
walking through kv stores

class py2store.examples.kv_walking.SrcReader(src, src_to_keys, key_to_obj)[source]

Updates the _keys_cache by calling its {} method

py2store.examples.kv_walking.conjunction(*args, **kwargs)[source]

` will be equal to ` func_1(*args, **kwargs) & … & func_n(*args, **kwargs) ``` for all args, kwargs.

py2store.examples.kv_walking.kv_walk(v:, yield_func=<function asis>, walk_filt=<function val_is_mapping>, pkv_to_pv=<function tuple_keypath_and_val>, p=())[source]
  • v

  • yield_func – (pp, k, vv) -> what ever you want the gen to yield

  • walk_filt – (p, k, vv) -> (bool) whether to explore the nested structure v further

  • pkv_to_pv – (p, k, v) -> (pp, vv) where pp is a form of p + k (update of the path with the new node k) and vv is the value that will be used by both walk_filt and yield_func

  • p – The path to v

>>> d = {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': 2, 'd': 3}}
>>> list(kv_walk(d))
[(('a',), 'a', 1), (('b',), 'b', {'c': 2, 'd': 3}), (('b', 'c'), 'c', 2), (('b', 'd'), 'd', 3)]
>>> list(kv_walk(d, lambda p, k, v: '.'.join(p)))
['a', 'b', 'b.c', 'b.d']
>>> list(kv_walk(d, lambda p, k, v: '.'.join(p)))
['a', 'b', 'b.c', 'b.d']