property required_names

A tuple of required names, preserving the original signature order.

A required name is that must be given in a function call, that is, the name of a paramater that doesn’t have a default, and is not a variadic.

That lost one is a frequent gotcha, so oo not fall in that gotcha that easily, we provide a property that contains what we need.

>>> f = lambda a00, /, a11, a12, *a23, a34, a35=1, a36='two', **a47: None
>>> Sig(f).required_names
('a00', 'a11', 'a12', 'a34')
classmethod sig_or_default(obj, default_signature=<Signature (*no_sig_args, **no_sig_kwargs)>)[source]

Returns a Sig instance, or a default signature if there was a ValueError trying to construct it.

For example, time.time doesn’t have a signature

>>> import time
>>> has_signature(time.time)

But we can tell Sig to give it the default one:

>>> str(Sig.sig_or_default(time.time))
'(*no_sig_args, **no_sig_kwargs)'

That’s the default signature, which should work for most purposes. You can also specify what the default should be though.

>>> fake_signature = Sig(lambda *time_takes_no_arguments: ...)
>>> str(Sig.sig_or_default(time.time, fake_signature))

Careful though. If you assign a signature to a function that is not aligned with that actually functioning of the function, bad things will happen. In this case, the actual signature of time is the empty signature:

>>> str(Sig.sig_or_default(time.time, Sig(lambda: ...)))
classmethod sig_or_none(obj)[source]

Returns a Sig instance, or None if there was a ValueError trying to construct it. One use case is to be able to tell if an object has a signature or not.

>>> robust_has_signature = lambda obj: bool(Sig.sig_or_none(obj))
>>> robust_has_signature(robust_has_signature)  # an easy case
>>> robust_has_signature(
...     Sig
... )  # another easy one: This time, a type/class (which is callable, yes)

But here’s where it get’s interesting. print, a builtin, doesn’t have a signature through inspect.signature.

>>> has_signature(print)

But we do get one with robust_has_signature

>>> robust_has_signature(print)
source_args_and_kwargs(*args, _ignore_kind=True, _allow_partial=False, _apply_defaults=False, **kwargs)[source]

Source the (args, kwargs) for the signature instance, ignoring excess arguments.

>>> def foo(w, /, x: float, y=2, *, z: int = 1):
...     return w + x * y ** z
>>> args, kwargs = Sig(foo).source_args_and_kwargs(
...     4, x=3, y=2, extra="keywords", are="ignored"
... )
>>> assert (args, kwargs) == ((4,), {"x": 3, "y": 2})

The difference with source_kwargs is that here the output is ready to be called by the function whose signature we have, since the position-only arguments will be returned as args.

>>> foo(*args, **kwargs)

Note that though w is a position only argument, you can specify w=4 as a keyword argument too (by default):

>>> args, kwargs = Sig(foo).source_args_and_kwargs(
...     w=4, x=3, y=2, extra="keywords", are="ignored"
... )
>>> assert (args, kwargs) == ((4,), {"x": 3, "y": 2})

If you don’t want to allow that, you can say _ignore_kind=False

>>> Sig(foo).source_args_and_kwargs(
...     w=4, x=3, y=2, extra="keywords", are="ignored", _ignore_kind=False
... )
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'w' parameter is positional only, but was passed as a keyword

You can use _allow_partial that will allow you, if set to True, to underspecify the params of a function (in view of being completed later).

>>> Sig(foo).source_args_and_kwargs(x=3, y=2, extra="keywords", are="ignored")
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: missing a required argument: 'w'

But if you specify _allow_partial=True

>>> args, kwargs = Sig(foo).source_args_and_kwargs(
...     x=3, y=2, extra="keywords", are="ignored", _allow_partial=True
... )
>>> (args, kwargs) == ((), {"x": 3, "y": 2})

By default, _apply_defaults=False, which will lead to only get those arguments you input.

>>> args, kwargs = Sig(foo).source_args_and_kwargs(
...     4, x=3, y=2, extra="keywords", are="ignored"
... )
>>> (args, kwargs) == ((4,), {"x": 3, "y": 2})

But if you specify _apply_defaults=True non-specified non-require arguments will be returned with their defaults:

>>> args, kwargs = Sig(foo).source_args_and_kwargs(
...     4, x=3, y=2, extra="keywords", are="ignored", _apply_defaults=True
... )
>>> (args, kwargs) == ((4,), {"x": 3, "y": 2, "z": 1})
source_kwargs(*args, _ignore_kind=True, _allow_partial=False, _apply_defaults=False, **kwargs)[source]

Source the kwargs for the signature instance, ignoring excess arguments.

>>> def foo(w, /, x: float, y="YY", *, z: str = "ZZ"):
...     ...
>>> Sig(foo).source_kwargs(11, x=22, extra="keywords", are="ignored")
{'w': 11, 'x': 22}

Note that though w is a position only argument, you can specify w=11 as a keyword argument too (by default):

>>> Sig(foo).source_kwargs(w=11, x=22, extra="keywords", are="ignored")
{'w': 11, 'x': 22}

If you don’t want to allow that, you can say _ignore_kind=False

>>> Sig(foo).source_kwargs(
...     w=11, x=22, extra="keywords", are="ignored", _ignore_kind=False
... )
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'w' parameter is positional only, but was passed as a keyword

You can use _allow_partial that will allow you, if set to True, to underspecify the params of a function (in view of being completed later).

>>> Sig(foo).source_kwargs(x=3, y=2, extra="keywords", are="ignored")
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: missing a required argument: 'w'

But if you specify _allow_partial=True

>>> Sig(foo).source_kwargs(
...     x=3, y=2, extra="keywords", are="ignored", _allow_partial=True
... )
{'x': 3, 'y': 2}

By default, _apply_defaults=False, which will lead to only get those arguments you input.

>>> Sig(foo).source_kwargs(4, x=3, y=2, extra="keywords", are="ignored")
{'w': 4, 'x': 3, 'y': 2}

But if you specify _apply_defaults=True non-specified non-require arguments will be returned with their defaults:

>>> Sig(foo).source_kwargs(
...     4, x=3, y=2, extra="keywords", are="ignored", _apply_defaults=True
... )
{'w': 4, 'x': 3, 'y': 2, 'z': 'ZZ'}

The dict of keyword arguments to make this signature instance.

>>> def f(w, /, x: float = 2, y=1, *, z: int = 0) -> float:
...     ...
>>> Sig(f).to_signature_kwargs()  
    [<Parameter "w">,
    <Parameter "x: float = 2">,
    <Parameter "y=1">,
    <Parameter "z: int = 0">],
'return_annotation': <class 'float'>}

Note that this does NOT return: ```

{‘parameters’: self.parameters, ‘return_annotation’: self.return_annotation}

` which would not actually work as keyword arguments of ``Signature. Yeah, I know. Don’t ask me, ask the authors of Signature!

Instead, parammeters will be list(self.parameters.values()), which does work.


A builtin inspect.Signature instance equivalent (i.e. without the extra properties and methods)

>>> def f(w, /, x: float = 2, y=1, *, z: int = 0):
...     ...
>>> Sig(f).to_simple_signature()
<Signature (w, /, x: float = 2, y=1, *, z: int = 0)>
property with_defaults

Sub-signature containing only “not required” (i.e. with defaults) parameters.

>>> list(Sig(lambda *args, a, b, x=1, y=1, **kwargs: ...).with_defaults)
['args', 'x', 'y', 'kwargs']
property without_defaults

Sub-signature containing only “required” (i.e. without defaults) parameters.

>>> list(Sig(lambda *args, a, b, x=1, y=1, **kwargs: ...).without_defaults)
['a', 'b']
wrap(func: Callable, ignore_incompatible_signatures: bool = True, *, copy_function: Union[bool, Callable] = False)[source]

Gives the input function the signature.

This is similar to the functools.wraps function, but parametrized by a signature (not a callable). Also, where as both write to the input func’s __signature__ attribute, here we also write to - __defaults__ and __kwdefaults__, extracting these from __signature__

(functools.wraps doesn’t do that at the time of writing this (see

  • __annotations__ (also extracted from __signature__)

  • does not write to __module__, __name__, __qualname__, __doc__

    (because again, we’re basinig the injecton on a signature, not a function, so we have no name, doc, etc…)

WARNING: The fact that you’ve modified the signature of your function doesn’t mean that the decorated function will work as expected (or even work at all). See below for examples.

>>> def f(w, /, x: float = 1, y=2, z: int = 3):
...     return w + x * y ** z
>>> f(0, 1)  # 0 + 1 * 2 ** 3
>>> f.__defaults__
(1, 2, 3)
>>> assert 8 == f(0) == f(0, 1) == f(0, 1, 2) == f(0, 1, 2, 3)

Now let’s create a very similar function to f, but where: - w is not position-only - x annot is int instead of float, and doesn’t have a default - z’s default changes to 10

>>> def g(w, x: int, y=2, z: int = 10):
...     return w + x * y ** z
>>> s = Sig(g)
>>> f = s.wrap(f)
>>> import inspect
>>> inspect.signature(f)  # see that
<Sig (w, x: int, y=2, z: int = 10)>
>>> # But (unlike with functools.wraps) here we get __defaults__ and
>>> f.__defaults__  # see that x has no more default & z's default is now 10
(2, 10)
>>> f(
...     0, 1
... )  # see that now we get a different output because using different defaults

Remember that you are modifying the signature, not the function itself. Signature changes in defaults will indeed change the function’s behavior. But changes in name or kind will only be reflected in the signature, and misalignment with the wrapped function will lead to unexpected results.

>>> def f(w, /, x: float = 1, y=2, *, z: int = 3):
...     return w + x * y ** z
>>> f(0)  # 0 + 1 * 2 ** 3
>>> f(0, 1, 2, 3)  # error expected!
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: f() takes from 1 to 3 positional arguments but 4 were given

But if you try to remove the argument kind constraint by just changing the signature, you’ll fail.

>>> def g(w, x: float = 1, y=2, z: int = 3):
...     return w + x * y ** z
>>> f = Sig(g).wrap(f)
>>> f(0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: f() missing 1 required keyword-only argument: 'z'
>>> f(0, 1, 2, 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: f() takes from 0 to 3 positional arguments but 4 were given

TODO: Give more explanations why this is.

dol.signatures.all_pk_signature(callable_or_signature: Union[Callable, inspect.Signature])[source]

Changes all (non-variadic) arguments to be of the PK (POSITION_OR_KEYWORD) kind.

Wrapping a function with the resulting signature doesn’t make that function callable with PK kinds in itself. It just gives it a signature without position and keyword ONLY kinds. It should be used to wrap such a function that actually carries out the implementation though!

>>> def foo(w, /, x: float, y=1, *, z: int = 1, **kwargs):
...     ...
>>> def bar(*args, **kwargs):
...     ...
>>> from inspect import signature
>>> new_foo = all_pk_signature(foo)
>>> Sig(new_foo)
<Sig (w, x: float, y=1, z: int = 1, **kwargs)>
>>> all_pk_signature(signature(foo))
<Sig (w, x: float, y=1, z: int = 1, **kwargs)>

But note that the variadic arguments *args and **kwargs remain variadic:

>>> all_pk_signature(signature(bar))
<Signature (*args, **kwargs)>

It works with Sig too (since Sig is a Signature), and maintains it’s other attributes (like name).

>>> sig = all_pk_signature(Sig(bar))
>>> sig
<Sig (*args, **kwargs)>

See also: i2.wrappers.nice_kinds

dol.signatures.assure_params(obj: Union[Iterable[inspect.Parameter], inspect.Signature, Mapping[str, inspect.Parameter], Callable, str] = None)

Get an interable of Parameter instances from an object.




From a callable:

>>> def f(w, /, x: float = 1, y=1, *, z: int = 1):
...     ...
>>> ensure_params(f)
[<Parameter "w">, <Parameter "x: float = 1">, <Parameter "y=1">, <Parameter "z: int = 1">]

From an iterable of strings, dicts, or tuples

>>> ensure_params(
...     [
...         "xyz",
...         (
...             "b",
...             Parameter.empty,
...             int,
...         ),  # if you want an annotation without a default use Parameter.empty
...         (
...             "c",
...             2,
...         ),  # if you just want a default, make it the second element of your tup
...         dict(name="d", kind=Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD),
...     ]
... )  # all kinds are by default PK: Use dict to specify otherwise.
[<Param "xyz">, <Param "b: int">, <Param "c=2">, <Param "**d">]

If no input is given, an empty list is returned.

>>> ensure_params()  # equivalent to ensure_params(None)
dol.signatures.call_forgivingly(func, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Call function on given args and kwargs, but only taking what the function needs (not choking if they’re extras variables)

Tip: If you into trouble because your kwargs has a ‘func’ key, (which would then clash with the func param of call_forgivingly), then use _call_forgivingly instead, specifying args and kwargs as tuple and dict.

>>> def foo(a, b: int = 0, c=None) -> int:
...     return "foo", (a, b, c)
>>> call_forgivingly(
...     foo,  # the function you want to call
...     "input for a",  # meant for a -- the first (and only) argument foo requires
...     c=42,  # skiping b and giving c a non-default value
...     intruder="argument",  # but wait, this argument name doesn't exist! Oh no!
... )  # well, as it happens, nothing bad -- the intruder argument is just ignored
('foo', ('input for a', 0, 42))

An example of what happens when variadic kinds are involved:

>>> def bar(x, *args1, y=1, **kwargs1):
...     return x, args1, y, kwargs1
>>> call_forgivingly(bar, 1, 2, 3, y=4, z=5)
(1, (2, 3), 4, {'z': 5})

# >>> def bar(x, y=1, **kwargs1): # … return x, y, kwargs1 # >>> call_forgivingly(bar, 1, 2, 3, y=4, z=5) # (1, 4, {‘z’: 5})

# >>> call_forgivingly(bar, 1, 2, 3, y=4, z=5)

# >>> def bar(x, *args1, y=1): # … return x, args1, y # >>> call_forgivingly(bar, 1, 2, 3, y=4, z=5) # (1, (2, 3), {‘z’: 5})

dol.signatures.call_somewhat_forgivingly(func, args, kwargs, enforce_sig: Optional[Union[inspect.Signature, Iterable[inspect.Parameter], Mapping[str, inspect.Parameter], Callable, str]] = None)[source]

Call function on given args and kwargs, but with controllable argument leniency. By default, the function will only pick from args and kwargs what matches it’s signature, ignoring anything else in args and kwargs.

But the real use of call_somewhat_forgivingly kicks in when you specify a enforce_sig: A signature (or any object that can be resolved into a signature through Sig(enforce_sig)) that will be used to bind the inputs, thus validating them against the enforce_sig signature (including extra arguments, defaults, etc.).

call_somewhat_forgivingly helps you do this kind of thing systematically.

>>> f = lambda a: a * 11
>>> assert call_somewhat_forgivingly(f, (2,), {}) == f(2)

In the above, we have no enforce_sig. The real use of call_somewhat_forgivingly is when we ask it to enforce a signature. Let’s do this by specifying a function (no need for it to do anything: Only the signature is used.

>>> g = lambda a, b=None: ...

Calling f on it’s normal set of inputs (one input in this case) gives you the same thing as f:

>>> assert call_somewhat_forgivingly(f, (2,), {}, enforce_sig=g) == f(2)
>>> assert call_somewhat_forgivingly(f, (), {'a': 2}, enforce_sig=g) == f(2)

If you call with an extra positional argument, it will just be ignored.

>>> assert call_somewhat_forgivingly(f, (2, 'ignored'), {}, enforce_sig=g) == f(2)

If you call with a b keyword-argument (which matches g’s signature, it will also be ignored.

>>> assert call_somewhat_forgivingly(
... f, (2,), {'b': 'ignored'}, enforce_sig=g
... ) == f(2)
>>> assert call_somewhat_forgivingly(
...     f, (), {'a': 2, 'b': 'ignored'}, enforce_sig=g
... ) == f(2)

But if you call with three positional arguments (one more than g allows), or call with a keyword argument that is not in g’s signature, it will raise a TypeError:

>>> call_somewhat_forgivingly(f,
...     (2, 'ignored', 'does_not_fit_g_signature_anymore'), {}, enforce_sig=g
... )
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: too many positional arguments
>>> call_somewhat_forgivingly(f,
...     (2,), {'this_argname': 'is not in g'}, enforce_sig=g
... )
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: got an unexpected keyword argument 'this_argname'

Returns a decorated function where all arguments are of the PK kind. (PK: Positional_or_keyword)


func – A callable


>>> def f(a, /, b, *, c=None, **kwargs):
...     return a + b * c
>>> print(Sig(f))
(a, /, b, *, c=None, **kwargs)
>>> ff = ch_func_to_all_pk(f)
>>> print(Sig(ff))
(a, b, c=None, **kwargs)
>>> ff(1, 2, 3)
>>> def g(x, y=1, *args, **kwargs):
...     ...
>>> print(Sig(g))
(x, y=1, *args, **kwargs)
>>> gg = ch_func_to_all_pk(g)
>>> print(Sig(gg))
(x, y=1, args=(), **kwargs)

# >>> def h(x, *y, z): # … print(f”{x=}, {y=}, {z=}”) # >>> h(1, 2, 3, z=4) # x=1, y=(2, 3), z=4 # >>> hh = ch_func_to_all_pk(h) # >>> hh(1, (2, 3), z=4) # x=1, y=(2, 3), z=4

dol.signatures.ch_signature_to_all_pk(callable_or_signature: Union[Callable, inspect.Signature])

Changes all (non-variadic) arguments to be of the PK (POSITION_OR_KEYWORD) kind.

Wrapping a function with the resulting signature doesn’t make that function callable with PK kinds in itself. It just gives it a signature without position and keyword ONLY kinds. It should be used to wrap such a function that actually carries out the implementation though!

>>> def foo(w, /, x: float, y=1, *, z: int = 1, **kwargs):
...     ...
>>> def bar(*args, **kwargs):
...     ...
>>> from inspect import signature
>>> new_foo = all_pk_signature(foo)
>>> Sig(new_foo)
<Sig (w, x: float, y=1, z: int = 1, **kwargs)>
>>> all_pk_signature(signature(foo))
<Sig (w, x: float, y=1, z: int = 1, **kwargs)>

But note that the variadic arguments *args and **kwargs remain variadic:

>>> all_pk_signature(signature(bar))
<Signature (*args, **kwargs)>

It works with Sig too (since Sig is a Signature), and maintains it’s other attributes (like name).

>>> sig = all_pk_signature(Sig(bar))
>>> sig
<Sig (*args, **kwargs)>

See also: i2.wrappers.nice_kinds

dol.signatures.ch_variadics_to_non_variadic_kind(func, *, ch_variadic_keyword_to_keyword=True)[source]

A decorator that will change a VAR_POSITIONAL (*args) argument to a tuple (args) argument of the same name.

Essentially, given a func(a, *b, c, **d) function want to get a new_func(a, b=(), c=None, d={}) that has the same functionality (in fact, calls the original func function behind the scenes), but without where the variadic arguments *b and **d are replaced with a b expecting an iterable (e.g. tuple/list) and d expecting a dict to contain the desired inputs.

Besides this, the decorator tries to be as conservative as possible, making only the minimum changes needed to meet the goal of getting to a variadic-less interface. When it doubt, and error will be raised.

>>> def foo(a, *args, bar, **kwargs):
...     return f"{a=}, {args=}, {bar=}, {kwargs=}"
>>> assert str(Sig(foo)) == '(a, *args, bar, **kwargs)'
>>> wfoo = ch_variadics_to_non_variadic_kind(foo)
>>> str(Sig(wfoo))
'(a, args=(), *, bar, kwargs={})'

And now to do this:

>>> foo(1, 2, 3, bar=4, hello="world")
"a=1, args=(2, 3), bar=4, kwargs={'hello': 'world'}"

We can do it like this instead:

>>> wfoo(1, (2, 3), bar=4, kwargs=dict(hello="world"))
"a=1, args=(2, 3), bar=4, kwargs={'hello': 'world'}"

Note, the outputs are the same. It’s just the way we call our function that has changed.

>>> assert wfoo(1, (2, 3), bar=4, kwargs=dict(hello="world")
... ) == foo(1, 2, 3, bar=4, hello="world")
>>> assert wfoo(1, (2, 3), bar=4) == foo(1, 2, 3, bar=4)
>>> assert wfoo(1, (), bar=4) == foo(1, bar=4)

Note that if there is not variadic positional arguments, the variadic keyword will still be a keyword-only kind.

>>> @ch_variadics_to_non_variadic_kind
... def func(a, bar=None, **kwargs):
...     return f"{a=}, {bar=}, {kwargs=}"
>>> str(Sig(func))
'(a, bar=None, *, kwargs={})'
>>> assert func(1, bar=4, kwargs=dict(hello="world")
...     ) == "a=1, bar=4, kwargs={'hello': 'world'}"

If the function has neither variadic kinds, it will remain untouched.

>>> def func(a, /, b, *, c=3):
...     return a + b + c
>>> ch_variadics_to_non_variadic_kind(func) == func

If you only want the variadic positional to be handled, but leave leave any VARIADIC_KEYWORD kinds (**kwargs) alone, you can do so by setting ch_variadic_keyword_to_keyword=False. If you’ll need to use ch_variadics_to_non_variadic_kind in such a way repeatedly, we suggest you use functools.partial to not have to specify this configuration repeatedly.

>>> from functools import partial
>>> tuple_the_args = partial(ch_variadics_to_non_variadic_kind,
...     ch_variadic_keyword_to_keyword=False
... )
>>> @tuple_the_args
... def foo(a, *args, bar=None, **kwargs):
...     return f"{a=}, {args=}, {bar=}, {kwargs=}"
>>> Sig(foo)
<Sig (a, args=(), *, bar=None, **kwargs)>
>>> foo(1, (2, 3), bar=4, hello="world")
"a=1, args=(2, 3), bar=4, kwargs={'hello': 'world'}"
dol.signatures.common_and_diff_argnames(func1: callable, func2: callable) → dict[source]

Get list of argument names that are common to two functions, as well as the two lists of names that are different

  • func1 – First function

  • func2 – Second function

Returns: A dict with fields ‘common’, ‘func1_not_func2’, and ‘func2_not_func1’

>>> def f(t, h, i, n, k):
...     ...
>>> def g(t, w, i, c, e):
...     ...
>>> common_and_diff_argnames(f, g)
{'common': ['t', 'i'], 'func1_not_func2': ['h', 'n', 'k'], 'func2_not_func1': ['w', 'c', 'e']}
>>> common_and_diff_argnames(g, f)
{'common': ['t', 'i'], 'func1_not_func2': ['w', 'c', 'e'], 'func2_not_func1': ['h', 'n', 'k']}

Copy a function (not sure it works with all types of callables)

dol.signatures.dict_of_attribute_signatures(cls: type) → Dict[str, inspect.Signature][source]

A function that extracts the signatures of all callable attributes of a class.


cls – The class that holds the the (name, func) pairs we want to extract.


A dict of (name, signature(func)) pairs extracted from class.

One of the intended applications is to use dict_of_attribute_signatures as a decorator, like so:

>>> @dict_of_attribute_signatures
... class names_and_signatures:
...     def foo(x: str, *, y=2) -> tuple: ...
...     def bar(z, /) -> float: ...
>>> names_and_signatures
{'foo': <Signature (x: str, *, y=2) -> tuple>, 'bar': <Signature (z, /) -> float>}
dol.signatures.ensure_params(obj: Union[Iterable[inspect.Parameter], inspect.Signature, Mapping[str, inspect.Parameter], Callable, str] = None)[source]

Get an interable of Parameter instances from an object.




From a callable:

>>> def f(w, /, x: float = 1, y=1, *, z: int = 1):
...     ...
>>> ensure_params(f)
[<Parameter "w">, <Parameter "x: float = 1">, <Parameter "y=1">, <Parameter "z: int = 1">]

From an iterable of strings, dicts, or tuples

>>> ensure_params(
...     [
...         "xyz",
...         (
...             "b",
...             Parameter.empty,
...             int,
...         ),  # if you want an annotation without a default use Parameter.empty
...         (
...             "c",
...             2,
...         ),  # if you just want a default, make it the second element of your tup
...         dict(name="d", kind=Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD),
...     ]
... )  # all kinds are by default PK: Use dict to specify otherwise.
[<Param "xyz">, <Param "b: int">, <Param "c=2">, <Param "**d">]

If no input is given, an empty list is returned.

>>> ensure_params()  # equivalent to ensure_params(None)
dol.signatures.extract_arguments(params: Union[Iterable[inspect.Parameter], inspect.Signature, Mapping[str, inspect.Parameter], Callable, str], *, what_to_do_with_remainding='return', include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=False, assert_no_missing_position_only_args=False, **kwargs)[source]

Extract arguments needed to satisfy the params of a callable, dealing with the dirty details.

Returns an (param_args, param_kwargs, remaining_kwargs) tuple where - param_args are the values of kwargs that are PO (POSITION_ONLY) as defined by params, - param_kwargs are those names that are both in params and not in param_args, and - remaining_kwargs are the remaining.

Intended usage: When you need to call a function func that has some position-only arguments, but you have a kwargs dict of arguments in your hand. You can’t just to func( **kwargs). But you can (now) do ` args, kwargs, remaining = extract_arguments(kwargs, func)  # extract from kwargs what you need for func # ... check if remaing is empty (or not, depending on your paranoia), and then call the func: func(*args, **kwargs) ` (And if you doing that a lot: Do put it in a decorator!)

See Also: extract_arguments.without_remainding

The most frequent case you’ll encounter is when there’s no POSITION_ONLY args, your param_args will be empty and you param_kwargs will contain all the arguments that match params, in the order of these params.

>>> from inspect import signature
>>> def f(a, b, c=None, d=0):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(f, b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
((), {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}, {'extra': 'stuff'})

But sometimes you do have POSITION_ONLY arguments. What extract_arguments will do for you is return the value of these as the first element of the triple.

>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(f, b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
((1, 2, 3), {'d': 4}, {'extra': 'stuff'})

Note above how we get (1, 2, 3), the order defined by the func’s signature, instead of (2, 1, 3), the order defined by the kwargs. So it’s the params (e.g. function signature) that determine the order, not kwargs. When using to call a function, this is especially crucial if we use POSITION_ONLY arguments.

See also that the third output, the remaining_kwargs, as {‘extra’: ‘stuff’} since it was not in the params of the function. Even if you include a VAR_KEYWORD kind of argument in the function, it won’t change this behavior.

>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0, **kws):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(f, b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
((1, 2, 3), {'d': 4}, {'extra': 'stuff'})

This is because we don’t want to assume that all the kwargs can actually be included in a call to the function behind the params. Instead, the user can chose whether to include the remainder by doing a: ` param_kwargs.update(remaining_kwargs) ` et voilà.

That said, we do understand that it may be a common pattern, so we’ll do that extra step for you if you specify include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=True.

>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0, **kws):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(
...     f,
...     b=2,
...     a=1,
...     c=3,
...     d=4,
...     extra="stuff",
...     include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=True,
... )
((1, 2, 3), {'d': 4, 'extra': 'stuff'}, {})

If you’re expecting no remainder you might want to just get the args and kwargs ( not this third expected-to-be-empty remainder). You have two ways to do that, specifying:

what_to_do_with_remainding=’ignore’, which will just return the (args, kwargs) pair what_to_do_with_remainding=’assert_empty’, which will do the same, but first assert the remainder is empty

We suggest to use functools.partial to configure the argument_argument you need.

>>> from functools import partial
>>> arg_extractor = partial(
...     extract_arguments,
...     what_to_do_with_remainding="assert_empty",
...     include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=True,
... )
>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0, **kws):
...     ...
>>> arg_extractor(f, b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
((1, 2, 3), {'d': 4, 'extra': 'stuff'})

And what happens if the kwargs doesn’t contain all the POSITION_ONLY arguments?

>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(f, b=2, d="is a kw arg", e="is not an arg at all")
((MissingArgValFor("a"), 2, MissingArgValFor("c")), {'d': 'is a kw arg'}, {'e': 'is not an arg at all'})

A few more examples…

Let’s call extract_arguments with params being not a function, but, a Signature instance, a mapping whose values are Parameter instances, or an iterable of Parameter instances…

>>> def func(a, b, /, c=None, *, d=0, **kws):
...     ...
>>> sig = Signature.from_callable(func)
>>> param_map = sig.parameters
>>> param_iterable = param_map.values()
>>> kwargs = dict(b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
>>> assert extract_arguments(sig, **kwargs) == extract_arguments(func, **kwargs)
>>> assert extract_arguments(param_map, **kwargs) == extract_arguments(
...     func, **kwargs
... )
>>> assert extract_arguments(param_iterable, **kwargs) == extract_arguments(
...     func, **kwargs
... )

Edge case: No params specified? No problem. You’ll just get empty args and kwargs. Everything in the remainder

>>> extract_arguments(params=(), b=2, a=1, c=3, d=0)
((), {}, {'b': 2, 'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'd': 0})
  • params – Specifies what PO arguments should be extracted. Could be a callable, Signature, iterable of Parameters…

  • what_to_do_with_remainding – ‘return’ (default): function will return param_args, param_kwargs, remaining_kwargs ‘ignore’: function will return param_args, param_kwargs ‘assert_empty’: function will assert that remaining_kwargs is empty and then return param_args, param_kwargs

:param include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=False, :param assert_no_missing_position_only_args=False, :param kwargs: The kwargs to extract the args from :return: A (param_args, param_kwargs, remaining_kwargs) tuple.

dol.signatures.extract_arguments_asserting_no_remainder(params: Union[Iterable[inspect.Parameter], inspect.Signature, Mapping[str, inspect.Parameter], Callable, str], *, what_to_do_with_remainding='assert_empty', include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=False, assert_no_missing_position_only_args=False, **kwargs)

Extract arguments needed to satisfy the params of a callable, dealing with the dirty details.

Returns an (param_args, param_kwargs, remaining_kwargs) tuple where - param_args are the values of kwargs that are PO (POSITION_ONLY) as defined by params, - param_kwargs are those names that are both in params and not in param_args, and - remaining_kwargs are the remaining.

Intended usage: When you need to call a function func that has some position-only arguments, but you have a kwargs dict of arguments in your hand. You can’t just to func( **kwargs). But you can (now) do ` args, kwargs, remaining = extract_arguments(kwargs, func)  # extract from kwargs what you need for func # ... check if remaing is empty (or not, depending on your paranoia), and then call the func: func(*args, **kwargs) ` (And if you doing that a lot: Do put it in a decorator!)

See Also: extract_arguments.without_remainding

The most frequent case you’ll encounter is when there’s no POSITION_ONLY args, your param_args will be empty and you param_kwargs will contain all the arguments that match params, in the order of these params.

>>> from inspect import signature
>>> def f(a, b, c=None, d=0):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(f, b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
((), {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}, {'extra': 'stuff'})

But sometimes you do have POSITION_ONLY arguments. What extract_arguments will do for you is return the value of these as the first element of the triple.

>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(f, b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
((1, 2, 3), {'d': 4}, {'extra': 'stuff'})

Note above how we get (1, 2, 3), the order defined by the func’s signature, instead of (2, 1, 3), the order defined by the kwargs. So it’s the params (e.g. function signature) that determine the order, not kwargs. When using to call a function, this is especially crucial if we use POSITION_ONLY arguments.

See also that the third output, the remaining_kwargs, as {‘extra’: ‘stuff’} since it was not in the params of the function. Even if you include a VAR_KEYWORD kind of argument in the function, it won’t change this behavior.

>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0, **kws):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(f, b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
((1, 2, 3), {'d': 4}, {'extra': 'stuff'})

This is because we don’t want to assume that all the kwargs can actually be included in a call to the function behind the params. Instead, the user can chose whether to include the remainder by doing a: ` param_kwargs.update(remaining_kwargs) ` et voilà.

That said, we do understand that it may be a common pattern, so we’ll do that extra step for you if you specify include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=True.

>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0, **kws):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(
...     f,
...     b=2,
...     a=1,
...     c=3,
...     d=4,
...     extra="stuff",
...     include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=True,
... )
((1, 2, 3), {'d': 4, 'extra': 'stuff'}, {})

If you’re expecting no remainder you might want to just get the args and kwargs ( not this third expected-to-be-empty remainder). You have two ways to do that, specifying:

what_to_do_with_remainding=’ignore’, which will just return the (args, kwargs) pair what_to_do_with_remainding=’assert_empty’, which will do the same, but first assert the remainder is empty

We suggest to use functools.partial to configure the argument_argument you need.

>>> from functools import partial
>>> arg_extractor = partial(
...     extract_arguments,
...     what_to_do_with_remainding="assert_empty",
...     include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=True,
... )
>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0, **kws):
...     ...
>>> arg_extractor(f, b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
((1, 2, 3), {'d': 4, 'extra': 'stuff'})

And what happens if the kwargs doesn’t contain all the POSITION_ONLY arguments?

>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(f, b=2, d="is a kw arg", e="is not an arg at all")
((MissingArgValFor("a"), 2, MissingArgValFor("c")), {'d': 'is a kw arg'}, {'e': 'is not an arg at all'})

A few more examples…

Let’s call extract_arguments with params being not a function, but, a Signature instance, a mapping whose values are Parameter instances, or an iterable of Parameter instances…

>>> def func(a, b, /, c=None, *, d=0, **kws):
...     ...
>>> sig = Signature.from_callable(func)
>>> param_map = sig.parameters
>>> param_iterable = param_map.values()
>>> kwargs = dict(b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
>>> assert extract_arguments(sig, **kwargs) == extract_arguments(func, **kwargs)
>>> assert extract_arguments(param_map, **kwargs) == extract_arguments(
...     func, **kwargs
... )
>>> assert extract_arguments(param_iterable, **kwargs) == extract_arguments(
...     func, **kwargs
... )

Edge case: No params specified? No problem. You’ll just get empty args and kwargs. Everything in the remainder

>>> extract_arguments(params=(), b=2, a=1, c=3, d=0)
((), {}, {'b': 2, 'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'd': 0})
  • params – Specifies what PO arguments should be extracted. Could be a callable, Signature, iterable of Parameters…

  • what_to_do_with_remainding – ‘return’ (default): function will return param_args, param_kwargs, remaining_kwargs ‘ignore’: function will return param_args, param_kwargs ‘assert_empty’: function will assert that remaining_kwargs is empty and then return param_args, param_kwargs

:param include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=False, :param assert_no_missing_position_only_args=False, :param kwargs: The kwargs to extract the args from :return: A (param_args, param_kwargs, remaining_kwargs) tuple.

dol.signatures.extract_arguments_ignoring_remainder(params: Union[Iterable[inspect.Parameter], inspect.Signature, Mapping[str, inspect.Parameter], Callable, str], *, what_to_do_with_remainding='ignore', include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=False, assert_no_missing_position_only_args=False, **kwargs)

Extract arguments needed to satisfy the params of a callable, dealing with the dirty details.

Returns an (param_args, param_kwargs, remaining_kwargs) tuple where - param_args are the values of kwargs that are PO (POSITION_ONLY) as defined by params, - param_kwargs are those names that are both in params and not in param_args, and - remaining_kwargs are the remaining.

Intended usage: When you need to call a function func that has some position-only arguments, but you have a kwargs dict of arguments in your hand. You can’t just to func( **kwargs). But you can (now) do ` args, kwargs, remaining = extract_arguments(kwargs, func)  # extract from kwargs what you need for func # ... check if remaing is empty (or not, depending on your paranoia), and then call the func: func(*args, **kwargs) ` (And if you doing that a lot: Do put it in a decorator!)

See Also: extract_arguments.without_remainding

The most frequent case you’ll encounter is when there’s no POSITION_ONLY args, your param_args will be empty and you param_kwargs will contain all the arguments that match params, in the order of these params.

>>> from inspect import signature
>>> def f(a, b, c=None, d=0):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(f, b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
((), {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}, {'extra': 'stuff'})

But sometimes you do have POSITION_ONLY arguments. What extract_arguments will do for you is return the value of these as the first element of the triple.

>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(f, b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
((1, 2, 3), {'d': 4}, {'extra': 'stuff'})

Note above how we get (1, 2, 3), the order defined by the func’s signature, instead of (2, 1, 3), the order defined by the kwargs. So it’s the params (e.g. function signature) that determine the order, not kwargs. When using to call a function, this is especially crucial if we use POSITION_ONLY arguments.

See also that the third output, the remaining_kwargs, as {‘extra’: ‘stuff’} since it was not in the params of the function. Even if you include a VAR_KEYWORD kind of argument in the function, it won’t change this behavior.

>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0, **kws):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(f, b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
((1, 2, 3), {'d': 4}, {'extra': 'stuff'})

This is because we don’t want to assume that all the kwargs can actually be included in a call to the function behind the params. Instead, the user can chose whether to include the remainder by doing a: ` param_kwargs.update(remaining_kwargs) ` et voilà.

That said, we do understand that it may be a common pattern, so we’ll do that extra step for you if you specify include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=True.

>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0, **kws):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(
...     f,
...     b=2,
...     a=1,
...     c=3,
...     d=4,
...     extra="stuff",
...     include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=True,
... )
((1, 2, 3), {'d': 4, 'extra': 'stuff'}, {})

If you’re expecting no remainder you might want to just get the args and kwargs ( not this third expected-to-be-empty remainder). You have two ways to do that, specifying:

what_to_do_with_remainding=’ignore’, which will just return the (args, kwargs) pair what_to_do_with_remainding=’assert_empty’, which will do the same, but first assert the remainder is empty

We suggest to use functools.partial to configure the argument_argument you need.

>>> from functools import partial
>>> arg_extractor = partial(
...     extract_arguments,
...     what_to_do_with_remainding="assert_empty",
...     include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=True,
... )
>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0, **kws):
...     ...
>>> arg_extractor(f, b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
((1, 2, 3), {'d': 4, 'extra': 'stuff'})

And what happens if the kwargs doesn’t contain all the POSITION_ONLY arguments?

>>> def f(a, b, c=None, /, d=0):
...     ...
>>> extract_arguments(f, b=2, d="is a kw arg", e="is not an arg at all")
((MissingArgValFor("a"), 2, MissingArgValFor("c")), {'d': 'is a kw arg'}, {'e': 'is not an arg at all'})

A few more examples…

Let’s call extract_arguments with params being not a function, but, a Signature instance, a mapping whose values are Parameter instances, or an iterable of Parameter instances…

>>> def func(a, b, /, c=None, *, d=0, **kws):
...     ...
>>> sig = Signature.from_callable(func)
>>> param_map = sig.parameters
>>> param_iterable = param_map.values()
>>> kwargs = dict(b=2, a=1, c=3, d=4, extra="stuff")
>>> assert extract_arguments(sig, **kwargs) == extract_arguments(func, **kwargs)
>>> assert extract_arguments(param_map, **kwargs) == extract_arguments(
...     func, **kwargs
... )
>>> assert extract_arguments(param_iterable, **kwargs) == extract_arguments(
...     func, **kwargs
... )

Edge case: No params specified? No problem. You’ll just get empty args and kwargs. Everything in the remainder

>>> extract_arguments(params=(), b=2, a=1, c=3, d=0)
((), {}, {'b': 2, 'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'd': 0})
  • params – Specifies what PO arguments should be extracted. Could be a callable, Signature, iterable of Parameters…

  • what_to_do_with_remainding – ‘return’ (default): function will return param_args, param_kwargs, remaining_kwargs ‘ignore’: function will return param_args, param_kwargs ‘assert_empty’: function will assert that remaining_kwargs is empty and then return param_args, param_kwargs

:param include_all_when_var_keywords_in_params=False, :param assert_no_missing_position_only_args=False, :param kwargs: The kwargs to extract the args from :return: A (param_args, param_kwargs, remaining_kwargs) tuple.

dol.signatures.has_signature(obj, robust=False)[source]

Check if an object has a signature – i.e. is callable and inspect.signature( obj) returns something.

This can be used to more easily get signatures in bulk without having to write try/catches:

>>> from functools import partial
>>> len(
...     list(
...         filter(
...             None,
...             map(
...                 partial(has_signature, robust=False),
...                 (Sig, print, map, filter, Sig.wrap),
...             ),
...         )
...     )
... )

If robust is set to True, has_signature will use Sig to get the signature, so will return True in most cases.

dol.signatures.insert_annotations(s: inspect.Signature, /, *, return_annotation, **annotations)[source]

Insert annotations in a signature. (Note: not really insert but returns a copy of input signature)

>>> from inspect import signature
>>> s = signature(lambda a, b, c=1, d="bar": 0)
>>> s
<Signature (a, b, c=1, d='bar')>
>>> ss = insert_annotations(s, b=int, d=str)
>>> ss
<Signature (a, b: int, c=1, d: str = 'bar')>
>>> insert_annotations(s, b=int, d=str, e=list)  
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: These argument names weren't found in the signature: {'e'}
dol.signatures.is_call_compatible_with(sig1: dol.signatures.Sig, sig2: dol.signatures.Sig, *, param_comparator: Callable[[inspect.Parameter, inspect.Parameter], Comparison] = None) → bool[source]

Return True if sig1 is compatible with sig2. Meaning that all valid ways to call sig1 are valid for sig2.

  • sig1 – The main signature.

  • sig2 – The signature to be compared with.

  • param_comparator – The function used to compare two parameters

>>> is_call_compatible_with(
...     Sig('(a, /, b, *, c)'),
...     Sig('(a, b, c)')
... )
>>> is_call_compatible_with(
...     Sig('()'),
...     Sig('(a)')
... )
>>> is_call_compatible_with(
...     Sig('()'),
...     Sig('(a=0)')
... )
>>> is_call_compatible_with(
...     Sig('(a, /, *, c)'),
...     Sig('(a, /, b, *, c)')
... )
>>> is_call_compatible_with(
...     Sig('(a, /, *, c)'),
...     Sig('(a, /, b=0, *, c)')
... )
>>> is_call_compatible_with(
...     Sig('(a, /, b)'),
...     Sig('(a, /, b, *, c)')
... )
>>> is_call_compatible_with(
...     Sig('(a, /, b)'),
...     Sig('(a, /, b, *, c=0)')
... )
>>> is_call_compatible_with(
...     Sig('(a, /, b, *, c)'),
...     Sig('(*args, **kwargs)')
... )
dol.signatures.is_param_compatible_with(p1: inspect.Parameter, p2: inspect.Parameter, annotation_comparator: Callable[[Compared, Compared], Comparison] = None, default_value_comparator: Callable[[Compared, Compared], Comparison] = None)[source]

Return True if p1 is compatible with p2. Meaning that any value valid for p1 is valid for p2.

  • p1 – The main parameter.

  • p2 – The parameter to be compared with.

  • annotation_comparator – The function used to compare the annotations

  • default_value_comparator – The function used to compare the default values

>>> is_param_compatible_with(
...     Parameter('a', PO),
...     Parameter('b', PO)
... )
>>> is_param_compatible_with(
...     Parameter('a', PO),
...     Parameter('b', PO, default=0)
... )
>>> is_param_compatible_with(
...     Parameter('a', PO, default=0),
...     Parameter('b', PO)
... )
dol.signatures.keyed_comparator(comparator: Callable[[Compared, Compared], Comparison], key: Callable[[CT], Compared]) → Callable[[Compared, Compared], Comparison][source]

Create a key-function enabled binary operator.

In various places in python functionality is extended by allowing a key function. For example, the sorted function allows a key function to be passed, which is applied to each element before sorting. The keyed_comparator function allows a comparator to be extended in the same way. The returned comparator will apply the key function toeach input before applying the original comparator.

>>> from operator import eq
>>> parity = lambda x: x % 2
>>> comparator = keyed_comparator(eq, parity)
>>> list(map(comparator, [1, 1, 2, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]))
[True, False, False, True]

Make a version of the function that has all POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD kinds

The inspiring use case: Many builtins have restrictive parameter kinds which makes it hard to curry, amongst other such annoyances. For instance, say you want to curry isinstance to make a boolean function that detects string types. You can’t with partial, because you can’t access the position only class_or_tuple argument to fix it.

Well, make a kind_forgiving_func version, and partial to your heart’s content!

>>> from functools import partial
>>> _isinstance = kind_forgiving_func(isinstance)
>>> isinstance_of_str = partial(_isinstance, class_or_tuple=str)
>>> isinstance_of_str('asdf')
dol.signatures.mk_sig_from_args(*args_without_default, **args_with_defaults)[source]

Make a Signature instance by specifying args_without_default and args_with_defaults.

>>> mk_sig_from_args("a", "b", c=1, d="bar")
<Signature (a, b, c=1, d='bar')>
dol.signatures.name_of_obj(o: object, *, base_name_of_obj: Callable = operator.attrgetter('__name__'), caught_exceptions: Tuple = (<class 'AttributeError'>, ), default_factory: Callable = <function _return_none>) → Optional[str][source]

Tries to find the (or “a”) name for an object, even if __name__ doesn’t exist.

>>> name_of_obj(map)
>>> name_of_obj([1, 2, 3])
>>> name_of_obj(print)
>>> name_of_obj(lambda x: x)
>>> from functools import partial
>>> name_of_obj(partial(print, sep=","))
>>> from functools import cached_property
>>> class A:
...     @property
...     def prop(self):
...         return 1.0
...     @cached_property
...     def cached_prop(self):
...         return 2.0
>>> name_of_obj(A.prop)
>>> name_of_obj(A.cached_prop)

Note that name_of_obj uses the __name__ attribute as its base way to get a name. You can customize this behavior though. For example, see that:

>>> from inspect import Signature
>>> name_of_obj(Signature.replace)

If you want to get the fully qualified name of an object, you can do:

>>> alt = partial(name_of_obj, base_name_of_obj=attrgetter('__qualname__'))
>>> alt(Signature.replace)
dol.signatures.param_binary_func(param1: inspect.Parameter, param2: inspect.Parameter, *, name: Callable[[Compared, Compared], Comparison] = <built-in function eq>, kind: Callable[[Compared, Compared], Comparison] = <built-in function eq>, default: Callable[[Compared, Compared], Comparison] = <built-in function eq>, annotation: Callable[[Compared, Compared], Comparison] = <built-in function eq>, aggreg: Callable[[Iterable[Comparison]], Any] = <built-in function all>)

Compare two parameters.

Note that by default, this function is strict, and will return False if any of the parameters are not equal. This is because the default aggregation function is all and the default comparison functions of the parameter’s attributes are eq (meaning equality, not identity).

But you can change that by passing different comparison functions and/or aggregation functions.

In fact, the real purpose of this function is to be used as a factory of parameter binary functions, through parametrizing it with functools.partial.

The parameter binary functions themselves are meant to be used to make signature binary functions.

  • param1 – first parameter

  • param2 – second parameter

  • name – function to compare names

  • kind – function to compare kinds

  • default – function to compare defaults

  • annotation – function to compare annotations

  • aggreg – function to aggregate results

>>> from inspect import Parameter
>>> param1 = Parameter('x', Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
>>> param2 = Parameter('x', Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
>>> param_binary_func(param1, param2)

See for discussion.

dol.signatures.param_comparator(param1: inspect.Parameter, param2: inspect.Parameter, *, name: Callable[[Compared, Compared], Comparison] = <built-in function eq>, kind: Callable[[Compared, Compared], Comparison] = <built-in function eq>, default: Callable[[Compared, Compared], Comparison] = <built-in function eq>, annotation: Callable[[Compared, Compared], Comparison] = <built-in function eq>, aggreg: Callable[[Iterable[Comparison]], Any] = <built-in function all>)[source]

Compare two parameters.

Note that by default, this function is strict, and will return False if any of the parameters are not equal. This is because the default aggregation function is all and the default comparison functions of the parameter’s attributes are eq (meaning equality, not identity).

But you can change that by passing different comparison functions and/or aggregation functions.

In fact, the real purpose of this function is to be used as a factory of parameter binary functions, through parametrizing it with functools.partial.

The parameter binary functions themselves are meant to be used to make signature binary functions.

  • param1 – first parameter

  • param2 – second parameter

  • name – function to compare names

  • kind – function to compare kinds

  • default – function to compare defaults

  • annotation – function to compare annotations

  • aggreg – function to aggregate results

>>> from inspect import Parameter
>>> param1 = Parameter('x', Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
>>> param2 = Parameter('x', Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
>>> param_binary_func(param1, param2)

See for discussion.

dol.signatures.param_for_kind(name=None, kind='positional_or_keyword', with_default=False, annotation)[source]

Function to easily and flexibly make inspect.Parameter objects for testing.

It’s annoying to have to compose parameters from scratch to testing things. This tool should help making it less annoying.

>>> list(map(param_for_kind, param_kinds))
[<Parameter "POSITIONAL_ONLY">, <Parameter "POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD">, <Parameter "VAR_POSITIONAL">, <Parameter "KEYWORD_ONLY">, <Parameter "VAR_KEYWORD">]
>>> param_for_kind.positional_or_keyword()
>>> param_for_kind.positional_or_keyword("foo")
<Parameter "foo">
>>> param_for_kind.keyword_only()
<Parameter "KEYWORD_ONLY">
>>> param_for_kind.keyword_only("baz", with_default=True)
<Parameter "baz='dflt_keyword_only'">
dol.signatures.resolve_function(obj: T) → Union[T, Callable][source]

Get the underlying function of a property or cached_property

Note that if all conditions fail, the object itself is returned.

The problem this function solves is that sometimes there’s a function behind an object, but it’s not always easy to get to it. For example, in a class, you might want to get the source of the code decorated with @property, a @cached_property, or a partial function.

Consider the following example:

>>> from functools import cached_property, partial
>>> class C:
...     @property
...     def prop(self):
...         pass
...     @cached_property
...     def cached_prop(self):
...         pass
...     partial_func = partial(partial)

Note that prop is not callable, and you can’t get its source.

>>> import inspect
>>> callable(C.prop)
>>> inspect.getsource(C.prop)  
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: <property object at 0x...> is not a module, class, method, function, traceback, frame, or code object

But if you grab the underlying function, you can get the source:

>>> func = resolve_function(C.prop)
>>> callable(func)
>>> isinstance(inspect.getsource(func), str)

Same goes with cached_property and partial:

>>> isinstance(inspect.getsource(resolve_function(C.cached_prop)), str)
>>> isinstance(inspect.getsource(resolve_function(C.partial_func)), str)
dol.signatures.set_signature_of_func(func, parameters, *, return_annotation, __validate_parameters__=True)[source]

Set the signature of a function, with sugar.

  • func – Function whose signature you want to set

  • signature – A list of parameter specifications. This could be an

  • object or anything that (inspect.Parameter) – the mk_param function can resolve into an inspect.Parameter object.

  • return_annotation – Passed on to inspect.Signature.

  • __validate_parameters__ – Passed on to inspect.Signature.


None (but sets the signature of the input function)

>>> import inspect
>>> def foo(*args, **kwargs):
...     pass
>>> inspect.signature(foo)
<Signature (*args, **kwargs)>
>>> set_signature_of_func(foo, ["a", "b", "c"])
>>> inspect.signature(foo)
<Signature (a, b, c)>
>>> set_signature_of_func(
...     foo, ["a", ("b", None), ("c", 42, int)]
... )  # specifying defaults and annotations
>>> inspect.signature(foo)
<Signature (a, b=None, c: int = 42)>
>>> set_signature_of_func(
...     foo, ["a", "b", "c"], return_annotation=str
... )  # specifying return annotation
>>> inspect.signature(foo)
<Signature (a, b, c) -> str>
>>> # But you can always specify parameters the "long" way
>>> set_signature_of_func(
...     foo,
...     [inspect.Parameter(name="kws", kind=inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD)],
...     return_annotation=str,
... )
>>> inspect.signature(foo)
<Signature (**kws) -> str>
dol.signatures.sig_to_dataclass(sig: Union[inspect.Signature, Iterable[inspect.Parameter], Mapping[str, inspect.Parameter], Callable, str], *, cls_name=None, bases=(), module=None, **kwargs)[source]

Make a class (through make_dataclass) from the given signature.

  • sig – A SignatureAble, that is, anything that ensure_signature can resolve into an inspect.Signature object, including a signature object itself, but also most callables, a list or params, etc.

  • cls_name – The same as cls_name of dataclasses.make_dataclass

  • bases – The same as bases of dataclasses.make_dataclass

  • module – Set to module (usually __name__ to specify ther module of caller) so that the class and instances can be pickle-able.

  • kwargs – Passed on to dataclasses.make_dataclass


A dataclass

>>> def foo(a, /, b : int=2, *, c=3):
...     pass
>>> K = sig_to_dataclass(foo, cls_name='K')
>>> str(Sig(K))
'(a, b: int = 2, c=3) -> None'
>>> k = K(1,2,3)
>>> (k.a, k.b, k.c)
(1, 2, 3)

Would also work with any of these (and more):

>>> K = sig_to_dataclass(Sig(foo), cls_name='K')
>>> K = sig_to_dataclass(Sig(foo).params, cls_name='K')

Note: cls_name is not required (we’ll try to figure out a good default for you), but it’s advised to only use this convenience in extreme mode. Choosing your own name might make for a safer future if you’re reusing your class.


params – An iterable of Parameter instances


A list of these instances sorted so as to obey the kind and default order rules of python signatures.

Note 1: It doesn’t mean that these params constitute a valid signature together, since it doesn’t verify rules like unicity of names and variadic kinds.

Note 2: Though you can use sorted on an iterable of i2.signatures.Param instances, know that even for sorting the three parameters below, the sort_params function is more than twice as fast.

>>> from inspect import Parameter
>>> sort_params(
...     [Parameter('a', kind=Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, default=1),
...     Parameter('b', kind=Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY),
...     Parameter('c', kind=Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)]
... )
[<Parameter "b">, <Parameter "c">, <Parameter "a=1">]
dol.signatures.tuple_the_args(func, *, ch_variadic_keyword_to_keyword=False)

A decorator that will change a VAR_POSITIONAL (*args) argument to a tuple (args) argument of the same name.


Use interface_sig as (enforced/validated) signature of the decorated function. That is, the decorated function will use the original function has the backend, the function actually doing the work, but with a frontend specified (in looks and in argument validation) interface_sig

consider the situation where are functionality is parametrized by a function g taking two inputs, a, and b. Now you want to carry out this functionality using a function f that does what g should do, but doesn’t use a, and doesn’t even have it in it’s arguments.

The solution to this is to _adapt_ f to the g interface: ``` def my_g(a, b):

return f(a)

``` and use my_g.

>>> f = lambda a: a * 11
>>> interface = lambda a, b=None: ...
>>> new_f = use_interface(interface)(f)

See how only the first argument, or a keyword argument, is taken into account in new_f:

>>> assert new_f(2) == f(2)
>>> assert new_f(2, 3) == f(2)
>>> assert new_f(2, b=3) == f(2)
>>> assert new_f(b=3, a=2) == f(2)

But if we add more positional arguments than interface allows, or any keyword arguments that interface doesn’t recognize…

>>> new_f(1,2,3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: too many positional arguments
>>> new_f(1, c=2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: got an unexpected keyword argument 'c'