
Base functionality of meshed

class meshed.base.FuncNode(func: ~typing.Callable, name: str | None = None, bind: dict = <factory>, out: str | None = None, func_label: str | None = None, names_maker: ~typing.Callable = <function underscore_func_node_names_maker>, node_validator: ~typing.Callable = <function basic_node_validator>)[source]

A function wrapper that makes the function amenable to operating in a network.

  • func – Function to wrap

  • name – The name to associate to the function

  • bind – The {func_argname: external_name,…} mapping that defines where the node will source the data to call the function. This only has to be used if the external names are different from the names of the arguments of the function.

  • out – The variable name the function should write it’s result to

Like we stated: FuncNode is meant to operate in computational networks. But knowing what it does will help you make the networks you want, so we commend your curiousity, and will oblige with an explanation.

Say you have a function to multiply numbers.

>>> def multiply(x, y):
...     return x * y

And you use it in some code like this:

>>> item_price = 3.5
>>> num_of_items = 2
>>> total_price = multiply(item_price, num_of_items)

What the execution of total_price = multiply(item_price, num_of_items) does is - grab the values (in the locals scope – a dict), of item_price and num_of_items, - call the multiply function on these, and then - write the result to a variable (in locals) named total_price

FuncNode is a function wrapper that specification of such a output = function(…inputs…) assignment statement in such a way that it can carry it out on a scope. A scope is a dict where the function can find it’s input values and write its output values.

For example, the FuncNode form of the above statement would be:

>>> func_node = FuncNode(
...     func=multiply,
...     bind={'x': 'item_price', 'y': 'num_of_items'})
>>> func_node
FuncNode(x=item_price,y=num_of_items -> multiply_ -> multiply)

Note the bind is a mapping from the variable names of the wrapped function to the names of the scope.

That is, when it’s time to execute, it tells the FuncNode where to find the values of its inputs.

If an input is not specified in this bind mapping, the scope (external) name is supposed to be the same as the function’s (internal) name.

The purpose of a FuncNode is to source some inputs somewhere, compute something with these, and write the result somewhere. That somewhere is what we call a scope. A scope is a dictionary (or any mutuable mapping to be precise) and it works like this:

>>> scope = {'item_price': 3.5, 'num_of_items': 2}
>>> func_node.call_on_scope(scope)  # see that it returns 7.0
>>> scope  # but also wrote this in the scope
{'item_price': 3.5, 'num_of_items': 2, 'multiply': 7.0}

Consider item_price,num_of_items -> multiply_ -> multiply. See that the name of the function is used for the name of its output, and an underscore-suffixed name for its function name. That’s the default behavior if you don’t specify either a name (of the function) for the FuncNode, or a out. The underscore is to distinguish from the name of the function itself. The function gets the underscore because this favors particular naming style.

You can give it a custom name as well.

>>> FuncNode(multiply, name='total_price', out='daily_expense')
FuncNode(x,y -> total_price -> daily_expense)

If you give an out, but not a name (for the function), the function’s name will be taken:

>>> FuncNode(multiply, out='daily_expense')
FuncNode(x,y -> multiply -> daily_expense)

If you give a name, but not a out, an underscore-prefixed version of the name will be taken:

>>> FuncNode(multiply, name='total_price')
FuncNode(x,y -> total_price -> _total_price)

Note: In the context of networks if you want to reuse a same function (say, multiply) in multiple places you’ll need to give it a custom name because the functions are identified by this name in the network.

call_on_scope(scope: MutableMapping, write_output_into_scope=True)[source]

Call the function using the given scope both to source arguments and write results.

Note: This method is only meant to be used as a backend to __call__, not as an actual interface method. Additional control/constraints on read and writes can be implemented by providing a custom scope for that.


Returns a copy of the func node with some of its attributes changed

>>> def plus(a, b):
...     return a + b
>>> def minus(a, b):
...     return a - b
>>> fn = FuncNode(func=plus, out='sum')
>>> fn.func == plus
>>> == 'plus'
>>> new_fn = fn.ch_attrs(func=minus)
>>> new_fn.func == minus
>>> new_fn.synopsis_string() == 'a,b -> plus -> sum'
>>> newer_fn = fn.ch_attrs(func=minus, name='sub', out='difference')
>>> newer_fn.synopsis_string() == 'a,b -> sub -> difference'

Returns a list of lines that can be used to make a dot graph

classmethod from_dict(dictionary: dict)[source]

The inverse of to_dict: Make a FuncNode from a dictionary of init args

classmethod has_as_instance(obj)[source]

Verify if obj is an instance of a FuncNode (or specific sub-class).

The usefulness of this method is to not have to make a lambda with isinstance when filtering.

>>> FuncNode.has_as_instance(FuncNode(lambda x: x))
>>> FuncNode.has_as_instance("I am not a FuncNode: I'm a string")
names_maker(name=None, out=None)

This name maker will resolve names in the following fashion:

  1. look at the (func) name and out given as arguments, if None…

  2. use mk_func_name(func) to make names.

It will use the mk_func_name(func) itself for out, but suffix the same with an underscore to provide a mk_func_name.

This is so because here we want to allow easy construction of function networks where a function’s output will be used as another’s input argument when that argument has the the function’s (output) name.


Validates a func node. Raises ValidationError if something wrong. Returns None.


  • that the func_node params are valid, that is, if not None
    • func should be a callable

    • name and out should be str

    • bind should be a Dict[str, str]

  • that the names (.name, .out and all .bind.values())
    • are valid python identifiers (alphanumeric or underscore not starting with digit)

    • are not repeated (no duplicates)

  • that .bind.keys() are indeed present as params of .func

synopsis_string(bind_info: Literal['var_nodes', 'params', 'hybrid'] = 'values')[source]


How to represent the bind in the synopsis string. Could be: - ‘values’, var_nodes or varnodes: the values of the bind (default). - ‘keys’ or ‘params’: the keys of the bind - ‘hybrid’: the keys of the bind, but with the values that are the same as

the keys omitted.


>>> fn = FuncNode(
...     func=lambda y, c: None , name='h', bind={'y': 'b', 'c': 'c'}, out='d'
... )
>>> fn.synopsis_string()
'b,c -> h -> d'
>>> fn.synopsis_string(bind_info='keys')
'y,c -> h -> d'
>>> fn.synopsis_string(bind_info='hybrid')
'y=b,c -> h -> d'

The inverse of from_dict: FuncNode.from_dict(fn.to_dict()) == fn

class meshed.base.Mesh(func_nodes: Iterable[meshed.base.FuncNode])[source]

Validates a func node. Raises ValidationError if something wrong. Returns None.


  • that the func_node params are valid, that is, if not None
    • func should be a callable

    • name and out should be str

    • bind should be a Dict[str, str]

  • that the names (.name, .out and all .bind.values())
    • are valid python identifiers (alphanumeric or underscore not starting with digit)

    • are not repeated (no duplicates)

  • that .bind.keys() are indeed present as params of .func

meshed.base.ch_func_node_attrs(fn: FuncNode, **new_attrs_values)[source]

Returns a copy of the func node with some of its attributes changed

>>> def plus(a, b):
...     return a + b
>>> def minus(a, b):
...     return a - b
>>> fn = FuncNode(func=plus, out='sum')
>>> fn.func == plus
>>> == 'plus'
>>> new_fn = ch_func_node_attrs(fn, func=minus)
>>> new_fn.func == minus
>>> new_fn.synopsis_string() == 'a,b -> plus -> sum'
>>> newer_fn = ch_func_node_attrs(fn, func=minus, name='sub', out='difference')
>>> newer_fn.synopsis_string() == 'a,b -> sub -> difference'
meshed.base.func_node_transformer(fn: FuncNode, kwargs_transformers=())[source]

Get a modified FuncNode from an iterable of kwargs_trans modifiers.


Get names of instance object obj that are also parameters of the __init__ of its class

meshed.base.identifier_mapping(x: str | Dict[Identifier, Identifier] | Sequence[Identifier | Tuple[Identifier, Identifier]]) Dict[Identifier, Identifier][source]

Get an IdentifierMapping dict from a more loosely defined Bind.

You can get an identifier mapping (that is, an explicit for for a bind argument) from…

… a single space-separated string

>>> identifier_mapping('x a_b yz')  #
{'x': 'x', 'a_b': 'a_b', 'yz': 'yz'}

… an iterable of strings or pairs of strings

>>> identifier_mapping(['foo', ('bar', 'mitzvah')])
{'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'mitzvah'}

… a dict will be considered to be the mapping itself

>>> identifier_mapping({'x': 'y', 'a': 'b'})
{'x': 'y', 'a': 'b'}
meshed.base.is_func_node(obj) bool[source]
>>> is_func_node(FuncNode(lambda x: x))
>>> is_func_node("I am not a FuncNode: I'm a string")
meshed.base.is_not_func_node(obj) bool[source]
>>> is_not_func_node(FuncNode(lambda x: x))
>>> is_not_func_node("I am not a FuncNode: I'm a string")
meshed.base.rebind_to_func(fnode: FuncNode, new_func: Callable)[source]

Replaces fnode.func with new_func, changing the .bind accordingly.

>>> fn = FuncNode(lambda x, y: x + y, bind={'x': 'X', 'y': 'Y'})
>>> fn.call_on_scope(dict(X=2, Y=3))
>>> new_fn = rebind_to_func(fn, lambda a, b, c=0: a * (b + c))
>>> new_fn.call_on_scope(dict(X=2, Y=3))
>>> new_fn.call_on_scope(dict(X=2, Y=3, c=1))
meshed.base.underscore_func_node_names_maker(func: Callable, name=None, out=None)[source]

This name maker will resolve names in the following fashion:

  1. look at the (func) name and out given as arguments, if None…

  2. use mk_func_name(func) to make names.

It will use the mk_func_name(func) itself for out, but suffix the same with an underscore to provide a mk_func_name.

This is so because here we want to allow easy construction of function networks where a function’s output will be used as another’s input argument when that argument has the the function’s (output) name.

meshed.base.validate_that_func_node_names_are_sane(func_nodes: Iterable[FuncNode])[source]

Assert that the names of func_nodes are sane. That is:

  • are valid dot (graphviz) names (we’ll use str.isidentifier because lazy)

  • All the and func.out are unique

  • more to come (TODO)…