Source code for py2store.persisters.local_files

base classes to work with local files
import os
import re
from glob import iglob
from pathlib import Path
from itertools import takewhile

from dol.errors import NoSuchKeyError
from dol.base import KeyValidationABC, KvReader
from dol.mixins import FilteredKeysMixin, IterBasedSizedMixin

from py2store.parse_format import match_re_for_fstring

# # TODO: These imports are for back compatibility and should be removed at some point
# from py2store.slib.zipfile import ZipReader, ZipFileReader, ZipFilesReader, FilesOfZip
# from py2store.filesys import FileCollection, DirCollection


file_sep = os.path.sep
inf = float('infinity')

[docs]class FolderNotFoundError(NoSuchKeyError): ...
######################################################################################################################## # File system navigation: Utils
[docs]def ensure_slash_suffix(path: str): r"""Add a file separation (/ or \) at the end of path str, if not already present.""" if not path.endswith(file_sep): return path + file_sep else: return path
def pattern_filter(pattern): pattern = re.compile(pattern) def _pattern_filter(s): return pattern.match(s) is not None return _pattern_filter def paths_in_dir_with_slash_suffix_for_dirs(rootdir): for f in iglob(ensure_slash_suffix(rootdir) + '*'): if os.path.isdir(f): yield ensure_slash_suffix(f) else: yield f def iter_relative_files_and_folder(root_folder): root_folder = ensure_slash_suffix(root_folder) return map(lambda x: x.replace(root_folder, ''), iglob(root_folder + '*')) def iter_filepaths_in_folder(root_folder): return ( os.path.join(root_folder, name) for name in iter_relative_files_and_folder(root_folder) ) def paths_in_dir(rootdir): return iglob(ensure_slash_suffix(rootdir) + '*') def filepaths_in_dir(rootdir): return filter(os.path.isfile, iglob(ensure_slash_suffix(rootdir) + '*')) def dirpaths_in_dir(rootdir): return filter(os.path.isdir, iglob(ensure_slash_suffix(rootdir) + '*')) def iter_filepaths_in_folder_recursively( root_folder, max_levels=None, _current_level=0 ): if max_levels is None: max_levels = inf for full_path in paths_in_dir(root_folder): if os.path.isdir(full_path): if _current_level < max_levels: for entry in iter_filepaths_in_folder_recursively( full_path, max_levels, _current_level + 1 ): yield entry else: if os.path.isfile(full_path): yield full_path def iter_dirpaths_in_folder_recursively( root_folder, max_levels=None, _current_level=0 ): if max_levels is None: max_levels = inf for full_path in paths_in_dir(root_folder): if os.path.isdir(full_path): yield full_path if _current_level < max_levels: for entry in iter_dirpaths_in_folder_recursively( full_path, max_levels, _current_level + 1 ): yield entry class PrefixedFilepaths: """ Keys collection for local files, where the keys are full filepaths DIRECTLY under a given root dir _prefix. This mixin adds iteration (__iter__), length (__len__), and containment (__contains__(k)). """ _max_levels = None def __iter__(self): return iter_relative_files_and_folder( self._prefix, max_levels=self._max_levels ) def __contains__(self, k): """ Check if filepath exists (i.e. the path exists and is a file) :param k: A key to search for :return: True if k exists, False if not """ return os.path.isfile(k) class PrefixedFilepathsRecursive(PrefixedFilepaths): """ Keys collection for local files, where the keys are full filepaths RECURSIVELY under a given root dir _prefix. This mixin adds iteration (__iter__), length (__len__), and containment (__contains__(k)). """ _max_levels = None def __iter__(self): return iter_filepaths_in_folder_recursively( self._prefix, max_levels=self._max_levels ) class PrefixedDirpathsRecursive(PrefixedFilepaths): """ Keys collection for local files, where the keys are full filepaths RECURSIVELY under a given root dir _prefix. This mixin adds iteration (__iter__), length (__len__), and containment (__contains__(k)). """ _max_levels = None def __iter__(self): return iter_dirpaths_in_folder_recursively( self._prefix, max_levels=self._max_levels ) def path_match_regex_from_path_format(path_format): if '{' not in path_format: # if the path_format is equal to the _prefix (i.e. there's no {} formatting) # ... append a formatting element so that the matcher can match all subfiles. path_format = path_format + '{}' return match_re_for_fstring(path_format) class PathFormat: def __init__(self, path_format: str): """ A class for pattern-filtered exploration of file paths. :param path_format: The f-string format that the fullpath keys of the obj source should have. Often, just the root directory whose FILES contain the (full_filepath, content) data Also common is to use path_format='{rootdir}/{relative_path}.EXT' to impose a specific extension EXT """ self._path_format = ( path_format # not intended for use, but keeping in case, for now ) if '{' not in path_format: rootdir = ensure_slash_suffix(path_format) else: rootdir = ensure_slash_suffix( os.path.dirname(re.match(r'[^{]*', path_format).group(0)) ) self._prefix = rootdir self._path_match_re = path_match_regex_from_path_format(path_format) def _key_filt(k): return bool(self._path_match_re.match(k)) self._key_filt = _key_filt def is_valid_key(self, k): return self._key_filt(k) def _is_not_dir(p): return not p.is_dir() def first_non_existing_parent_dir(dirpath): parent = '' for parent in takewhile(_is_not_dir, Path(dirpath).parents): pass return str(parent) ######################################################################################################################## # Local File Persistence : Classes from functools import wraps from typing import Union, Callable def w_helpful_folder_not_found_error( *, raise_error=KeyError, extra_msg: Union[str, Callable] = '', caught_errors=FileNotFoundError, ): if isinstance(extra_msg, str): extra_msg_str = extra_msg def extra_msg(*args, **kwargs): return extra_msg_str assert callable(extra_msg), 'extra_msg must be a callable or a string' def _helpful_folder_not_found_error(method): @wraps(method) def wrapped_method(*args, **kwargs): try: return method(*args, **kwargs) except caught_errors as e: msg = '{}: {}\n'.format(type(e).__name__, e) + extra_msg( *args, **kwargs ) raise raise_error(msg) return wrapped_method return _helpful_folder_not_found_error def _store_does_not_create_dirs_msg(self, k, *args, **kwargs): return ( "The store you're using doesn't create directories for you. " 'You have to make the directories needed yourself manually, ' 'or use a store that does that for you (example QuickStore). ' "This is the first directory that didn't exist:\n" f'{first_non_existing_parent_dir(k)}' )
[docs]class LocalFileStreamGetter: """A class to get stream objects of local open files. The class can only get keys, and only to read, write (destructive or append). >>> from tempfile import mkdtemp >>> import os >>> rootdir = mkdtemp() >>> >>> appendable_stream = LocalFileStreamGetter(mode='a+') >>> reader = PathFormatPersister(rootdir) >>> filepath = os.path.join(rootdir, 'tmp.txt') >>> >>> with appendable_stream[filepath] as fp: ... fp.write('hello') 5 >>> print(reader[filepath]) hello >>> with appendable_stream[filepath] as fp: ... fp.write(' world') 6 >>> >>> print(reader[filepath]) hello world """ def __init__(self, **open_kwargs): self.open_kwargs = open_kwargs @w_helpful_folder_not_found_error() def __getitem__(self, k): return open(k, **self.open_kwargs)
# TODO: Use LocalFileStream
[docs]class LocalFileRWD: """ A class providing get, set and delete functionality using local files as the storage backend. """ def __init__(self, mode='', **open_kwargs): assert mode in {'', 'b', 't'}, "mode should be '', 'b', or 't'" read_mode = open_kwargs.pop('read_mode', 'r' + mode) write_mode = open_kwargs.pop('write_mode', 'w' + mode) self._open_kwargs_for_read = dict(open_kwargs, mode=read_mode) self._open_kwargs_for_write = dict(open_kwargs, mode=write_mode) @w_helpful_folder_not_found_error() def __getitem__(self, k): with open(k, **self._open_kwargs_for_read) as fp: data = return data @w_helpful_folder_not_found_error( raise_error=FolderNotFoundError, extra_msg=_store_does_not_create_dirs_msg, ) def __setitem__(self, k, v): with open(k, **self._open_kwargs_for_write) as fp: fp.write(v) @w_helpful_folder_not_found_error() def __delitem__(self, k): return os.remove(k)
[docs]class FilepathFormatKeys( PathFormat, FilteredKeysMixin, KeyValidationABC, PrefixedFilepathsRecursive, IterBasedSizedMixin, ): def __init__(self, path_format: str, max_levels: int = inf): super().__init__(path_format) self._max_levels = max_levels
[docs]class DirpathFormatKeys( PathFormat, FilteredKeysMixin, KeyValidationABC, PrefixedDirpathsRecursive, IterBasedSizedMixin, ): def __init__(self, path_format: str, max_levels: int = inf): super().__init__(path_format) self._max_levels = max_levels
[docs]class PathFormatPersister(FilepathFormatKeys, LocalFileRWD): def __init__( self, path_format, max_levels: int = inf, mode=DFLT_OPEN_MODE, **open_kwargs, ): FilepathFormatKeys.__init__(self, path_format) LocalFileRWD.__init__(self, mode, **open_kwargs) self._max_levels = max_levels
[docs]class PrefixedFilepaths: """ Keys collection for local files, where the keys are full filepaths DIRECTLY under a given root dir _prefix. This mixin adds iteration (__iter__), length (__len__), and containment (__contains__(k)). """ def __iter__(self): return iter_relative_files_and_folder(self._prefix) def __contains__(self, k): """ Check if filepath exists (i.e. the path exists and is a file) :param k: A key to search for :return: True if k exists, False if not """ return os.path.isfile(k)
[docs]class PrefixedFilepathsRecursive(PrefixedFilepaths): """ Keys collection for local files, where the keys are full filepaths RECURSIVELY under a given root dir _prefix. This mixin adds iteration (__iter__), length (__len__), and containment (__contains__(k)). """ def __iter__(self): return iter_filepaths_in_folder_recursively(self._prefix)
[docs]class PrefixedDirpathsRecursive(PrefixedFilepaths): """ Keys collection for local files, where the keys are full filepaths RECURSIVELY under a given root dir _prefix. This mixin adds iteration (__iter__), length (__len__), and containment (__contains__(k)). """ def __iter__(self): return iter_dirpaths_in_folder_recursively(self._prefix)
is_dir_path = os.path.isdir is_file_path = os.path.isfile def extend_prefix(prefix, new_prefix): return ensure_slash_suffix(os.path.join(prefix, new_prefix)) def endswith_slash(path): return path.endswith(file_sep)
[docs]class FileReader(KvReader): """ KV Reader whose keys are paths and values are: - Another FileReader if a path points to a directory - The bytes of the file if the path points to a file. """ def __init__(self, rootdir): self.rootdir = ensure_slash_suffix(rootdir) self._rootdir_length = len(self.rootdir) # TODO: Look into alternatives for the raison d'etre of _new_node and _class_name # (They are there, because using self.__class__ directly goes to super) self._new_node = type(self) self._class_name = type(self).__name__ def _extended_prefix(self, new_prefix): return os.path.join(self.rootdir, new_prefix) # TODO: Possible optimization: Think if using cached keys makes more sense. def __contains__(self, k): return ( k.startswith(self.rootdir) # prefix is rootdir and os.path.exists(k) # exists (as file or dir) and ( k.endswith(file_sep) or file_sep not in k[self._rootdir_length :] ) # is a dir or a first-level file ) def __iter__(self): for path in map( self._extended_prefix, # (2) extend prefix with sub-path name os.listdir(self.rootdir), # (1) list file names under _prefix ): if is_dir_path(path): yield ensure_slash_suffix(path) else: yield path def __getitem__(self, k): if k in self: if is_dir_path(k): return self._new_node(k) elif is_file_path(k): with open(k, 'rb') as fp: return return self.__missing__( k ) # if you got this far, the key is missing (or malformed) def __missing__(self, k): raise NoSuchKeyError( f"No such key (perhaps it's not a valid path, or was deleted?): {k}" ) def __repr__(self): return f"{self._class_name}('{self.rootdir}')"
[docs]class DirReader(FileReader): """ KV Reader whose keys (AND VALUES) are directory full paths of the subdirectories of rootdir. """ def _extended_prefix(self, new_prefix): return ensure_slash_suffix(super()._extended_prefix(new_prefix)) def __contains__(self, k): return endswith_slash(k) and self.__contains__(k) def __iter__(self): return filter(endswith_slash, super().__iter__())