Source code for py2store.stores.local_store

stores to operate on local files
import os
from functools import wraps

from py2store.base import Store, Persister
from py2store.core import PrefixRelativizationMixin, PrefixRelativization
from py2store.paths import mk_relative_path_store
from py2store.serializers.pickled import mk_pickle_rw_funcs
from py2store.persisters.local_files import (

# from py2store.filesys import DirCollection
from py2store.mixins import SimpleJsonMixin

[docs]class PathFormatStore(PathFormatPersister, Persister): """ Local file store using templated relative paths. >>> from tempfile import gettempdir >>> import os >>> >>> def write_to_key(fullpath_of_relative_path, relative_path, content): # a function to write content in files ... with open(fullpath_of_relative_path(relative_path), 'w') as fp: ... fp.write(content) >>> >>> # Preparation: Make a temporary rootdir and write two files in it >>> rootdir = os.path.join(gettempdir(), 'path_format_store_test' + os.sep) >>> if not os.path.isdir(rootdir): ... os.mkdir(rootdir) >>> # recreate directory (remove existing files, delete directory, and re-create it) >>> for f in os.listdir(rootdir): ... fullpath = os.path.join(rootdir, f) ... if os.path.isfile(fullpath): ... os.remove(os.path.join(rootdir, f)) >>> if os.path.isdir(rootdir): ... os.rmdir(rootdir) >>> if not os.path.isdir(rootdir): ... os.mkdir(rootdir) >>> >>> filepath_of = lambda p: os.path.join(rootdir, p) # a function to get a fullpath from a relative one >>> # and make two files in this new dir, with some content >>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'a', 'foo') >>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'b', 'bar') >>> >>> # point the obj source to the rootdir >>> s = PathFormatStore(path_format=rootdir) >>> >>> # assert things... >>> assert s._prefix == rootdir # the _rootdir is the one given in constructor >>> assert s[filepath_of('a')] == 'foo' # (the filepath for) 'a' contains 'foo' >>> >>> # two files under rootdir (as long as the OS didn't create it's own under the hood) >>> len(s) 2 >>> assert list(s) == [filepath_of('a'), filepath_of('b')] # there's two files in s >>> filepath_of('a') in s # rootdir/a is in s True >>> filepath_of('not_there') in s # rootdir/not_there is not in s False >>> filepath_of('not_there') not in s # rootdir/not_there is not in s True >>> assert list(s.keys()) == [filepath_of('a'), filepath_of('b')] # the keys (filepaths) of s >>> sorted(list(s.values())) # the values of s (contents of files) ['bar', 'foo'] >>> assert list(s.items()) == [(filepath_of('a'), 'foo'), (filepath_of('b'), 'bar')] # the (path, content) items >>> assert s.get('this key is not there', None) is None # trying to get the val of a non-existing key returns None >>> s.get('this key is not there', 'some default value') # ... or whatever you say 'some default value' >>> >>> # add more files to the same folder >>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'this.txt', 'this') >>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'that.txt', 'blah') >>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'the_other.txt', 'bloo') >>> # see that you now have 5 files >>> len(s) 5 >>> # and these files contain values: >>> sorted(s.values()) ['bar', 'blah', 'bloo', 'foo', 'this'] >>> >>> # but if we make an obj source to only take files whose extension is '.txt'... >>> s = PathFormatStore(path_format=rootdir + '{}.txt') >>> >>> rootdir_2 = os.path.join(gettempdir(), 'obj_source_test_2') # get another rootdir >>> if not os.path.isdir(rootdir_2): ... os.mkdir(rootdir_2) >>> filepath_of_2 = lambda p: os.path.join(rootdir_2, p) >>> # and make two files in this new dir, with some content >>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'this.txt', 'this') >>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'that.txt', 'blah') >>> write_to_key(filepath_of, 'the_other.txt', 'bloo') >>> >>> ss = PathFormatStore(path_format=rootdir_2 + '{}.txt') >>> >>> assert s != ss # though pointing to identical content, o and oo are not equal since the paths are not equal! """ pass
RelPathLocalFileStore = mk_relative_path_store( PathFormatPersister, __name__='RelPathLocalFileStore' ) RelPathLocalFileStore.__doc__ = ( '''Local file store using templated relative paths.''' ) RelPathLocalFileStoreEnforcingFormat = mk_relative_path_store( PathFormatPersister, __name__='RelPathLocalFileStoreEnforcingFormat' ) RelPathLocalFileStoreEnforcingFormat.__doc__ = '''A RelativePathFormatStore, but that won't allow one to use a key that is not valid (according to the boolean method)''' # aliases for back compatibility RelativePathFormatStore = RelPathLocalFileStore RelativePathFormatStoreEnforcingFormat = RelPathLocalFileStoreEnforcingFormat # Old version it replaces # class RelativePathFormatStore(PrefixRelativizationMixin, Store): # """Local file store using templated relative paths. # """ # # @wraps(PathFormatStore.__init__) # def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # super().__init__(store=PathFormatStore(*args, **kwargs)) # self._prefix = # # # class RelativePathFormatStoreEnforcingFormat(RelativePathFormatStore): # """A RelativePathFormatStore, but that won't allow one to use a key that is not valid # (according to the boolean method). # """ # # def _id_of_key(self, k): # _id = super()._id_of_key(k) # if # return _id # else: # raise KeyError(f"Key not valid: {k}")
[docs]class MakeMissingDirsStoreMixin: """Will make a local file store automatically create the directories needed to create a file. Should be placed before the concrete perisister in the mro but in such a manner so that it receives full paths. """ def __setitem__(self, k, v): _id = self._id_of_key(k) dirname = os.path.dirname(_id) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=1) super().__setitem__(k, v)
[docs]class PathFormatStoreWithPrefix(Store): @wraps(PathFormatStore.__init__) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(store=PathFormatStore(*args, **kwargs)) self._prefix =
# Would like to replace the above pattern with what's below, but # from py2store.trans import store_wrap # PathFormatStoreWithPrefix = store_wrap(PathFormatStore, 'PathFormatStoreWithPrefix')
[docs]class RelativePathFormatStore2( PrefixRelativizationMixin, PathFormatStoreWithPrefix ): pass
[docs]class LocalTextStore(RelativePathFormatStore): """Local files store for text data""" def __init__(self, path_format, max_levels=None): super().__init__(path_format, max_levels=max_levels, mode='t')
[docs]class LocalBinaryStore(RelativePathFormatStore): """Local files store for binary data""" def __init__(self, path_format, max_levels=None): super().__init__(path_format, max_levels=max_levels, mode='b')
[docs]class LocalPickleStore(RelativePathFormatStore): """Local files store with pickle serialization""" def __init__( self, path_format, max_levels=None, fix_imports=True, protocol=None, pickle_encoding='ASCII', pickle_errors='strict', **open_kwargs, ): super().__init__( path_format, max_levels=max_levels, mode='b', **open_kwargs ) self._loads, self._dumps = mk_pickle_rw_funcs( fix_imports, protocol, pickle_encoding, pickle_errors ) @classmethod def for_dill( cls, path_format, max_levels=None, open_kwargs=None, *args, **kwargs ): from py2store.serializers.pickled import mk_dill_rw_funcs open_kwargs = open_kwargs or {} self = cls(path_format, max_levels=max_levels, **open_kwargs) self._loads, self._dumps = mk_dill_rw_funcs(*args, **kwargs) return self def __getitem__(self, k): try: return self._loads(super().__getitem__(k)) except (ModuleNotFoundError, AttributeError) as e: if isinstance(e, AttributeError) and 'module' not in str(e): raise else: raise type(e)(f'Some modules are missing to unpickle {k}: {e}') def __setitem__(self, k, v): return super().__setitem__(k, self._dumps(v)) # TODO: hack to take care of problem with head not playing well with wrappers. Find better solution. def head(self): for k, v in self.items(): return k, v
[docs]class LocalJsonStore(SimpleJsonMixin, LocalTextStore): __doc__ = str(LocalTextStore.__doc__) + SimpleJsonMixin._docsuffix
PickleStore = LocalPickleStore # alias def mk_tmp_quick_store_dirpath(dirname=''): from tempfile import gettempdir temp_root = gettempdir() return os.path.join(temp_root, dirname) def mk_absolute_path(path_format): if path_format.startswith('~'): path_format = os.path.expanduser(path_format) elif path_format.startswith('.'): path_format = os.path.abspath(path_format) return path_format
[docs]class AutoMkDirsOnSetitemMixin: """A mixin that will automatically create directories on setitem, when missing.""" def __setitem__(self, k, v): dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(self._prefix, k)) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) return super().__setitem__(k, v)
[docs]class AutoMkPathformatMixin: """A mixin that will choose a path_format if none given """ _tmp_dirname = 'quick_store' _docsuffix = ' with default temp root and auto dir generation on write.' @classmethod def mk_tmp_quick_store_path_format(cls, subpath=''): return mk_tmp_quick_store_dirpath( os.path.join(cls._tmp_dirname, subpath) ) def __init__(self, path_format=None, max_levels=None): if path_format is None: path_format = self.mk_tmp_quick_store_path_format() print( f'No path_format was given, so taking one from a tmp dir. Namely:\n\t{path_format}' ) else: path_format = mk_absolute_path(path_format) super().__init__(path_format, max_levels=max_levels)
[docs]class QuickLocalStoreMixin(AutoMkPathformatMixin, AutoMkDirsOnSetitemMixin): """A mixin that will choose a path_format if none given, and will automatically create directories on setitem, when missing. """
# _tmp_dirname = "quick_store" # _docsuffix = " with default temp root and auto dir generation on write." # # @classmethod # def mk_tmp_quick_store_path_format(cls, subpath=""): # return mk_tmp_quick_store_dirpath( # os.path.join(cls._tmp_dirname, subpath) # ) # # def __init__(self, path_format=None, max_levels=None): # if path_format is None: # path_format = self.mk_tmp_quick_store_path_format() # print( # f"No path_format was given, so taking one from a tmp dir. Namely:\n\t{path_format}" # ) # else: # path_format = mk_absolute_path(path_format) # super().__init__(path_format, max_levels=max_levels) # # def __setitem__(self, k, v): # dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(self._prefix, k)) # os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) # return super().__setitem__(k, v)
[docs]class QuickTextStore(QuickLocalStoreMixin, LocalTextStore): __doc__ = str(LocalTextStore.__doc__) + QuickLocalStoreMixin._docsuffix
[docs]class QuickBinaryStore(QuickLocalStoreMixin, LocalBinaryStore): __doc__ = str(LocalBinaryStore.__doc__) + QuickLocalStoreMixin._docsuffix
[docs]class QuickJsonStore(SimpleJsonMixin, QuickTextStore): __doc__ = str(QuickTextStore.__doc__) + SimpleJsonMixin._docsuffix
[docs]class QuickPickleStore(QuickLocalStoreMixin, PickleStore): __doc__ = str(PickleStore.__doc__) + QuickLocalStoreMixin._docsuffix
QuickStore = QuickPickleStore # alias LocalStore = QuickStore # alias
[docs]class DirStore(Store): """A store for local directories. Keys are directory names and values are subdirectory DirStores. >>> from py2store import __file__ >>> import os >>> root = os.path.dirname(__file__) >>> s = DirStore(root) >>> assert set(s).issuperset({'stores', 'persisters', 'serializers', 'key_mappers'}) """ def __init__(self, rootdir): rootdir = ensure_slash_suffix(rootdir) super().__init__(store=DirReader(rootdir)) self._prefix = rootdir key_wrap = PrefixRelativization(_prefix=rootdir) os_sep = os.sep self._id_of_key = lambda k: key_wrap._id_of_key(k) + os_sep self._key_of_id = lambda k: key_wrap._key_of_id(k)[:-1] # TODO: Look into alternatives for the raison d'etre of _new_node and _class_name # (They are there, because using self.__class__ directly goes to super) = self.__class__ = self.__class__.__name__
[docs]class RelativeDirPathFormatKeys(PrefixRelativizationMixin, Store): @wraps(DirpathFormatKeys.__init__) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(store=DirpathFormatKeys(*args, **kwargs)) self._prefix =