Source code for dol.filesys

"""File system access"""

import os
from os import stat as os_stat
from functools import wraps, partial
from typing import Union, Callable

from dol.base import Collection, KvReader, KvPersister
from dol.trans import wrap_kvs, store_decorator
from dol.naming import mk_pattern_from_template_and_format_dict
from dol.paths import mk_relative_path_store

file_sep = os.path.sep
inf = float('infinity')

[docs]def ensure_slash_suffix(path: str): r"""Add a file separation (/ or \) at the end of path str, if not already present.""" if not path.endswith(file_sep): return path + file_sep else: return path
def paths_in_dir(rootdir, include_hidden=False): for name in os.listdir(rootdir): if include_hidden or not name.startswith( '.' ): # TODO: is dot a platform independent marker for hidden file? filepath = os.path.join(rootdir, name) if os.path.isdir(filepath): yield ensure_slash_suffix(filepath) else: yield filepath
[docs]def iter_filepaths_in_folder_recursively( root_folder, max_levels=None, _current_level=0, include_hidden=False ): """Recursively generates filepaths of folder (and subfolders, etc.) up to a given level""" if max_levels is None: max_levels = inf for full_path in paths_in_dir(root_folder, include_hidden): if os.path.isdir(full_path): if _current_level < max_levels: for entry in iter_filepaths_in_folder_recursively( full_path, max_levels, _current_level + 1, include_hidden ): yield entry else: if os.path.isfile(full_path): yield full_path
[docs]def iter_dirpaths_in_folder_recursively( root_folder, max_levels=None, _current_level=0, include_hidden=False ): """Recursively generates dirpaths of folder (and subfolders, etc.) up to a given level""" if max_levels is None: max_levels = inf for full_path in paths_in_dir(root_folder, include_hidden): if os.path.isdir(full_path): yield full_path if _current_level < max_levels: for entry in iter_dirpaths_in_folder_recursively( full_path, max_levels, _current_level + 1, include_hidden ): yield entry
[docs]def ensure_dir(dirpath, verbose: Union[bool, str, Callable] = False): """Ensure that a directory exists, creating it if necessary. :param dirpath: path to the directory to create :param verbose: controls verbosity (the noise ensure_dir makes if it make folder) :return: the path to the directory When the path does not exist, if ``verbose`` is: - a ``bool``' a standard message will be printed - a ``callable``; will be called on dirpath before directory is created -- you can use this to ask the user for confirmation for example - a ''string``; this string will be printed Usage note: If you want to string or the (argument-less) callable to be dependent on ``dirpath``, you need make them so when calling ensure_dir. """ if not os.path.exists(dirpath): if verbose: if isinstance(verbose, bool): print(f'Making the directory: {dirpath}') elif isinstance(verbose, Callable): callaback = verbose callaback(dirpath) else: string_to_print = verbose print(string_to_print) os.makedirs(dirpath, exist_ok=True) return dirpath
def temp_dir(dirname='', make_it_if_necessary=True, verbose=False): from tempfile import gettempdir tmpdir = os.path.join(gettempdir(), dirname) if make_it_if_necessary: ensure_dir(tmpdir, verbose) return tmpdir mk_tmp_dol_dir = temp_dir # for backward compatibility def mk_absolute_path(path_format): if path_format.startswith('~'): path_format = os.path.expanduser(path_format) elif path_format.startswith('.'): path_format = os.path.abspath(path_format) return path_format # TODO: subpath: Need to be able to allow named and unnamed file format markers (i.e {} and {named}) _dflt_not_valid_error_msg = ( 'Key not valid (usually because does not exist or access not permitted): {}' ) _dflt_not_found_error_msg = 'Key not found: {}'
[docs]class KeyValidationError(KeyError): pass
# TODO: The validate and try/except is a frequent pattern. Make it a decorator. def validate_key_and_raise_key_error_on_exception(func): @wraps(func) def wrapped_method(self, k, *args, **kwargs): self.validate_key(k) try: return func(self, k, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: raise KeyError(e) return wrapped_method
[docs]def resolve_path(path, assert_existence: bool = False): """Resolve a path to a full, real, (file or folder) path (opt assert existence). That is, resolve situations where ~ and . prefix the paths. """ if path.startswith('.'): path = os.path.abspath(path) elif path.startswith('~'): path = os.path.expanduser(path) if assert_existence: assert os.path.exists(path), f"This path (file or folder) wasn't found: {path}" return path
[docs]def resolve_dir( dirpath: str, assert_existence: bool = False, ensure_existence: bool = False ): """Resolve a path to a full, real, path to a directory""" dirpath = resolve_path(dirpath) if ensure_existence and not os.path.isdir(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath, exist_ok=True) if assert_existence: assert os.path.isdir(dirpath), f"This directory wasn't found: {dirpath}" return dirpath
def _for_repr(obj, quote="'"): """ >>> _for_repr('a string') "'a string'" >>> _for_repr(10) 10 >>> _for_repr(None) 'None' """ if isinstance(obj, str): obj = f'{quote}{obj}{quote}' elif obj is None: obj = 'None' return obj
[docs]class FileSysCollection(Collection): # rootdir = None # mentioning here so that the attribute is seen as an attribute before instantiation. def __init__( self, rootdir, subpath='', pattern_for_field=None, max_levels=None, *, include_hidden=False, assert_rootdir_existence=False, ): self._init_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k != 'self'} rootdir = resolve_dir(rootdir, assert_existence=assert_rootdir_existence) if max_levels is None: max_levels = inf subpath_implied_min_levels = len(subpath.split(os.path.sep)) - 1 assert ( max_levels >= subpath_implied_min_levels ), f'max_levels is {max_levels}, but subpath {subpath} would imply at least {subpath_implied_min_levels}' pattern_for_field = pattern_for_field or {} self.rootdir = ensure_slash_suffix(rootdir) self.subpath = subpath self._key_pattern = mk_pattern_from_template_and_format_dict( os.path.join(rootdir, subpath), pattern_for_field ) self._max_levels = max_levels self.include_hidden = include_hidden def is_valid_key(self, k): return bool(self._key_pattern.match(k)) def validate_key( self, k, err_msg_format=_dflt_not_valid_error_msg, err_type=KeyValidationError, ): if not self.is_valid_key(k): raise err_type(err_msg_format.format(k)) def __repr__(self): input_str = ', '.join( f'{k}={_for_repr(v)}' for k, v in self._init_kwargs.items() ) return f'{type(self).__name__}({input_str})'
[docs]class DirCollection(FileSysCollection): def __iter__(self): yield from filter( self.is_valid_key, iter_dirpaths_in_folder_recursively( self.rootdir, max_levels=self._max_levels, include_hidden=self.include_hidden, ), ) def __contains__(self, k): return self.is_valid_key(k) and os.path.isdir(k)
[docs]class FileCollection(FileSysCollection): def __iter__(self): """ Iterator of valid filepaths. >>> import os >>> filepath = __file__ # path to this module >>> dirpath = os.path.dirname(__file__) # path of the directory where I (the module file) am >>> s = FileCollection(dirpath, max_levels=0) >>> >>> files_in_this_dir = list(s) >>> filepath in files_in_this_dir True """ yield from filter( self.is_valid_key, iter_filepaths_in_folder_recursively( self.rootdir, max_levels=self._max_levels, include_hidden=self.include_hidden, ), ) def __contains__(self, k): """ Checks if k is valid and contained in the store >>> import os >>> filepath = __file__ # path to this module >>> dirpath = os.path.dirname(__file__) # path of the directory where I (the module file) am >>> s = FileCollection(dirpath, max_levels=0) >>> >>> filepath in s True >>> '_this_filepath_will_never_be_valid_' in s False """ return self.is_valid_key(k) and os.path.isfile(k)
[docs]class FileInfoReader(FileCollection, KvReader): def __getitem__(self, k): self.validate_key(k) return os_stat(k)
[docs]class FileBytesReader(FileCollection, KvReader): _read_open_kwargs = dict( mode='rb', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None, ) @validate_key_and_raise_key_error_on_exception def __getitem__(self, k): ''' Gets the bytes contents of the file k. >>> import os >>> filepath = __file__ >>> dirpath = os.path.dirname(__file__) # path of the directory where I (the module file) am >>> s = FileBytesReader(dirpath, max_levels=0) >>> >>> ####### Get the first 9 characters (as bytes) of this module ##################### >>> s[filepath][:9] b'"""File s' >>> >>> ####### Test key validation ##################### >>> # this key is not valid since not under the dirpath folder, so should give an exception >>> # Skipped because filesys.KeyValidationError vs dol.filesys.KeyValidationError on different systems >>> s['not_a_valid_key'] # doctest: +SKIP Traceback (most recent call last): ... filesys.KeyValidationError: 'Key not valid (usually because does not exist or access not permitted): not_a_valid_key' >>> >>> ####### Test further exceptions (that should be wrapped in KeyError) ##################### >>> # this key is valid, since under dirpath, but the file itself doesn't exist (hopefully for this test) >>> non_existing_file = os.path.join(dirpath, 'non_existing_file') >>> try: ... s[non_existing_file] ... except KeyError: ... print("KeyError (not FileNotFoundError) was raised.") KeyError (not FileNotFoundError) was raised. ''' with open(k, **self._read_open_kwargs) as fp: return
class LocalFileDeleteMixin: @validate_key_and_raise_key_error_on_exception def __delitem__(self, k): os.remove(k)
[docs]class FileBytesPersister(FileBytesReader, KvPersister): _write_open_kwargs = dict( mode='wb', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None, ) # _make_dirs_if_missing = False @validate_key_and_raise_key_error_on_exception def __setitem__(self, k, v): # TODO: Make this work with validate_key_and_raise_key_error_on_exception # if self._make_dirs_if_missing: # dirname = os.path.dirname(k) # os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) with open(k, **self._write_open_kwargs) as fp: return fp.write(v) @validate_key_and_raise_key_error_on_exception def __delitem__(self, k): os.remove(k)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: Once test coverage sufficient, apply this pattern to all other convenience stores with_relative_paths = partial(mk_relative_path_store, prefix_attr='rootdir')
[docs]@with_relative_paths class FilesReader(FileBytesReader): """FileBytesReader with relative paths"""
[docs]@with_relative_paths class Files(FileBytesPersister): """FileBytesPersister with relative paths"""
RelPathFileBytesReader = FilesReader RelPathFileBytesPersister = Files # back-compatibility alias # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class FileStringReader(FileBytesReader): _read_open_kwargs = dict(FileBytesReader._read_open_kwargs, mode='rt')
[docs]class FileStringPersister(FileBytesPersister): _read_open_kwargs = dict(FileBytesReader._read_open_kwargs, mode='rt') _write_open_kwargs = dict(FileBytesPersister._write_open_kwargs, mode='wt')
[docs]@with_relative_paths(prefix_attr='rootdir') class TextFilesReader(FileStringReader): """FileStringReader with relative paths"""
[docs]@with_relative_paths(prefix_attr='rootdir') class TextFiles(FileStringPersister): """FileStringPersister with relative paths"""
RelPathFileStringReader = TextFilesReader RelPathFileStringPersister = TextFiles # ------------------------------------ misc --------------------------------------------- import pickle pickle_bytes_wrap = wrap_kvs(obj_of_data=pickle.loads, data_of_obj=pickle.dumps)
[docs]@pickle_bytes_wrap class PickleStore(RelPathFileBytesPersister): """A store of pickles"""
# @wrap_kvs(key_of_id=lambda x: x[:-1], id_of_key=lambda x: x + path_sep)
[docs]@mk_relative_path_store(prefix_attr='rootdir') class PickleStores(DirCollection): def __getitem__(self, k): return PickleStore(k) def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}('{self.rootdir}', ...)"
[docs]class DirReader(DirCollection, KvReader): def __getitem__(self, k): return DirReader(k)
def mk_dirs_if_missing_preset(self, k, v, verbose=False): # TODO: I'm not thrilled in the way I'm doing this; find alternatives try: super(type(self), self).__setitem__(k, v) except Exception: # general on purpose... # TODO: ... But perhaps a more precise (but sufficient) exception list better? from dol.dig import inner_most_key # get the inner most key, which should be a full path _id = inner_most_key(self, k) # get the full path of directory needed for this file dirname = os.path.dirname(_id) # make all the directories needed ensure_dir(dirname, verbose=verbose) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) # try writing again super(type(self), self).__setitem__(k, v) # TODO: Undesirable here: If the setitem still fails, we created dirs # already, for nothing, and are not cleaning up (if clean up need to make # sure to not delete dirs that already existed!) finally: return v # TODO: Add more control over mk dir condition (e.g. number of levels, or any key cond) # Also, add a verbose option to print the dirs that are being made # (see dol.filesys.ensure_dir)
[docs]@store_decorator def mk_dirs_if_missing( store_cls=None, *, verbose: Union[bool, str, Callable] = False, key_condition=None, # TODO: not used! Should use! Add to ensure_dir ): """Store decorator that will make the store create directories on write as needed. Note that it'll only effect paths relative to the rootdir, which needs to be ensured to exist separatedly. """ _mk_dirs_if_missing_preset = partial(mk_dirs_if_missing_preset, verbose=verbose) return wrap_kvs(store_cls, preset=_mk_dirs_if_missing_preset)
# DEPRECATED!! # This one really smells.
[docs]class MakeMissingDirsStoreMixin: """Will make a local file store automatically create the directories needed to create a file. Should be placed before the concrete perisister in the mro but in such a manner so that it receives full paths. """ _verbose: Union[bool, str, Callable] = False # eek! Can't set in init. def __setitem__(self, k, v): print( f'Deprecating message: Consider using the mk_dirs_if_missing decorator instead.' ) # TODO: I'm not thrilled in the way I'm doing this; find alternatives try: super().__setitem__(k, v) except Exception: # general on purpose... # TODO: ... But perhaps a more precise (but sufficient) exception list better? from dol.dig import inner_most_key # get the inner most key, which should be a full path _id = inner_most_key(self, k) # get the full path of directory needed for this file dirname = os.path.dirname(_id) # make all the directories needed ensure_dir(dirname, self._verbose) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) # try writing again super().__setitem__(k, v)
# TODO: Undesirable here: If the setitem still fails, we created dirs # already, for nothing, and are not cleaning up (if clean up need to make # sure to not delete dirs that already existed!)