Source code for dol.misc

Functions to read from and write to misc sources
# TODO: Completely redo this, using preset and postget and making it into a plugin
#  architecture. See
from functools import partial
import os
import json
import pickle
import csv
import gzip
from contextlib import suppress
from io import StringIO

from dol.filesys import Files
from dol.zipfiledol import FilesOfZip
from dol.util import imdict, ModuleNotFoundIgnore

def csv_fileobj(csv_data, *args, **kwargs):  # TODO: Use extended wraps func to inject
    fp = StringIO('')
    writer = csv.writer(fp)
    writer.writerows(csv_data, *args, **kwargs)

def identity_method(x):
    return x

# TODO: Enhance default handling so users can have their own defaults (checking for local config file etc.)
# Note: If you're tempted to add third-party cases here (like yaml, pandas):
#   DO NOT!! Defaults must work only with builtins (or misc would be non-deterministic)
dflt_func_key = lambda self, k: os.path.splitext(k)[1]
dflt_dflt_incoming_val_trans = staticmethod(identity_method)

# TODO: Get rid of lambdas. Use methodcaller and partial instead
#  Requires solving first
dflt_incoming_val_trans_for_key = {
    '.bin': identity_method,
    '.csv': lambda v: list(csv.reader(StringIO(v.decode()))),
    '.txt': lambda v: v.decode(),
    '.pkl': lambda v: pickle.loads(v),
    '.pickle': lambda v: pickle.loads(v),
    '.json': lambda v: json.loads(v),
    '.zip': FilesOfZip,
    '.gzip': gzip.decompress,

dflt_outgoing_val_trans_for_key = {
    '.bin': identity_method,
    '.csv': csv_fileobj,
    '.txt': lambda v: v.encode(),
    '.pkl': lambda v: pickle.dumps(v),
    '.pickle': lambda v: pickle.dumps(v),
    '.json': lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode(),
    '.gzip': gzip.compress,
    '.ini': lambda v: ConfigStore(
        v, interpolation=ConfigReader.ExtendedInterpolation()

# TODO: Change whole module to be proper plugin architecture
with suppress(ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
    from config2py import ConfigReader, ConfigStore

    dflt_incoming_val_trans_for_key['.ini'] = partial(
        ConfigStore, interpolation=ConfigReader.ExtendedInterpolation(),

    dflt_outgoing_val_trans_for_key['.ini'] = partial(
        ConfigStore, interpolation=ConfigReader.ExtendedInterpolation()

synset_of_ext = {'.ini': {'.cnf', '.conf', '.config'}, '.gzip': ['.gz']}
for _user_this, _for_these_extensions in synset_of_ext.items():
    for _d in [
        if _user_this in _d:
            for _ext in _for_these_extensions:
                _d[_ext] = _d[_user_this]

# TODO: Different misc objects (function, class, default instance) should be a aligned more

[docs]class MiscReaderMixin: """Mixin to transform incoming vals according to the key their under. Warning: If used as a subclass, this mixin should (in general) be placed before the store >>> # make a reader that will wrap a dict >>> class MiscReader(MiscReaderMixin, dict): ... def __init__(self, d, ... incoming_val_trans_for_key=None, ... dflt_incoming_val_trans=None, ... func_key=None): ... dict.__init__(self, d) ... MiscReaderMixin.__init__(self, incoming_val_trans_for_key, dflt_incoming_val_trans, func_key) ... >>> >>> incoming_val_trans_for_key = dict( ... MiscReaderMixin._incoming_val_trans_for_key, # take the existing defaults... ... **{'.bin': lambda v: [ord(x) for x in v.decode()], # ... override how to handle the .bin extension ... '.reverse_this': lambda v: v[::-1] # add a new extension (and how to handle it) ... }) >>> >>> import pickle >>> d = { ... 'a.bin': b'abc123', ... 'a.reverse_this': b'abc123', ... 'a.csv': b'event,year\\n Magna Carta,1215\\n Guido,1956', ... 'a.txt': b'this is not a text', ... 'a.pkl': pickle.dumps(['text', [str, map], {'a list': [1, 2, 3]}]), ... 'a.json': '{"str": "field", "int": 42, "float": 3.14, "array": [1, 2], "nested": {"a": 1, "b": 2}}', ... } >>> >>> s = MiscReader(d=d, incoming_val_trans_for_key=incoming_val_trans_for_key) >>> list(s) ['a.bin', 'a.reverse_this', 'a.csv', 'a.txt', 'a.pkl', 'a.json'] >>> s['a.bin'] [97, 98, 99, 49, 50, 51] >>> s['a.reverse_this'] b'321cba' >>> s['a.csv'] [['event', 'year'], [' Magna Carta', '1215'], [' Guido', '1956']] >>> s['a.pkl'] ['text', [<class 'str'>, <class 'map'>], {'a list': [1, 2, 3]}] >>> s['a.json'] {'str': 'field', 'int': 42, 'float': 3.14, 'array': [1, 2], 'nested': {'a': 1, 'b': 2}} """ _func_key = lambda self, k: os.path.splitext(k)[1] _dflt_incoming_val_trans = staticmethod(identity_method) _incoming_val_trans_for_key = imdict(dflt_incoming_val_trans_for_key) def __init__( self, incoming_val_trans_for_key=None, dflt_incoming_val_trans=None, func_key=None, ): if incoming_val_trans_for_key is not None: self._incoming_val_trans_for_key = incoming_val_trans_for_key if dflt_incoming_val_trans is not None: self._dflt_incoming_val_trans = dflt_incoming_val_trans if func_key is not None: self._func_key = func_key def __getitem__(self, k): func_key = self._func_key(k) trans_func = self._incoming_val_trans_for_key.get( func_key, self._dflt_incoming_val_trans ) return trans_func(super().__getitem__(k))
# import urllib import urllib.request DFLT_USER_AGENT = 'Wget/1.16 (linux-gnu)' def _is_dropbox_url(url): return url.startswith('') or url.startswith( '' ) def _bytes_from_dropbox(url, chk_size=1024, user_agent=DFLT_USER_AGENT): from io import BytesIO def _download_from_dropbox(url, file, chk_size=1024, user_agent=DFLT_USER_AGENT): def iter_content_and_copy_to(file): req = urllib.request.Request(url) req.add_header('user-agent', user_agent) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response: while True: chk = if len(chk) > 0: file.write(chk) else: break if not isinstance(file, str): iter_content_and_copy_to(file) else: with open(file, 'wb') as _target_file: iter_content_and_copy_to(_target_file) with BytesIO() as file: _download_from_dropbox(url, file, chk_size=chk_size, user_agent=user_agent) return def url_to_bytes(url): if _is_dropbox_url(url): return _bytes_from_dropbox(url) else: with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response: return # TODO: I'd really like to reuse MiscReaderMixin here! There's a lot of potential. # TODO: For more flexibility, the default store should probably be a UriReader (that doesn't exist yet) # If store argument of get_obj was a type instead of an instance, or if MiscReaderMixin was a transformer, if would # be easier -- but would it make their individual concerns mixed? # Also, preset and postget (trans.wrap_kvs(...)) now exist. Let's use them here.
[docs]def get_obj( k, store=Files(''), incoming_val_trans_for_key=imdict(dflt_incoming_val_trans_for_key), dflt_incoming_val_trans=identity_method, func_key=lambda k: os.path.splitext(k)[1], ): """A quick way to get an object, with default... everything (but the key, you know, a clue of what you want)""" if k.startswith('http://') or k.startswith('https://'): v = url_to_bytes(k) else: if isinstance( store, Files ): # being extra careful to only do this if default local store # preprocessing the key if it starts with '.', '..', or '~' if k.startswith('.') or k.startswith('..'): k = os.path.abspath(k) elif k.startswith('~'): k = os.path.expanduser(k) v = store[k] trans_func = (incoming_val_trans_for_key or {}).get( func_key(k), dflt_incoming_val_trans ) return trans_func(v)
# TODO: I'd really like to reuse MiscReaderMixin here! There's a lot of potential. # Same comment as for get_obj.
[docs]class MiscGetter: """ An object to write (and only write) to a store (default local files) with automatic deserialization according to a property of the key (default: file extension). >>> from dol.misc import get_obj, misc_objs_get >>> import os >>> import json >>> >>> pjoin = lambda *p: os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), *p) >>> path = pjoin('tmp.json') >>> d = {'a': {'b': {'c': [1, 2, 3]}}} >>> json.dump(d, open(path, 'w')) # putting a json file there, the normal way, so we can use it later >>> >>> k = path >>> t = get_obj(k) # if you'd like to use a function >>> assert t == d >>> tt = misc_objs_get[k] # if you'd like to use an object (note: can get, but nothing else (no list, set, del, etc)) >>> assert tt == d >>> t {'a': {'b': {'c': [1, 2, 3]}}} """ def __init__( self, store=Files(''), incoming_val_trans_for_key=imdict(dflt_incoming_val_trans_for_key), dflt_incoming_val_trans=identity_method, func_key=lambda k: os.path.splitext(k)[1], ): = store self.incoming_val_trans_for_key = incoming_val_trans_for_key self.dflt_incoming_val_trans = dflt_incoming_val_trans self.func_key = func_key def __getitem__(self, k): return get_obj( k,, self.incoming_val_trans_for_key, self.dflt_incoming_val_trans, self.func_key, ) def __iter__(self): # Disabling "manually" to avoid iteration falling back on __getitem__ with integers # To know more, see: # # raise NotImplementedError( "By default, there's no iteration in MiscGetter. " 'But feel free to subclass if you ' 'have a particular sense of what the iteration should yield!' )
misc_objs_get = MiscGetter() # TODO: Make this be more tightly couples with the actual default used in get_obj and MiscGetter (avoid misalignments) misc_objs_get.dflt_incoming_val_trans_for_key = dflt_incoming_val_trans_for_key
[docs]class MiscStoreMixin(MiscReaderMixin): r"""Mixin to transform incoming and outgoing vals according to the key their under. Warning: If used as a subclass, this mixin should (in general) be placed before the store See also: preset and postget args from wrap_kvs decorator from dol.trans. >>> # Make a class to wrap a dict with a layer that transforms written and read values >>> class MiscStore(MiscStoreMixin, dict): ... def __init__(self, d, ... incoming_val_trans_for_key=None, outgoing_val_trans_for_key=None, ... dflt_incoming_val_trans=None, dflt_outgoing_val_trans=None, ... func_key=None): ... dict.__init__(self, d) ... MiscStoreMixin.__init__(self, incoming_val_trans_for_key, outgoing_val_trans_for_key, ... dflt_incoming_val_trans, dflt_outgoing_val_trans, func_key) ... >>> >>> outgoing_val_trans_for_key = dict( ... MiscStoreMixin._outgoing_val_trans_for_key, # take the existing defaults... ... **{'.bin': lambda v: ''.join([chr(x) for x in v]).encode(), # ... override how to handle the .bin extension ... '.reverse_this': lambda v: v[::-1] # add a new extension (and how to handle it) ... }) >>> ss = MiscStore(d={}, # store starts empty ... incoming_val_trans_for_key={}, # overriding incoming trans so we can see the raw data later ... outgoing_val_trans_for_key=outgoing_val_trans_for_key) ... >>> # here's what we're going to write in the store >>> data_to_write = { ... 'a.bin': [97, 98, 99, 49, 50, 51], ... 'a.reverse_this': b'321cba', ... 'a.csv': [['event', 'year'], [' Magna Carta', '1215'], [' Guido', '1956']], ... 'a.txt': 'this is not a text', ... 'a.pkl': ['text', [str, map], {'a list': [1, 2, 3]}], ... 'a.json': {'str': 'field', 'int': 42, 'float': 3.14, 'array': [1, 2], 'nested': {'a': 1, 'b': 2}}} >>> # write this data in our store >>> for k, v in data_to_write.items(): ... ss[k] = v >>> list(ss) ['a.bin', 'a.reverse_this', 'a.csv', 'a.txt', 'a.pkl', 'a.json'] >>> # Looking at the contents (what was actually stored/written) >>> for k, v in ss.items(): ... if k != 'a.pkl': ... print(f"{k}: {v}") ... else: # need to verify pickle data differently, since printing contents is problematic in doctest ... assert pickle.loads(v) == data_to_write['a.pkl'] a.bin: b'abc123' a.reverse_this: b'abc123' a.csv: b'event,year\r\n Magna Carta,1215\r\n Guido,1956\r\n' a.txt: b'this is not a text' a.json: b'{"str": "field", "int": 42, "float": 3.14, "array": [1, 2], "nested": {"a": 1, "b": 2}}' """ _dflt_outgoing_val_trans_for_key = staticmethod(identity_method) _outgoing_val_trans_for_key = dflt_outgoing_val_trans_for_key def __init__( self, incoming_val_trans_for_key=None, outgoing_val_trans_for_key=None, dflt_incoming_val_trans=None, dflt_outgoing_val_trans=None, func_key=None, ): super().__init__(incoming_val_trans_for_key, dflt_incoming_val_trans, func_key) if outgoing_val_trans_for_key is not None: self._outgoing_val_trans_for_key = outgoing_val_trans_for_key if dflt_outgoing_val_trans is not None: self._dflt_outgoing_val_trans = dflt_outgoing_val_trans def __setitem__(self, k, v): func_key = self._func_key(k) trans_func = self._outgoing_val_trans_for_key.get( func_key, self._dflt_outgoing_val_trans_for_key ) return super().__setitem__(k, trans_func(v))
# TODO: I'd really like to reuse MiscStoreMixin here! There's a lot of potential. # If store argument of get_obj was a type instead of an instance, or if MiscReaderMixin was a transformer, if would # be easier -- but would it make their individual concerns mixed?
[docs]def set_obj( k, v, store=Files(''), outgoing_val_trans_for_key=imdict(dflt_outgoing_val_trans_for_key), func_key=lambda k: os.path.splitext(k)[1], ): """A quick way to get an object, with default... # everything (but the key, you know, a clue of what you want)""" if isinstance(store, Files) and store._prefix in {'', '/'}: k = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(k)) trans_func = outgoing_val_trans_for_key.get( func_key(k), dflt_outgoing_val_trans_for_key ) store[k] = trans_func(v)
# TODO: I'd really like to reuse MiscReaderMixin here! There's a lot of potential. # Same comment as above.
[docs]class MiscGetterAndSetter(MiscGetter): """ An object to read and write (and nothing else) to a store (default local) with automatic (de)serialization according to a property of the key (default: file extension). >>> from dol.misc import set_obj, misc_objs # the function and the object >>> import json >>> import os >>> >>> pjoin = lambda *p: os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), *p) >>> >>> d = {'a': {'b': {'c': [1, 2, 3]}}} >>> misc_objs[pjoin('tmp.json')] = d >>> filepath = os.path.expanduser('~/tmp.json') >>> assert misc_objs[filepath] == d # yep, it's there, and can be retrieved >>> assert json.load(open(filepath)) == d # in case you don't believe it's an actual json file >>> >>> # using pickle >>> misc_objs[pjoin('tmp.pkl')] = d >>> assert misc_objs[pjoin('tmp.pkl')] == d >>> >>> # using txt >>> misc_objs[pjoin('tmp.txt')] = 'hello world!' >>> assert misc_objs[pjoin('tmp.txt')] == 'hello world!' >>> >>> # using csv >>> misc_objs[pjoin('tmp.csv')] = [[1,2,3], ['a','b','c']] >>> assert misc_objs[pjoin('tmp.csv')] == [['1','2','3'], ['a','b','c']] # yeah, well, not numbers, but you deal with it >>> >>> # using bin ... misc_objs[pjoin('tmp.bin')] = b'let us pretend these are bytes of an audio waveform' >>> assert misc_objs[pjoin('tmp.bin')] == b'let us pretend these are bytes of an audio waveform' """ def __init__( self, store=Files(''), incoming_val_trans_for_key=imdict(dflt_incoming_val_trans_for_key), outgoing_val_trans_for_key=imdict(dflt_outgoing_val_trans_for_key), dflt_incoming_val_trans=identity_method, func_key=lambda k: os.path.splitext(k)[1], ): = store self.incoming_val_trans_for_key = incoming_val_trans_for_key self.outgoing_val_trans_for_key = outgoing_val_trans_for_key self.dflt_incoming_val_trans = dflt_incoming_val_trans self.func_key = func_key def __setitem__(self, k, v): return set_obj(k, v,, self.outgoing_val_trans_for_key, self.func_key)
misc_objs = MiscGetterAndSetter()