
base classes to work with local files

class py2store.persisters.local_files.DirReader(rootdir)[source]

KV Reader whose keys (AND VALUES) are directory full paths of the subdirectories of rootdir.

class py2store.persisters.local_files.DirpathFormatKeys(path_format: str, max_levels: int = inf)[source]
class py2store.persisters.local_files.FileReader(rootdir)[source]

KV Reader whose keys are paths and values are: - Another FileReader if a path points to a directory - The bytes of the file if the path points to a file.

class py2store.persisters.local_files.FilepathFormatKeys(path_format: str, max_levels: int = inf)[source]
exception py2store.persisters.local_files.FolderNotFoundError[source]
class py2store.persisters.local_files.LocalFileRWD(mode='', **open_kwargs)[source]

A class providing get, set and delete functionality using local files as the storage backend.

class py2store.persisters.local_files.LocalFileStreamGetter(**open_kwargs)[source]

A class to get stream objects of local open files. The class can only get keys, and only to read, write (destructive or append).

>>> from tempfile import mkdtemp
>>> import os
>>> rootdir = mkdtemp()
>>> appendable_stream = LocalFileStreamGetter(mode='a+')
>>> reader = PathFormatPersister(rootdir)
>>> filepath = os.path.join(rootdir, 'tmp.txt')
>>> with appendable_stream[filepath] as fp:
...     fp.write('hello')
>>> print(reader[filepath])
>>> with appendable_stream[filepath] as fp:
...     fp.write(' world')
>>> print(reader[filepath])
hello world
class py2store.persisters.local_files.PathFormatPersister(path_format, max_levels: int = inf, mode='', **open_kwargs)[source]
class py2store.persisters.local_files.PrefixedDirpathsRecursive[source]

Keys collection for local files, where the keys are full filepaths RECURSIVELY under a given root dir _prefix. This mixin adds iteration (__iter__), length (__len__), and containment (__contains__(k)).

class py2store.persisters.local_files.PrefixedFilepaths[source]

Keys collection for local files, where the keys are full filepaths DIRECTLY under a given root dir _prefix. This mixin adds iteration (__iter__), length (__len__), and containment (__contains__(k)).

class py2store.persisters.local_files.PrefixedFilepathsRecursive[source]

Keys collection for local files, where the keys are full filepaths RECURSIVELY under a given root dir _prefix. This mixin adds iteration (__iter__), length (__len__), and containment (__contains__(k)).

py2store.persisters.local_files.ensure_slash_suffix(path: str)[source]

Add a file separation (/ or ) at the end of path str, if not already present.