
Functions that provide iterators of g elements where g is any adjacency Mapping representation.

meshed.itools.add_edge(g: MutableMapping[N, Iterable[N]], node1, node2)[source]

Add an edge FROM node1 TO node2

meshed.itools.ancestors(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]], source: Iterable[N], _exclude_nodes=None)[source]

Set of all nodes (not in source) reachable TO source in g.

>>> g = {
...     0: [1, 2],
...     1: [2, 3, 4],
...     2: [4],
...     3: [4]
... }
>>> ancestors(g, [2, 3])
{0, 1}
>>> ancestors(g, [0])
meshed.itools.children(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]], source: Iterable[N])[source]

Set of all nodes (not in source) adjacent FROM ‘source’ in ‘g’

>>> g = {
...     0: [1, 2],
...     1: [2, 3, 4],
...     2: [1, 4],
...     3: [4]
... }
>>> children(g, [2, 3])
{1, 4}
>>> children(g, [4])
meshed.itools.descendants(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]], source: Iterable[N], _exclude_nodes=None)[source]

Returns the set of all nodes reachable FROM source in g.

>>> g = {
...     0: [1, 2],
...     1: [2, 3, 4],
...     2: [4],
...     3: [4]
... }
>>> descendants(g, [2, 3])
>>> descendants(g, [4])
meshed.itools.edge_reversed_graph(g: ~typing.Mapping[~meshed.itools.N, ~typing.Iterable[~meshed.itools.N]], dst_nodes_factory: ~typing.Callable[[], ~typing.Iterable[~meshed.itools.N]] = <class 'list'>, dst_nodes_append: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Iterable[~meshed.itools.N], ~meshed.itools.N], None] = <method 'append' of 'list' objects>) Mapping[N, Iterable[N]][source]

Invert the from/to direction of the edges of the graph.

>>> g = dict(a='c', b='cd', c='abd', e='')
>>> assert edge_reversed_graph(g) == {
...     'c': ['a', 'b'], 'd': ['b', 'c'], 'a': ['c'], 'b': ['c'], 'e': []}
>>> reverse_g_with_sets = edge_reversed_graph(g, set, set.add)
>>> assert reverse_g_with_sets == {
...     'c': {'a', 'b'}, 'd': {'b', 'c'}, 'a': {'c'}, 'b': {'c'}, 'e': set([])}

Testing border cases >>> assert edge_reversed_graph(dict(e=’’, a=’e’)) == {‘e’: [‘a’], ‘a’: []} >>> assert edge_reversed_graph(dict(a=’e’, e=’’)) == {‘e’: [‘a’], ‘a’: []}

meshed.itools.edges(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]])[source]

Generates edges of graph, i.e. (from_node, to_node) tuples.

>>> g = dict(a='c', b='ce', c='abde', d='c', e=['c', 'z'], f={})
>>> assert sorted(edges(g)) == [
...     ('a', 'c'), ('b', 'c'), ('b', 'e'), ('c', 'a'), ('c', 'b'), ('c', 'd'),
...     ('c', 'e'), ('d', 'c'), ('e', 'c'), ('e', 'z')]
meshed.itools.find_path(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]], src, dst, path=None)[source]

find a path from src to dst nodes in graph

>>> g = dict(a='c', b='ce', c=list('abde'), d='c', e=['c', 'z'], f={})
>>> find_path(g, 'a', 'c')
['a', 'c']
>>> find_path(g, 'a', 'b')
['a', 'c', 'b']
>>> find_path(g, 'a', 'z')
['a', 'c', 'b', 'e', 'z']
>>> assert find_path(g, 'a', 'f') == None
meshed.itools.graphviz_digraph(d: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]])[source]

Makes a graphviz graph using the links specified by dict d

meshed.itools.has_cycle(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]]) List[N][source]

Returns a list representing a cycle in the graph if any. An empty list indicates no cycle.

param g:

The graph to check for cycles, represented as a dictionary where keys are nodes and values are lists of nodes pointing to the key node (parents of the key node).

Example usage: >>> g = dict(e=[‘c’, ‘d’], c=[‘b’], d=[‘b’], b=[‘a’]) >>> has_cycle(g) []

>>> g['a'] = ['e']  # Introducing a cycle
>>> has_cycle(g)
['e', 'c', 'b', 'a', 'e']

Design notes:

  • Graph Representation: The graph is interpreted such that each key is a child node,

and the values are lists of its parents. This representation requires traversing the graph in reverse, from child to parent, to detect cycles. I regret this design choice, which was aligned with the original problem that was being solved, but which doesn’t follow the usual representation of a graph. - Consistent Return Type: The function systematically returns a list. A non-empty list indicates a cycle (showing the path of the cycle), while an empty list indicates the absence of a cycle. - Depth-First Search (DFS): The function performs a DFS on the graph to detect cycles. It uses a recursion stack (rec_stack) to track the path being explored and a visited set (visited) to avoid re-exploring nodes. - Cycle Detection and Path Reconstruction: When a node currently in the recursion stack is encountered again, a cycle is detected. The function then reconstructs the cycle path from the current path explored, including the start and end node to illustrate the cycle closure. - Efficient Backtracking: After exploring a node’s children, the function backtracks by removing the node from the recursion stack and the current path, ensuring accurate path tracking for subsequent explorations.

meshed.itools.has_node(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]], node, check_adjacencies=True)[source]

Returns True if the graph has given node

>>> g = {
...     0: [1, 2],
...     1: [2]
... }
>>> has_node(g, 0)
>>> has_node(g, 2)

Note that 2 was found, though it’s not a key of g. This shows that we don’t have to have an explicit {2: []} in g to be able to see that it’s a node of g. The function will go through the values of the mapping to try to find it if it hasn’t been found before in the keys.

This can be inefficient, so if that matters, you can express your graph g so that all nodes are explicitly declared as keys, and use check_adjacencies=False to tell the function not to look into the values of the g mapping.

>>> has_node(g, 2, check_adjacencies=False)
>>> g = {
...     0: [1, 2],
...     1: [2],
...     2: []
... }
>>> has_node(g, 2, check_adjacencies=False)
meshed.itools.in_degrees(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]])[source]
>>> g = dict(a='c', b='ce', c='abde', d='c', e=['c', 'z'], f={})
>>> assert dict(in_degrees(g)) == (
... {'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'c': 4,  'd': 1, 'e': 2, 'f': 0, 'z': 1}
... )
meshed.itools.isolated_nodes(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]])[source]

Nodes that >>> g = dict(a=’c’, b=’ce’, c=list(‘abde’), d=’c’, e=[‘c’, ‘z’], f={}) >>> set(isolated_nodes(g)) {‘f’}

meshed.itools.leaf_nodes(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]])[source]
>>> g = dict(a='c', b='ce', c='abde', d='c', e=['c', 'z'], f={})
>>> sorted(leaf_nodes(g))
['f', 'z']

Note that f is present: Isolated nodes are considered both as root and leaf nodes both.

meshed.itools.nodes(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]])[source]
>>> g = dict(a='c', b='ce', c='abde', d='c', e=['c', 'z'], f={})
>>> sorted(nodes(g))
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'z']
meshed.itools.out_degrees(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]])[source]
>>> g = dict(a='c', b='ce', c='abde', d='c', e=['c', 'z'], f={})
>>> assert dict(out_degrees(g)) == (
...     {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 4, 'd': 1, 'e': 2, 'f': 0}
... )
meshed.itools.parents(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]], source: Iterable[N])[source]

Set of all nodes (not in source) adjacent TO ‘source’ in ‘g’

>>> g = {
...     0: [1, 2],
...     1: [2, 3, 4],
...     2: [1, 4],
...     3: [4]
... }
>>> parents(g, [2, 3])
{0, 1}
>>> parents(g, [0])
meshed.itools.predecessors(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]], node)[source]

Iterator of nodes that have directed paths TO node

>>> g = {
...     0: [1, 2],
...     1: [2, 3, 4],
...     2: [1, 4],
...     3: [4]}
>>> set(predecessors(g, 4))
{0, 1, 2, 3}
>>> set(predecessors(g, 2))
{0, 1, 2}
>>> set(predecessors(g, 0))

Notice that 2 is a predecessor of 2 here because of the presence of a 2-1-2 directed path.

meshed.itools.random_graph(n_nodes: int = 7)[source]

Get a random graph.

>>> random_graph()  
{0: [6, 3, 5, 2],
 1: [3, 2, 0, 6],
 2: [5, 6, 4, 0],
 3: [1, 0, 5, 6, 3],
 4: [],
 5: [1, 5, 3, 6],
 6: [4, 3, 1]}
>>> random_graph(3)  
{0: [0], 1: [0], 2: []}
meshed.itools.reverse_edges(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]])[source]

Generator of reversed edges. Like edges but with inverted edges.

>>> g = dict(a='c', b='ce', c='abde', d='c', e=['c', 'z'], f={})
>>> assert sorted(reverse_edges(g)) == [
...     ('a', 'c'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'a'), ('c', 'b'), ('c', 'd'), ('c', 'e'),
...     ('d', 'c'), ('e', 'b'), ('e', 'c'), ('z', 'e')]

NOTE: Not to be confused with edge_reversed_graph which inverts the direction of edges.

meshed.itools.root_ancestors(graph: dict, nodes: str | Iterable[str])[source]

Returns the roots of the sub-dag that contribute to compute the given nodes.

meshed.itools.root_nodes(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]])[source]
>>> g = dict(a='c', b='ce', c='abde', d='c', e=['c', 'z'], f={})
>>> sorted(root_nodes(g))

Note that f is present: Isolated nodes are considered both as root and leaf nodes both.

meshed.itools.successors(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]], node, _exclude_nodes=None)[source]

Iterator of nodes that have directed paths FROM node

>>> g = {
...     0: [1, 2],
...     1: [2, 3, 4],
...     2: [1, 4],
...     3: [4]}
>>> assert set(successors(g, 1)) == {1, 2, 3, 4}
>>> assert set(successors(g, 3)) == {4}
>>> assert set(successors(g, 4)) == set()

Notice that 1 is a successor of 1 here because there’s a 1-2-1 directed path

meshed.itools.topological_sort(g: Mapping[N, Iterable[N]])[source]

Return the list of nodes in topological sort order.

This order is such that a node parents will all occur before;

If order[i] is parent of order[j] then i < j

This is often used to compute the order of computation in a DAG.

>>> g = {
...     0: [4, 2],
...     4: [3, 1],
...     2: [3],
...     3: [1]
... }
>>> list(topological_sort(g))
[0, 4, 2, 3, 1]

Here’s an ascii art of the graph, to verify that the topological sort is indeed as expected.

┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ 0 │ ──▶ │ 2 │ ──▶ │ 3 │ ──▶ │ 1 │ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘

│ ▲ ▲ │ │ │ ▼ │ │

┌───┐ │ │ │ 4 │ ────────────────┼─────────┘ └───┘ │

│ │ └───────────────────┘