
stores to operate on local files

class py2store.stores.local_store.AutoMkDirsOnSetitemMixin[source]

A mixin that will automatically create directories on setitem, when missing.

class py2store.stores.local_store.AutoMkPathformatMixin(path_format=None, max_levels=None)[source]

A mixin that will choose a path_format if none given

class py2store.stores.local_store.DirStore(rootdir)[source]

A store for local directories. Keys are directory names and values are subdirectory DirStores.

>>> from py2store import __file__
>>> import os
>>> root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
>>> s = DirStore(root)
>>> assert set(s).issuperset({'stores', 'persisters', 'serializers', 'key_mappers'})
class py2store.stores.local_store.LocalBinaryStore(path_format, max_levels=None)[source]

Local files store for binary data

class py2store.stores.local_store.LocalJsonStore(path_format, max_levels=None)[source]

Local files store for text dataData is assumed to be a JSON string, and is loaded with json.loads and dumped with json.dumps

class py2store.stores.local_store.LocalPickleStore(path_format, max_levels=None, fix_imports=True, protocol=None, pickle_encoding='ASCII', pickle_errors='strict', **open_kwargs)[source]

Local files store with pickle serialization


alias of py2store.stores.local_store.QuickPickleStore

class py2store.stores.local_store.LocalTextStore(path_format, max_levels=None)[source]

Local files store for text data

class py2store.stores.local_store.MakeMissingDirsStoreMixin[source]

Will make a local file store automatically create the directories needed to create a file. Should be placed before the concrete perisister in the mro but in such a manner so that it receives full paths.

class py2store.stores.local_store.PathFormatStore(path_format, max_levels: int = inf, mode='', **open_kwargs)[source]

Local file store using templated relative paths.

>>> from tempfile import gettempdir
>>> import os
>>> def write_to_key(fullpath_of_relative_path, relative_path, content):  # a function to write content in files
...    with open(fullpath_of_relative_path(relative_path), 'w') as fp:
...        fp.write(content)
>>> # Preparation: Make a temporary rootdir and write two files in it
>>> rootdir = os.path.join(gettempdir(), 'path_format_store_test' + os.sep)
>>> if not os.path.isdir(rootdir):
...     os.mkdir(rootdir)
>>> # recreate directory (remove existing files, delete directory, and re-create it)
>>> for f in os.listdir(rootdir):
...     fullpath = os.path.join(rootdir, f)
...     if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
...         os.remove(os.path.join(rootdir, f))
>>> if os.path.isdir(rootdir):
...     os.rmdir(rootdir)
>>> if not os.path.isdir(rootdir):
...    os.mkdir(rootdir)
>>> filepath_of = lambda p: os.path.join(rootdir, p)  # a function to get a fullpath from a relative one
>>> # and make two files in this new dir, with some content
>>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'a', 'foo')
>>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'b', 'bar')
>>> # point the obj source to the rootdir
>>> s = PathFormatStore(path_format=rootdir)
>>> # assert things...
>>> assert s._prefix == rootdir  # the _rootdir is the one given in constructor
>>> assert s[filepath_of('a')] == 'foo'  # (the filepath for) 'a' contains 'foo'
>>> # two files under rootdir (as long as the OS didn't create it's own under the hood)
>>> len(s)
>>> assert list(s) == [filepath_of('a'), filepath_of('b')]  # there's two files in s
>>> filepath_of('a') in s  # rootdir/a is in s
>>> filepath_of('not_there') in s  # rootdir/not_there is not in s
>>> filepath_of('not_there') not in s  # rootdir/not_there is not in s
>>> assert list(s.keys()) == [filepath_of('a'), filepath_of('b')]  # the keys (filepaths) of s
>>> sorted(list(s.values())) # the values of s (contents of files)
['bar', 'foo']
>>> assert list(s.items()) == [(filepath_of('a'), 'foo'), (filepath_of('b'), 'bar')]  # the (path, content) items
>>> assert s.get('this key is not there', None) is None  # trying to get the val of a non-existing key returns None
>>> s.get('this key is not there', 'some default value')  # ... or whatever you say
'some default value'
>>> # add more files to the same folder
>>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'this.txt', 'this')
>>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'that.txt', 'blah')
>>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'the_other.txt', 'bloo')
>>> # see that you now have 5 files
>>> len(s)
>>> # and these files contain values:
>>> sorted(s.values())
['bar', 'blah', 'bloo', 'foo', 'this']
>>> # but if we make an obj source to only take files whose extension is '.txt'...
>>> s = PathFormatStore(path_format=rootdir + '{}.txt')
>>> rootdir_2 = os.path.join(gettempdir(), 'obj_source_test_2') # get another rootdir
>>> if not os.path.isdir(rootdir_2):
...    os.mkdir(rootdir_2)
>>> filepath_of_2 = lambda p: os.path.join(rootdir_2, p)
>>> # and make two files in this new dir, with some content
>>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'this.txt', 'this')
>>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'that.txt', 'blah')
>>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'the_other.txt', 'bloo')
>>> ss = PathFormatStore(path_format=rootdir_2 + '{}.txt')
>>> assert s != ss  # though pointing to identical content, o and oo are not equal since the paths are not equal!
class py2store.stores.local_store.PathFormatStoreWithPrefix(*args, **kwargs)[source]

alias of py2store.stores.local_store.LocalPickleStore

class py2store.stores.local_store.QuickBinaryStore(path_format=None, max_levels=None)[source]

Local files store for binary data with default temp root and auto dir generation on write.

class py2store.stores.local_store.QuickJsonStore(path_format=None, max_levels=None)[source]

Local files store for text data with default temp root and auto dir generation on write.Data is assumed to be a JSON string, and is loaded with json.loads and dumped with json.dumps

class py2store.stores.local_store.QuickLocalStoreMixin(path_format=None, max_levels=None)[source]

A mixin that will choose a path_format if none given, and will automatically create directories on setitem, when missing.

class py2store.stores.local_store.QuickPickleStore(path_format=None, max_levels=None)[source]

Local files store with pickle serialization with default temp root and auto dir generation on write.


alias of py2store.stores.local_store.QuickPickleStore

class py2store.stores.local_store.QuickTextStore(path_format=None, max_levels=None)[source]

Local files store for text data with default temp root and auto dir generation on write.

class py2store.stores.local_store.RelativeDirPathFormatKeys(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class py2store.stores.local_store.RelativePathFormatStore2(*args, **kwargs)[source]