
Code related to work on the “From annotated functions to meshes” discussion:

meshed.scrap.annotations_to_meshes.callable_annots_to_signature(callable_annots:, mk_argname: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Any, int, str], str] = <function try_annotation_name>) Signature[source]

Produces a signature from a Callable type annotation

>>> from typing import Callable, NewType
>>> MyType = NewType('MyType', str)
>>> sig = callable_annots_to_signature(Callable[[MyType, str], str])
>>> import inspect
>>> isinstance(sig, inspect.Signature)
>>> list(sig.parameters.keys())
['self', 'mytype', 'arg_01']
>>> sig.parameters['arg_01'].annotation
<class 'str'>
meshed.scrap.annotations_to_meshes.func_types_to_protocol(func_types: ~typing.Dict[str,], name: str | None = None, *, mk_argname: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Any, int, str], str] = <function try_annotation_name>) Protocol[source]

Produces a typing.Protocol based on a dictionary of (method_name, Callable_type) specification

meshed.scrap.annotations_to_meshes.func_types_to_scaffold(func_types: Dict[str, Callable], name: str | None = None) str[source]

Produces a scaffold class containing the said methods, with given annotations