Source code for py2store.key_mappers.str_utils

utils from strings
import string

dflt_formatter = string.Formatter()

# For testing:
# position =  "all/{}/is/{}/position"
# position_explicit =  "all/{1}/is/{0}/position"
# position_hybrid =  "all/{}/is/{0}/position/{except}{this}"
# keyword = "all/{this}/is/{with}/keywords"
# hybrid = "and/{this}/is/{}/hybrid"

def parse_str_format(str_format):
    return list(dflt_formatter.parse(str_format))

[docs]def get_explicit_positions(parsed_str_format): """ >>> parsed = parse_str_format("all/{}/is/{2}/position/{except}{this}{0}") >>> get_explicit_positions(parsed) {0, 2} """ return set( map( int, filter( lambda x: isinstance(x, str) and str.isnumeric(x), (x[1] for x in parsed_str_format), ), ) )
[docs]def compile_str_from_parsed(parsed): """The (quasi-)inverse of string.Formatter.parse. Args: parsed: iterator of (literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion) tuples, as yield by string.Formatter.parse Returns: A format string that would produce such a parsed input. >>> s = "ROOT/{}/{0!r}/{1!i:format}/hello{:0.02f}TAIL" >>> assert compile_str_from_parsed(string.Formatter().parse(s)) == s >>> >>> # Or, if you want to see more details... >>> parsed = list(string.Formatter().parse(s)) >>> for p in parsed: ... print(p) ('ROOT/', '', '', None) ('/', '0', '', 'r') ('/', '1', 'format', 'i') ('/hello', '', '0.02f', None) ('TAIL', None, None, None) >>> compile_str_from_parsed(parsed) 'ROOT/{}/{0!r}/{1!i:format}/hello{:0.02f}TAIL' """ result = '' for literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion in parsed: # output the literal text if literal_text: result += literal_text # if there's a field, output it if field_name is not None: result += '{' if field_name != '': result += field_name if conversion: result += '!' + conversion if format_spec: result += ':' + format_spec result += '}' return result
def transform_format_str(format_str, parsed_tuple_trans_func): return compile_str_from_parsed( map( lambda args: parsed_tuple_trans_func(*args), dflt_formatter.parse(format_str), ) ) def _empty_field_name(literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion): if field_name is not None: return literal_text, '', format_spec, conversion else: return literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion
[docs]def auto_field_format_str(format_str): """Get an auto field version of the format_str Args: format_str: A format string Returns: A transformed format_str that has no names {inside} {formatting} {braces}. >>> auto_field_format_str('R/{0}/{one}/{}/{two}/T') 'R/{}/{}/{}/{}/T' """ return transform_format_str(format_str, _empty_field_name)
[docs]def manual_field_format_str(format_str): """Get an auto field version of the format_str Args: format_str: A format string Returns: A transformed format_str that has no names {inside} {formatting} {braces}. >>> auto_field_format_str('R/{0}/{one}/{}/{two}/T') 'R/{}/{}/{}/{}/T' """ return transform_format_str(format_str, _empty_field_name)
def _mk_naming_trans_func(names=None): if names is None: names = map(str, range(99999)) _names = iter(names) def trans_func(literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion): if field_name is not None: return literal_text, next(_names), format_spec, conversion else: return literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion return trans_func
[docs]def name_fields_in_format_str(format_str, field_names=None): """Get a manual field version of the format_str Args: format_str: A format string names: An iterable that produces enough strings to fill all of format_str fields Returns: A transformed format_str >>> name_fields_in_format_str('R/{0}/{one}/{}/{two}/T') 'R/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/T' >>> # Note here that we use the field name to inject a field format as well >>> name_fields_in_format_str('R/{foo}/{0}/{}/T', ['42', 'hi:03.0f', 'world']) 'R/{42}/{hi:03.0f}/{world}/T' """ return transform_format_str(format_str, _mk_naming_trans_func(field_names))
no_hybrid_format_error = ValueError( 'cannot switch from manual field specification (i.e. {{number}} or {{name}}) ' 'to automatic (i.e. {{}}) field numbering.' ) def _is_not_none(x): return x is not None
[docs]def format_params_in_str_format(format_string): """ Get the "parameter" indices/names of the format_string Args: format_string: A format string (i.e. a string with {...} to mark parameter placement and formatting Returns: A list of parameter indices used in the format string, in the order they appear, with repetition. Parameter indices could be integers, strings, or None (to denote "automatic field numbering". >>> format_string = '{0} (no 1) {2}, and {0} is a duplicate, {} is unnamed and {name} is string-named' >>> format_params_in_str_format(format_string) [0, 2, 0, None, 'name'] """ return list( map( lambda x: int(x) if str.isnumeric(x) else x if x != '' else None, filter( _is_not_none, (x[1] for x in dflt_formatter.parse(format_string)), ), ) )
[docs]def n_format_params_in_str_format(format_string): """ The number of parameters""" return len(set(format_params_in_str_format(format_string)))
[docs]def is_manual_format_string(format_string): """ Says if the format_string uses a manual specification See Also: is_automatic_format_string and >>> is_manual_format_string('Manual: indices: {1} {2}, named: {named} {fields}') True >>> is_manual_format_string('Auto: only un-indexed and un-named: {} {}...') False >>> is_manual_format_string('Hybrid: at least a {}, and a {0} or a {name}') False >>> is_manual_format_string('No formatting is both manual and automatic formatting!') True """ return is_manual_format_params(format_params_in_str_format(format_string))
[docs]def is_automatic_format_string(format_string): """ Says if the format_string is uses automatic specification See Also: is_manual_format_params >>> is_automatic_format_string('Manual: indices: {1} {2}, named: {named} {fields}') False >>> is_automatic_format_string('Auto: only un-indexed and un-named: {} {}...') True >>> is_automatic_format_string('Hybrid: at least a {}, and a {0} or a {name}') False >>> is_manual_format_string('No formatting is both manual and automatic formatting!') True """ return is_automatic_format_params( format_params_in_str_format(format_string) )
[docs]def is_hybrid_format_string(format_string): """ Says if the format_params is from a hybrid of auto and manual. Note: Hybrid specifications are considered non-valid and can't be formatted with format_string.format(...). Yet, it can be useful for flexibility of expression (but will need to be resolved to be used). >>> is_hybrid_format_string('Manual: indices: {1} {2}, named: {named} {fields}') False >>> is_hybrid_format_string('Auto: only un-indexed and un-named: {} {}...') False >>> is_hybrid_format_string('Hybrid: at least a {}, and a {0} or a {name}') True >>> is_manual_format_string('No formatting is both manual and automatic formatting (so hybrid is both)!') True """ return is_hybrid_format_params(format_params_in_str_format(format_string))
[docs]def is_manual_format_params(format_params): """ Says if the format_params is from a manual specification See Also: is_automatic_format_params """ assert not isinstance( format_params, str ), "format_params can't be a string (perhaps you meant is_manual_format_string?)" return all((x is not None) for x in format_params)
[docs]def is_automatic_format_params(format_params): """ Says if the format_params is from an automatic specification See Also: is_manual_format_params and is_hybrid_format_params """ assert not isinstance( format_params, str ), "format_params can't be a string (perhaps you meant to use is_automatic_format_string?)" return all((x is None) for x in format_params)
[docs]def is_hybrid_format_params(format_params): """ Says if the format_params is from a hybrid of auto and manual. Note: Hybrid specifications are considered non-valid and can't be formatted with format_string.format(...). Yet, it can be useful for flexibility of expression (but will need to be resolved to be used). See Also: is_manual_format_params and is_automatic_format_params """ assert not isinstance( format_params, str ), "format_params can't be a string (perhaps you meant is_hybrid_format_string?)" return (not is_manual_format_params(format_params)) and ( not is_automatic_format_params(format_params) )
def empty_arg_and_kwargs_for_format(format_string, fill_val=None): format_params = format_params_in_str_format(format_string) if is_manual_format_params(format_params): args_keys, kwargs_keys = args_and_kwargs_indices(format_string) args = [fill_val] * ( max(args_keys) + 1 ) # max because e.g., sometimes, we have {0} and {2} without a {1} kwargs = {k: fill_val for k in kwargs_keys} elif is_automatic_format_params(format_params): args = [fill_val] * len(format_params) kwargs = {} else: raise no_hybrid_format_error # filled_format_string = mk_manual_spec_format_string(format_string, names=()) return args, kwargs # def mk_manual_spec_format_string(format_string, names=()): # pass
[docs]def args_and_kwargs_indices(format_string): """ Get the sets of indices and names used in manual specification of format strings, or None, None if auto spec. Args: format_string: A format string (i.e. a string with {...} to mark parameter placement and formatting Returns: None, None if format_string is an automatic specification set_of_indices_used, set_of_fields_used if it is a manual specification >>> format_string = '{0} (no 1) {2}, {see} this, {0} is a duplicate (appeared before) and {name} is string-named' >>> assert args_and_kwargs_indices(format_string) == ({0, 2}, {'name', 'see'}) >>> format_string = 'This is a format string with only automatic field specification: {}, {}, {} etc.' >>> assert args_and_kwargs_indices(format_string) == (set(), set()) """ if is_hybrid_format_string(format_string): raise no_hybrid_format_error d = {True: set(), False: set()} for x in format_params_in_str_format(format_string): if x is not None: d[isinstance(x, int)].add(x) args_keys, kwargs_keys = d[True], d[False] return args_keys, kwargs_keys