Source code for py2store.examples.kv_walking

walking through kv stores
from py2store import cached_keys, KvReader
from py2store.util import copy_attrs
from import Mapping

# Pattern:
[docs]@cached_keys(keys_cache=set, name='SrcReader') class SrcReader(KvReader): def __init__(self, src, src_to_keys, key_to_obj): self.src = src self.src_to_keys = src_to_keys self.key_to_obj = key_to_obj copy_attrs( src, to_obj=self, attrs=('__name__', '__qualname__', '__module__') ) def __iter__(self): yield from self.src_to_keys(self, self.src) def __getitem__(self, k): return self.key_to_obj(self, self.src, k)
# def __repr__(self): # return f"{self.__class__.__qualname__}({self.src}, {self._key_filt})" inf = float('infinity') def print_call(func, name=None, really=True): func_name = name or getattr(func, '__name__', func) def _func(*args, **kwargs): if really: print(f'Calling {func_name} with {args=} and {kwargs=}') return func(*args, **kwargs) return _func def val_is_mapping(p, k, v): return isinstance(v, Mapping) def asis(p, k, v): return p, k, v def tuple_keypath_and_val(p, k, v): if p == (): # we're just begining (the root), p = (k,) # so begin the path with the first key. else: p = (*p, k) # extend the path (append the new key) return p, v DO_NOT_YIELD = type('DoNotYield', (), {})() # TODO: More docs and doctests. This one even merits an extensive usage and example tutorial!
[docs]def kv_walk( v: Mapping, yield_func=asis, # (p, k, v) -> what you want the gen to yield walk_filt=val_is_mapping, # (p, k, v) -> whether to explore the nested structure v further pkv_to_pv=tuple_keypath_and_val, p=(), ): """ :param v: :param yield_func: (pp, k, vv) -> what ever you want the gen to yield :param walk_filt: (p, k, vv) -> (bool) whether to explore the nested structure v further :param pkv_to_pv: (p, k, v) -> (pp, vv) where pp is a form of p + k (update of the path with the new node k) and vv is the value that will be used by both walk_filt and yield_func :param p: The path to v >>> d = {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': 2, 'd': 3}} >>> list(kv_walk(d)) [(('a',), 'a', 1), (('b',), 'b', {'c': 2, 'd': 3}), (('b', 'c'), 'c', 2), (('b', 'd'), 'd', 3)] >>> list(kv_walk(d, lambda p, k, v: '.'.join(p))) ['a', 'b', 'b.c', 'b.d'] >>> list(kv_walk(d, lambda p, k, v: '.'.join(p))) ['a', 'b', 'b.c', 'b.d'] """ # print(f"1: entered with: v={v}, p={p}") for k, vv in v.items(): # print(f"2: item: k={k}, vv={vv}") pp, vv = pkv_to_pv( p, k, vv ) # update the path with k (and preprocess v if necessary) to_yield = yield_func(pp, k, vv) if to_yield is not DO_NOT_YIELD: yield to_yield if walk_filt( p, k, vv ): # should we recurse? (based on some function of p, k, v) # print(f"3: recurse with: pp={pp}, vv={vv}\n") yield from kv_walk( vv, yield_func, walk_filt, pkv_to_pv, pp ) # recurse
# else: # print(f"4: yield_func(pp={pp}, k={k}, vv={vv})\n --> {yield_func(pp, k, vv)}") # yield yield_func(pp, k, vv) # yield something computed from p, k, vv from inspect import signature
[docs]def conjunction(*funcs, name=None): """Make a function that is the conjunction of other functions. And by that we mean that ``` conjunction(*args, **kwargs) ``` will be equal to ``` func_1(*args, **kwargs) & ... & func_n(*args, **kwargs) ``` for all `args, kwargs`. """ first_func, *other_funcs = funcs def conjunct(*args, **kwargs): result = first_func(*args, **kwargs) for func in other_funcs: result &= func(*args, **kwargs) return result conjunct.funcs = funcs conjunct.__signature__ = signature(first_func) conjunct.__return_annotation__ = signature(funcs[-1]).return_annotation if name is not None: conjunct.__name__ = name return conjunct
def until_max_path_length(max_path_length: int = 1): def max_path_length_walk_filt(p, k, v): return len(p) <= max_path_length return max_path_length_walk_filt