Source code for py2store.access

Utils to load stores from store specifications.
Includes the logic to allow configurations (and defaults) to be parametrized by external environmental
variables and files.

Every data-sourced problem has it's problem-relevant stores. Once you get your stores right, along with the
right access credentials, indexing, serialization, caching, filtering etc. you'd like to be able to name, save
and/or share this specification, and easily get access to it later on.

Here are tools to help you out.

There are two main key-value stores: One for configurations the user wants to reuse, and the other for the user's
desired defaults. Both have the same structure:
    * first level key: Name of the resource (should be a valid python variable name)
    * The reminder is more or less free form (until the day we lay out some schemas for this)

The system will look for the specification of user_configs and user_defaults in a json file.
The filepath to this json file can specified in environment variables
By default, they are:
    ~/.py2store_configs.json and ~/.py2store_defaults.json
import os
import importlib
from warnings import warn
from functools import reduce
from operator import getitem
from py2store.util import str_to_var_str
from py2store.sources import DictAttr

FAK = '$fak'

# TODO: Make a module to centralize config tools (configs for access is just one -- serializers another)
# TODO: Integrate (external because not standard lib) other safer tools for secrets, such as:

[docs]def getenv(name, default=None): """Like os.getenv, but removes a suffix \\r character if present (problem with some env var systems)""" v = os.getenv(name, default) if v.endswith('\r'): return v[:-1] else: return v
def assert_callable(f: callable) -> callable: assert callable(f), f'Is not callable: {f}' return f
[docs]def dotpath_to_obj(dotpath): """Loads and returns the object referenced by the string DOTPATH_TO_MODULE.OBJ_NAME""" *module_path, obj_name = dotpath.split('.') if len(module_path) > 0: return getattr( importlib.import_module('.'.join(module_path)), obj_name ) else: return importlib.import_module(obj_name)
[docs]def dotpath_to_func(f: (str, callable)) -> callable: """Loads and returns the function referenced by f, which could be a callable or a DOTPATH_TO_MODULE.FUNC_NAME dotpath string to one. """ if isinstance(f, str): if '.' in f: *module_path, func_name = f.split('.') f = getattr( importlib.import_module('.'.join(module_path)), func_name ) else: f = getattr(importlib.import_module('py2store'), f) return assert_callable(f)
[docs]def compose(*functions): """Make a function that is the composition of the input functions""" return reduce(lambda f, g: lambda x: f(g(x)), functions, lambda x: x)
[docs]def dflt_func_loader(f) -> callable: """Loads and returns the function referenced by f, which could be a callable or a DOTPATH_TO_MODULE.FUNC_NAME dotpath string to one, or a pipeline of these """ if isinstance(f, str) or callable(f): return dotpath_to_func(f) else: return compose(*map(dflt_func_loader, f))
def _fakit(f: callable, a: (tuple, list), k: dict): return f(*(a or ()), **(k or {})) def fakit_from_dict(d, func_loader=assert_callable): return _fakit(func_loader(d['f']), a=d.get('a', ()), k=d.get('k', {})) def fakit_from_tuple( t: (tuple, list), func_loader: callable = dflt_func_loader ): f = func_loader(t[0]) a = () k = {} assert len(t) in { 1, 2, 3, }, 'A tuple fak must be of length 1, 2, or 3. No more, no less.' if len(t) > 1: if isinstance(t[1], dict): k = t[1] else: assert isinstance( t[1], (tuple, list) ), 'argument specs should be dict, tuple, or list' a = t[1] if len(t) > 2: if isinstance(t[2], dict): assert not k, 'can only have one kwargs' k = t[2] else: assert isinstance( t[2], (tuple, list) ), 'argument specs should be dict, tuple, or list' assert not a, 'can only have one args' a = t[2] return _fakit(f, a, k)
[docs]def fakit(fak, func_loader=dflt_func_loader): """Execute a fak with given f, a, k and function loader. Essentially returns func_loader(f)(*a, **k) Args: fak: A (f, a, k) specification. Could be a tuple or a dict (with 'f', 'a', 'k' keys). All but f are optional. func_loader: A function returning a function. This is where you specify any validation of func specification f, and/or how to get a callable from it. Returns: A python object. """ if isinstance(fak, dict): return fakit_from_dict(fak, func_loader=func_loader) else: assert isinstance( fak, (tuple, list) ), 'fak should be dict, tuple, or list' return fakit_from_tuple(fak, func_loader=func_loader)
fakit.from_dict = fakit_from_dict fakit.from_tuple = fakit_from_tuple user_configs_dict = {} user_defaults_dict = {} user_configs = None user_defaults = None mystores = None try: import json user_configs_dirpath = os.path.expanduser( getenv('PY2STORE_CONFIGS_DIR', '~/.py2store_configs') ) my_configs_dirname = os.path.expanduser( getenv('MY_PY2STORE_DIR_NAME', 'my') ) myconfigs_dirpath = os.path.join(user_configs_dirpath, my_configs_dirname) if os.path.isdir(user_configs_dirpath): def directory_json_items(): for f in filter( lambda x: x.endswith('.json'), os.listdir(user_configs_dirpath) ): filepath = os.path.join(user_configs_dirpath, f) name, _ = os.path.splitext(f) try: d = json.load(open(filepath)) yield str_to_var_str(name), d except json.JSONDecodeError: warn( f"This json file couldn't be json-decoded: {filepath}" ) except Exception: warn( f'Unknown error when trying to json.load this file: {filepath}' ) user_configs = DictAttr(**{k: v for k, v in directory_json_items()}) from py2store.base import KvStore from py2store.stores.local_store import ( LocalJsonStore, LocalBinaryStore, ) from py2store.trans import wrap_kvs from py2store.misc import MiscStoreMixin from functools import wraps if os.path.isdir(myconfigs_dirpath): from py2store.mixins import OverWritesNotAllowedMixin @OverWritesNotAllowedMixin.wrap class MyConfigs(MiscStoreMixin, LocalBinaryStore): key_sep = ':' @wraps(LocalBinaryStore) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): LocalBinaryStore.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._init_args_kwargs = (args, kwargs) if len(args) > 0: self.dirpath = args[0] elif len(kwargs) > 0: self.dirpath = kwargs[next(iter(kwargs))] def refresh(self): """Sometimes you add a file, and you want to make sure your myconfigs sees it. refresh() does that for you. It reinitializes the reader.""" args, kwargs = self._init_args_kwargs self.__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get(self, k, default=None): try: return self[k] except KeyError: return default def __getitem__(self, k): try: if self.key_sep not in k: return super().__getitem__(k) else: return reduce(getitem, k.split(self.key_sep), self) except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"The '{k}' key wasn't found. " f'What this probably is, is that you need ' f"a file named '{k}' in your {self.dirpath} folder. Do that and try again." ) def get_config_value(self, k, path=None): v = self.get(k) if path is None: return v else: if path in v: return v[path] else: raise KeyError(f"I don't see any {path} in {k}") @property def rootdir(self): return self._prefix def __delitem__(self, k): raise NotImplementedError( 'Deletion was disabled. ' 'MyConfigs wants to keep your configs safe, so if you want to delete this config, ' 'do it another way (like manually).' ) myconfigs = MyConfigs(myconfigs_dirpath) myconfigs.dirpath = myconfigs_dirpath else: warn( f'''The py2store-myconfigs directory wasn't found: {myconfigs_dirpath} If you want to have all the cool functionality of `myconfigs`, you should make this directory, and put stuff in it. Here's to make it easy for you to do it. Go to a terminal and run this: mkdir {myconfigs_dirpath} ''' ) class MyStores(KvStore): func_loader = staticmethod(dflt_func_loader) def _obj_of_data(self, data): if FAK in data: return fakit(data[FAK], self.func_loader) else: msg = 'Case not handled by MyStores' if isinstance(data, dict): raise ValueError(f'{msg}: keys: {list(data.keys())}') else: raise ValueError(f'{msg}: type: {type(data)}') @property def configs(self): return def without_json_ext(_id): assert _id.endswith('.json'), 'Should end with .json' return _id[: -len('.json')] def add_json_ext(k): return k + '.json' ExtLessJsonStore = wrap_kvs( LocalJsonStore, name='ExtLessJsonStore', key_of_id=without_json_ext, id_of_key=add_json_ext, ) stores_json_path_format = os.path.join( user_configs_dirpath, 'stores', 'json', '{}.json' ) mystores = MyStores(ExtLessJsonStore(stores_json_path_format)) from py2store.trans import add_ipython_key_completions mystores = add_ipython_key_completions(mystores) mystores.dirpath = user_configs_dirpath else: warn( f"The configs directory wasn't found (please make it): {user_configs_dirpath}" ) user_configs_filepath = os.path.expanduser( getenv( 'PY2STORE_CONFIGS_JSON_FILEPATH', '~/.py2store_configs.json' ) ) if os.path.isfile(user_configs_filepath): user_configs_dict = json.load(open(user_configs_filepath)) user_configs = DictAttr( **{str_to_var_str(k): v for k, v in user_configs_dict.items()} ) user_defaults_filepath = os.path.expanduser( getenv('PY2STORE_DEFAULTS_JSON_FILEPATH', '~/.py2store_defaults.json') ) if os.path.isfile(user_defaults_filepath): user_defaults_dict = json.load(open(user_defaults_filepath)) user_defaults = DictAttr( **{str_to_var_str(k): v for k, v in user_defaults_dict.items()} ) except Exception as e: warn( f'There was an exception when trying to get configs and defaults: {e}' )