
Making DAGs

In it’s simplest form, consider this:

>>> from meshed import DAG
>>> def this(a, b=1):
...     return a + b
>>> def that(x, b=1):
...     return x * b
>>> def combine(this, that):
...     return (this, that)
>>> dag = DAG((this, that, combine))
>>> print(dag.synopsis_string())
a,b -> this_ -> this
x,b -> that_ -> that
this,that -> combine_ -> combine

But don’t be fooled: There’s much more to it!

FAQ and Troubleshooting

DAGs and Pipelines

>>> from functools import partial
>>> from meshed import DAG
>>> def chunker(sequence, chk_size: int):
...     return zip(*[iter(sequence)] * chk_size)
>>> my_chunker = partial(chunker, chk_size=3)
>>> vec = range(8)  # when appropriate, use easier to read sequences
>>> list(my_chunker(vec))
[(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5)]

Oh, that’s just a my_chunker -> list pipeline! A pipeline is a subset of DAG, so let me do this:

>>> dag = DAG([my_chunker, list])
>>> dag(vec)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: missing a required argument: 'sequence'

What happened here? You’re assuming that saying [my_chunker, list] is enough for DAG to know that what you meant is for my_chunker to feed it’s input to list. Sure, DAG has enough information to do so, but the default connection policy doesn’t assume that it’s a pipeline you want to make. In fact, the order you specify the functions doesn’t have an affect on the connections with the default connection policy.

See what the signature of dag is:

>>> from inspect import signature
>>> str(signature(dag))
'(iterable=(), /, sequence, *, chk_size: int = 3)'

So dag actually works just fine. Here’s the proof:

>>> dag([1,2,3], vec)  
([1, 2, 3], <zip object at 0x104d7f080>)

It’s just not what you might have intended.

Your best bet to get what you intended is to be explicit.

The way to be explicit is to not specify functions alone, but FuncNodes that wrap them, along with the specification the name the function will be referred to by, the names that it’s parameters should bind to (that is, where the function will get it’s import arguments from), and the out name of where it should be it’s output.

In the current case a fully specified DAG would look something like this:

>>> from meshed import FuncNode
>>> dag = DAG(
...     [
...         FuncNode(
...             func=my_chunker,
...             name='chunker',
...             bind=dict(sequence='sequence', chk_size='chk_size'),
...             out='chks'
...         ),
...         FuncNode(
...             func=list,
...             name='gather_chks_into_list',
...             bind=dict(iterable='chks'),
...             out='list_of_chks'
...         ),
...     ]
... )
>>> list(dag(vec))
[(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5)]

But really, if you didn’t care about the names of things, all you need in this case was to make sure that the output of my_chunker was fed to list, and therefore the following was sufficient:

>>> dag = DAG([
...     FuncNode(my_chunker, out='chks'),  # call the output of chunker "chks"
...     FuncNode(list, bind=dict(iterable='chks'))  # source list input from "chks"
... ])
>>> list(dag(vec))
[(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5)]

Connection policies are very useful when you want to define ways for DAG to “just figure it out” for you. That is, you want to tell the machine to adapt to your thoughts, not vice versa. We support such technological expectations! The default connection policy is there to provide one such ways, but by all means, use another!

Does this mean that connection policies are not for production code? Well, it depends. The Zen of Python (import this) states “explicit is better than implicit”, and indeed it’s often a good fallback rule. But defining components and the way they should be assembled can go a long way in achieving consistency, separation of concerns, adaptability, and flexibility. All quite useful things. Also in production. Especially in production. That said it is your responsiblity to use the right policy for your particular context.

class meshed.dag.DAG(func_nodes: ~typing.Iterable[~meshed.base.FuncNode | ~typing.Callable] = (), cache_last_scope: bool = True, parameter_merge: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Iterable[~inspect.Parameter]], ~inspect.Parameter] = functools.partial(<function parameter_merger>, same_kind=True, same_default=True, same_annotation=True), new_scope: ~typing.Callable = <class 'dict'>, name: str | None = None, extract_output_from_scope: ~typing.Callable[[dict, ~typing.Iterable[str]], ~typing.Any] = <function extract_values>)[source]
>>> from meshed.dag import DAG, Sig
>>> def this(a, b=1):
...     return a + b
>>> def that(x, b=1):
...     return x * b
>>> def combine(this, that):
...     return (this, that)
>>> dag = DAG((this, that, combine))
>>> print(dag.synopsis_string())
a,b -> this_ -> this
x,b -> that_ -> that
this,that -> combine_ -> combine

But what does it do?

It’s a callable, with a signature:

>>> Sig(dag)  
<Sig (a, x, b=1)>

And when you call it, it executes the dag from the root values you give it and returns the leaf output values.

>>> dag(1, 2, 3)  # (a+b,x*b) == (1+3,2*3) == (4, 6)
(4, 6)
>>> dag(1, 2)  # (a+b,x*b) == (1+1,2*1) == (2, 2)
(2, 2)

The above DAG was created straight from the functions, using only the names of the functions and their arguments to define how to hook the network up.

But if you didn’t write those functions specifically for that purpose, or you want to use someone else’s functions, we got you covered.

You can define the name of the node (the name argument), the name of the output (the out argument) and a mapping from the function’s arguments names to “network names” (through the bind argument). The edges of the DAG are defined by matching out TO bind.

add_edge(from_node, to_node, to_param=None)[source]

Add an e

  • from_node

  • to_node

  • to_param


A new DAG with the edge added

>>> def f(a, b): return a + b
>>> def g(c, d=1): return c * d
>>> def h(x, y=1): return x ** y
>>> three_funcs = DAG([f, g, h])
>>> assert (
...     three_funcs(x=1, c=2, a=3, b=4)
...     == (7, 2, 1)
...     == (f(a=3, b=4), g(c=2), h(x=1))
...     == (3 + 4, 2*1, 1** 1)
... )
>>> print(three_funcs.synopsis_string())
a,b -> f_ -> f
c,d -> g_ -> g
x,y -> h_ -> h
>>> hg = three_funcs.add_edge('h', 'g')
>>> assert (
...     hg(a=3, b=4, x=1)
...     == (7, 1)
...     == (f(a=3, b=4), g(c=h(x=1)))
...     == (3 + 4, 1 * (1 ** 1))
... )
>>> print(hg.synopsis_string())
a,b -> f_ -> f
x,y -> h_ -> h
h,d -> g_ -> g
>>> fhg = three_funcs.add_edge('h', 'g').add_edge('f', 'h')
>>> assert (
...     fhg(a=3, b=4)
...     == 7
...     == g(h(f(3, 4)))
...     == ((3 + 4) * 1) ** 1
... )
>>> print(fhg.synopsis_string())
a,b -> f_ -> f
f,y -> h_ -> h
h,d -> g_ -> g

The from and to nodes can be expressed by the FuncNode name (identifier) or out, or even the function itself if it’s used only once in the DAG.

>>> fhg = three_funcs.add_edge(h, 'g').add_edge('f_', 'h')
>>> assert fhg(a=3, b=4) == 7

By default, the edge will be added from from_node.out to the first parameter of the function of to_node. But if you want otherwise, you can specify the parameter the edge should be connected to. For example, see below how we connect the outputs of g and h to the parameters a and b of f respectively:

>>> f_of_g_and_h = (
...     DAG([f, g, h])
...     .add_edge(g, f, to_param='a')
...     .add_edge(h, f, 'b')
... )
>>> assert (
...     f_of_g_and_h(x=2, c=3, y=2, d=2)
...     == 10
...     == f(g(c=3, d=2), h(x=2, y=2))
...     == 3 * 2 + 2 ** 2
... )
>>> print(f_of_g_and_h.synopsis_string())
c,d -> g_ -> g
x,y -> h_ -> h
g,h -> f_ -> f

See Also DAG.add_edges to add multiple edges at once


Adds multiple edges by applying DAG.add_edge multiple times.


edges – An iterable of (from_node, to_node) pairs or (from_node, to_node, param) triples.


A new dag with the said edges added.

>>> def f(a, b): return a + b
>>> def g(c, d=1): return c * d
>>> def h(x, y=1): return x ** y
>>> fhg = DAG([f, g, h]).add_edges([(h, 'g'), ('f_', 'h')])
>>> assert fhg(a=3, b=4) == 7

Calls the func_nodes using scope (a dict or MutableMapping) both to source it’s arguments and write it’s results.

Note: This method is only meant to be used as a backend to __call__, not as an actual interface method. Additional control/constraints on read and writes can be implemented by providing a custom scope for that. For example, one could log read and/or writes to specific keys, or disallow overwriting to an existing key (useful for pipeline sanity), etc.


Calls the func_nodes using scope (a dict or MutableMapping) both to source it’s arguments and write it’s results.

Use this function to control each func_node call step iteratively (through a generator)

ch_funcs(ch_func_node_func: ~typing.Callable[[~meshed.base.FuncNode, ~typing.Callable, ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Callable, ~typing.Callable], ~i2.signatures.Comparison]], ~meshed.base.FuncNode] = <function ch_func_node_func>, /, **func_mapping: ~typing.Callable) DAG[source]

Change some of the functions in the DAG. More preciseluy get a copy of the DAG where in some of the functions have changed.


name_and_funcname=func pairs where name is the of the func nodes you want to change and func is the function you want to change it by.


A new DAG with the different functions.

>>> from meshed import FuncNode, DAG
>>> from i2 import Sig
>>> def f(a, b):
...     return a + b
>>> def g(a_plus_b, x):
...     return a_plus_b * x
>>> f_node = FuncNode(func=f, out='a_plus_b')
>>> g_node = FuncNode(func=g, bind={'x': 'b'})
>>> d = DAG((f_node, g_node))
>>> print(d.synopsis_string())
a,b -> f -> a_plus_b
b,a_plus_b -> g_ -> g
>>> d(2, 3)  # (2 + 3) * 3 == 5 * 3
>>> dd = d.ch_funcs(f=lambda a, b: a - b)
>>> dd(2, 3)  # (2 - 3) * 3 == -1 * 3

You can reference the FuncNode you want to change through its .name or .out attribute (both are unique to this FuncNode in a DAG).

>>> from i2 import Sig
>>> dag = DAG([
...     FuncNode(lambda a, b: a + b, name='f'),
...     FuncNode(lambda y=1, z=2: y * z, name='g', bind={'z': 'f'})
... ])
>>> Sig(dag)
<Sig (a, b, f=2, y=1)>

If you replace by a different function with exactly the same signature, all goes well:

>>> dag.ch_funcs(g=lambda y=1, z=2: y / z)
DAG(func_nodes=[FuncNode(a,b -> f -> _f), FuncNode(z=_f,y -> g -> _g)], name=None)

But if you change the signature, even slightly you get an error.

Here we didn’t include the defaults:

>>> dag.ch_funcs(g=lambda y, z: y / z)  
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: You can only change the func of a FuncNode with a another func if the signatures match.

Here we include defaults, but z’s is different:

>>> dag.ch_funcs(g=lambda y=1, z=200: y / z)  
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: You can only change the func of a FuncNode with a another func if the signatures match.

Here the defaults are exactly the same, but the order of parameters is different:

>>> dag.ch_funcs(g=lambda z=2, y=1: y / z)  
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: You can only change the func of a FuncNode with a another func if the signatures match.

This validation of the functions controlled by the func_comparator argument. By default this is the compare_signatures which compares the signatures of the functions in the strictest way possible. The is the right choice for a default since it will get you out of trouble down the line.

But it’s also annoying in many situations, and in those cases you should specify the func_comparator that makes sense for your context.

Since most of the time, you’ll want to compare functions solely based on their signature, we provide a compare_signatures allows you to control the signature comparison through a signature_comparator argument.

>>> from meshed import compare_signatures
>>> from functools import partial
>>> on_names = lambda sig1, sig2: list(sig1.parameters) == list(sig2.parameters)
>>> same_names = partial(compare_signatures, signature_comparator=on_names)
>>> ch_fnode = partial(ch_func_node_func, func_comparator=same_names)
>>> d = dag.ch_funcs(ch_fnode, g=lambda y, z: y / z);
>>> Sig(d)
<Sig (a, b, y)>
>>> d(2, 3, 4)

And this one works too:

>>> d = dag.ch_funcs(ch_fnode, g=lambda y=1, z=200: y / z);

But our same_names function compared names including their order. If we want a function with the signature (z=2, y=1) to be able to be “injected” we’ll need a different comparator:

>>> _names = lambda sig1, sig2: set(sig1.parameters) == set(sig2.parameters)
>>> same_set_of_names = partial(
...     compare_signatures,
...     signature_comparator=(
...         lambda sig1, sig2: set(sig1.parameters) == set(sig2.parameters)
...     )
... )
>>> ch_fnode2 = partial(ch_func_node_func, func_comparator=same_set_of_names)
>>> d = dag.ch_funcs(ch_fnode2, g=lambda z=2, y=1: y / z);
debugger(feedback: ~typing.Callable = <function dflt_debugger_feedback>)[source]

Utility to debug DAGs by computing each step sequentially, with feedback.


feedback – A callable that defines what feedback is given, usually used to print/log some information and output some information for every step. Must be a function with signature (func_node, scope, output, step) or a subset thereof.


>>> from inspect import signature
>>> def f(a, b):
...     return a + b
>>> def g(c, d=4):
...     return c * d
>>> def h(f, g):
...     return g - f
>>> dag2 = DAG([f, g, h], name='arithmetic')
>>> dag2
DAG(func_nodes=[FuncNode(a,b -> f_ -> f), FuncNode(c,d -> g_ -> g), FuncNode(f,g -> h_ -> h)], name='arithmetic')
>>> str(signature(dag2))
'(a, b, c, d=4)'
>>> dag2(1,2,3)
>>> debugger = dag2.debugger()
>>> str(signature(debugger))
'(a, b, c, d=4)'
>>> d = debugger(1,2,3)
>>> next(d)  
0 --------------------------------------------------------------
    func_node=FuncNode(a,b -> f_ -> f)
    scope={'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'f': 3}
>>> next(d)  
1 --------------------------------------------------------------
    func_node=FuncNode(c,d -> g_ -> g)
    scope={'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'f': 3, 'g': 12}

… and so on. You can also choose to run every step all at once, collecting the feedback outputs of each step in a list, like this:

>>> feedback_outputs = list(debugger(1,2,3))  
0 --------------------------------------------------------------
    func_node=FuncNode(a,b -> f_ -> f)
    scope={'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'f': 3}
1 --------------------------------------------------------------
    func_node=FuncNode(c,d -> g_ -> g)
    scope={'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'f': 3, 'g': 12}
2 --------------------------------------------------------------
    func_node=FuncNode(f,g -> h_ -> h)
    scope={'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'f': 3, 'g': 12, 'h': 9}
dot_digraph(start_lines=(), *, end_lines=(), vnode_shape: str = 'none', fnode_shape: str = 'box', func_display: bool = True)[source]

Make lines for dot (graphviz) specification of DAG

>>> def add(a, b=1): return a + b
>>> def mult(x, y=3): return x * y
>>> def exp(mult, a): return mult ** a
>>> func_nodes = [
...     FuncNode(add, out='x'), FuncNode(mult, name='the_product'), FuncNode(exp)
... ]

# # >>> assert list(DAG(func_nodes).dot_digraph_body()) == [ # ]

dot_digraph_ascii(start_lines=(), *, end_lines=(), vnode_shape: str = 'none', fnode_shape: str = 'box', func_display: bool = True)[source]

Make lines for dot (graphviz) specification of DAG

>>> def add(a, b=1): return a + b
>>> def mult(x, y=3): return x * y
>>> def exp(mult, a): return mult ** a
>>> func_nodes = [
...     FuncNode(add, out='x'), FuncNode(mult, name='the_product'), FuncNode(exp)
... ]

# # >>> assert list(DAG(func_nodes).dot_digraph_body()) == [ # ]

dot_digraph_body(start_lines=(), *, end_lines=(), vnode_shape: str = 'none', fnode_shape: str = 'box', func_display: bool = True)[source]

Make lines for dot (graphviz) specification of DAG

>>> def add(a, b=1): return a + b
>>> def mult(x, y=3): return x * y
>>> def exp(mult, a): return mult ** a
>>> func_nodes = [
...     FuncNode(add, out='x'), FuncNode(mult, name='the_product'), FuncNode(exp)
... ]

# # >>> assert list(DAG(func_nodes).dot_digraph_body()) == [ # ]

extract_output_from_scope(keys: Iterable)

Extract values from dict d, returning them:

  • as a tuple if len(keys) > 1

  • a single value if len(keys) == 1

  • None if not

This is used as the default extractor in DAG

>>> extract_values({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, ['a', 'c'])
(1, 3)

Order matters!

>>> extract_values({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, ['c', 'a'])
(3, 1)
classmethod from_funcs(*funcs, **named_funcs)[source]
  • funcs

  • named_funcs


>>> dag = DAG.from_funcs(
...     lambda a: a * 2,
...     x=lambda: 10,
...     y=lambda x, _0: x + _0  # _0 refers to first arg (lambda a: a * 2)
... )
>>> print(dag.synopsis_string())
a -> _0_ -> _0
 -> x_ -> x
x,_0 -> y_ -> y
>>> dag(3)
property graph_ids

The dict representing the {from_node: to_nodes} graph. Like .graph, but with node ids (names).

>>> from meshed.dag import DAG
>>> def add(a, b=1): return a + b
>>> def mult(x, y=3): return x * y
>>> def exp(mult, a): return mult ** a
>>> assert DAG([add, mult, exp]).graph_ids == {
...     'a': ['add_', 'exp_'],
...     'b': ['add_'],
...     'add_': ['add'],
...     'x': ['mult_'],
...     'y': ['mult_'],
...     'mult_': ['mult'],
...     'mult': ['exp_'],
...     'exp_': ['exp']
... }

alias of dict

parameter_merge(*, same_name=True, same_kind=True, same_default=True, same_annotation=True)

Validates that all the params are exactly the same, returning the first if so.

This is used when hooking up functions that use the same parameters (i.e. arg names). When the name of an argument is used more than once, which kind, default, and annotation should be used in the interface of the DAG?

If they’re all the same, there’s no problem.

But if they’re not the same, we need to provide control on which to ignore.

>>> from inspect import Parameter as P
>>> parameter_merger(P('a', PK), P('a', PK))
<Parameter "a">
>>> parameter_merger(P('a', PK), P('different_name', PK), same_name=False)
<Parameter "a">
>>> parameter_merger(P('a', PK), P('a', KO), same_kind=False)
<Parameter "a">
>>> parameter_merger(P('a', PK), P('a', PK,  default=42), same_default=False)
<Parameter "a">
>>> parameter_merger(P('a', PK, default=42), P('a', PK), same_default=False)
<Parameter "a=42">
>>> parameter_merger(P('a', PK, annotation=int), P('a', PK), same_annotation=False)
<Parameter "a: int">
property params_for_src

The {src_name: list_of_params_using_that_src,...} dictionary. That is, a dict having lists of all Parameter objs that are used by a node.bind source (value of node.bind) for each such source in the graph

For each func_node, func_node.bind gives us the {param: varnode_src_name} specification that tells us where (key of scope) to source the arguments of the func_node.func for each param of that function.

What params_for_src is, is the corresponding inverse map. The {varnode_src_name: list_of_params} gathered by scanning each func_node of the DAG.

partial(*positional_dflts, _remove_bound_arguments=False, _consider_defaulted_arguments_as_bound=False, **keyword_dflts)[source]

Get a curried version of the DAG.

Like functools.partial, but returns a DAG (not just a callable) and allows you to remove bound arguments as well as roll in orphaned_nodes.

  • positional_dflts – Bind arguments positionally

  • keyword_dflts – Bind arguments through their names

  • _remove_bound_arguments – False – set to True if you don’t want bound arguments to show up in the signature.

  • _consider_defaulted_arguments_as_bound – False – set to True if you want to also consider arguments that already had defaults as bound (and be removed).


>>> def f(a, b):
...     return a + b
>>> def g(c, d=4):
...     return c * d
>>> def h(f, g):
...     return g - f
>>> dag = DAG([f, g, h])
>>> from inspect import signature
>>> str(signature(dag))
'(a, b, c, d=4)'
>>> dag(1, 2, 3, 4)  # == (3 * 4) - (1 + 2) == 12 - 3 == 9
>>> dag(c=3, a=1, b=2, d=4)  # same as above
>>> new_dag = dag.partial(c=3)
>>> isinstance(new_dag, DAG)  # it's a dag (not just a partialized callable!)
>>> str(signature(new_dag))
'(a, b, c=3, d=4)'
>>> new_dag(1, 2)  # same as dag(c=3, a=1, b=2, d=4), so:
src_name_params(src_names: Iterable[str] | None = None)[source]

Generate Parameter instances that are needed to compute src_names

meshed.dag.attribute_vals(objs: Iterable, attrs: Iterable[str], egress=None)[source]

Extract attributes from an iterable of objects >>> list(attribute_vals([print, map], attrs=[‘__name__’, ‘__module__’])) [(‘print’, ‘builtins’), (‘map’, ‘builtins’)]

meshed.dag.hook_up(func, variables: MutableMapping, output_name=None)[source]

Source inputs and write outputs to given variables mapping.

Returns inputless and outputless function that will, when called, get relevant inputs from the provided variables mapping and write it’s output there as well.


variables – The MutableMapping (like… a dict) where the function

should both read it’s input and write it’s output. :param output_name: The key of the variables mapping that should be used to write the output of the function :return: A function

>>> def formula1(w, /, x: float, y=1, *, z: int = 1):
...     return ((w + x) * y) ** z
>>> d = {}
>>> f = hook_up(formula1, d)
>>> # NOTE: update d, not d = dict(...), which would make a DIFFERENT d
>>> d.update(w=2, x=3, y=4)  # not d = dict(w=2, x=3, y=4), which would
>>> f()

Note that there’s no output. The output is in d >>> d {‘w’: 2, ‘x’: 3, ‘y’: 4, ‘formula1’: 20}


>>> d.clear()
>>> d.update(w=1, x=2, y=3)
>>> f()
>>> d['formula1']
meshed.dag.named_partial(func, *args, __name__=None, **keywords)[source]

functools.partial, but with a __name__

>>> f = named_partial(print, sep='\n')
>>> f.__name__
>>> f = named_partial(print, sep='\n', __name__='now_partial_has_a_name')
>>> f.__name__
meshed.dag.names_and_outs(objs: ~typing.Iterable, *, attrs: ~typing.Iterable[str] = ('name', 'out'), egress=<class 'itertools.chain'>)

Extract attributes from an iterable of objects >>> list(attribute_vals([print, map], attrs=[‘__name__’, ‘__module__’])) [(‘print’, ‘builtins’), (‘map’, ‘builtins’)]

meshed.dag.parametrized_dag_factory(dag: DAG, param_var_nodes: str | Iterable[str])[source]

Constructs a factory for sub-DAGs derived from the input DAG, with values of specific ‘parameter’ variable nodes precomputed and fixed. These precomputed nodes, and their ancestor nodes (unless required elsewhere), are omitted from the sub-DAG.

The factory function produced by this operation requires arguments corresponding to the ancestor nodes of the parameter variable nodes. These arguments are used to compute the values of the parameter nodes.

This function reflects the typical structure of a class in object-oriented programming, where initialization arguments are used to set certain fixed values (attributes), which are then leveraged in subsequent methods.

>>> import i2
>>> from meshed import code_to_dag
>>> @code_to_dag
... def testdag():
...     a = criss(aa, aaa)
...     b = cross(aa, bb)
...     c = apple(a, b)
...     d = sauce(a, b)
...     e = applesauce(c, d)
>>> dag_factory = parametrized_dag_factory(testdag, 'a')
>>> print(f"{i2.Sig(dag_factory)}")
(aa, aaa)
>>> d = dag_factory(aa=1, aaa=2)
>>> print(f"{i2.Sig(d)}")
>>> d(b='bananna')
'applesauce(c=apple(a=criss(aa=1, aaa=2), b=bananna), d=sauce(a=criss(aa=1, aaa=2), b=bananna))'