Source code for dol.mixins

import json
from dol.errors import (

[docs]class SimpleJsonMixin: """simple json serialization. Useful to store and retrieve """ _docsuffix = 'Data is assumed to be a JSON string, and is loaded with json.loads and dumped with json.dumps' def _obj_of_data(self, data): return json.loads(data) def _data_of_obj(self, obj): return json.dumps(obj)
[docs]class IdentityKeysWrapMixin: """Transparent KeysWrapABC. Often placed in the mro to satisfy the KeysWrapABC need in a neutral way. This is useful in cases where the keys the persistence functions work with are the same as those you want to work with. """ def _id_of_key(self, k): """ Maps an interface identifier (key) to an internal identifier (_id) that is actually used to perform operations. Can also perform validation and permission checks. :param k: interface identifier of some data :return: internal identifier _id """ return k def _key_of_id(self, _id): """ The inverse of _id_of_key. Maps an internal identifier (_id) to an interface identifier (key) :param _id: :return: """ return _id
[docs]class IdentityValsWrapMixin: """Transparent ValsWrapABC. Often placed in the mro to satisfy the KeysWrapABC need in a neutral way. This is useful in cases where the values can be persisted by __setitem__ as is (or the serialization is handled somewhere in the __setitem__ method. """ def _data_of_obj(self, v): """ Serialization of a python object. :param v: A python object. :return: The serialization of this object, in a format that can be stored by __getitem__ """ return v def _obj_of_data(self, data): """ Deserialization. The inverse of _data_of_obj. :param data: Serialized data. :return: The python object corresponding to this data. """ return data
[docs]class IdentityKvWrapMixin(IdentityKeysWrapMixin, IdentityValsWrapMixin): """Transparent Keys and Vals Wrap""" pass
from functools import partial encode_as_utf8 = partial(str, encoding='utf-8')
[docs]class StringKvWrap(IdentityKvWrapMixin): def _obj_of_data(self, v): return encode_as_utf8(v)
[docs]class FilteredKeysMixin: """ Filters __iter__ and __contains__ with (the boolean filter function attribute) _key_filt. """ def __iter__(self): return filter(self._key_filt, super().__iter__()) def __contains__(self, k) -> bool: """ Check if collection of keys contains k. Note: This method iterates over all elements of the collection to check if k is present. Therefore it is not efficient, and in most cases should be overridden with a more efficient version. :return: True if k is in the collection, and False if not """ return self._key_filt(k) and super().__contains__(k)
######################################################################################################################## # Mixins to disable specific operations
[docs]class ReadOnlyMixin: """Put this as your first parent class to disallow write/delete operations""" def __setitem__(self, k, v): raise WritesNotAllowed("You can't write with that Store") def __delitem__(self, k): raise DeletionsNotAllowed("You can't delete with that Store") def clear(self): raise DeletionsNotAllowed( "You can't delete (so definitely not delete all) with that Store" ) def pop(self, k): raise DeletionsNotAllowed( "You can't delete (including popping) with that Store" )
from dol.util import copy_attrs
[docs]class OverWritesNotAllowedMixin: """Mixin for only allowing a write to a key if they key doesn't already exist. Note: Should be before the persister in the MRO. >>> class TestPersister(OverWritesNotAllowedMixin, dict): ... pass >>> p = TestPersister() >>> p['foo'] = 'bar' >>> #p['foo'] = 'bar2' # will raise error >>> p['foo'] = 'this value should not be stored' # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Traceback (most recent call last): ... dol.errors.OverWritesNotAllowedError: key foo already exists and cannot be overwritten. If you really want to write to that key, delete it before writing >>> p['foo'] # foo is still bar 'bar' >>> del p['foo'] >>> p['foo'] = 'this value WILL be stored' >>> p['foo'] 'this value WILL be stored' """ @staticmethod def wrap(cls): # TODO: Consider moving to trans and making instances wrappable too class NoOverWritesClass(OverWritesNotAllowedMixin, cls): ... copy_attrs(NoOverWritesClass, cls, ('__name__', '__qualname__', '__module__')) return NoOverWritesClass def __setitem__(self, k, v): if self.__contains__(k): raise OverWritesNotAllowedError( 'key {} already exists and cannot be overwritten. ' 'If you really want to write to that key, delete it before writing'.format( k ) ) return super().__setitem__(k, v)
######################################################################################################################## # Mixins to define mapping methods from others class GetBasedContainerMixin: def __contains__(self, k) -> bool: """ Check if collection of keys contains k. Note: This method actually fetches the contents for k, returning False if there's a key error trying to do so Therefore it may not be efficient, and in most cases, a method specific to the case should be used. :return: True if k is in the collection, and False if not """ try: self.__getitem__(k) return True except KeyError: return False class IterBasedContainerMixin: def __contains__(self, k) -> bool: """ Check if collection of keys contains k. Note: This method iterates over all elements of the collection to check if k is present. Therefore it is not efficient, and in most cases should be overridden with a more efficient version. :return: True if k is in the collection, and False if not """ for collection_key in self.__iter__(): if collection_key == k: return True return False # return False if the key wasn't found class IterBasedSizedMixin: def __len__(self) -> int: """ Number of elements in collection of keys. Note: This method iterates over all elements of the collection and counts them. Therefore it is not efficient, and in most cases should be overridden with a more efficient version. :return: The number (int) of elements in the collection of keys. """ # TODO: some other means to more quickly count files? # Note: Found that sum(1 for _ in self.__iter__()) was slower for small, slightly faster for big inputs. count = 0 for _ in self.__iter__(): count += 1 return count
[docs]class IterBasedSizedContainerMixin(IterBasedSizedMixin, IterBasedContainerMixin): """ An ABC that defines (a) how to iterate over a collection of elements (keys) (__iter__) (b) check that a key is contained in the collection (__contains__), and (c) how to get the number of elements in the collection This is exactly what the (from which Keys inherits) does. The difference here, besides the "Keys" purpose-explicit name, is that Keys offers default __len__ and __contains__ definitions based on what ever __iter__ the concrete class defines. Keys is a collection (i.e. a Sized (has __len__), Iterable (has __iter__), Container (has __contains__). It's purpose is to serve as a collection of object identifiers in a key->obj mapping. The Keys class doesn't implement __iter__ (so needs to be subclassed with a concrete class), but offers mixin __len__ and __contains__ methods based on a given __iter__ method. Note that usually __len__ and __contains__ should be overridden to more, context-dependent, efficient methods. """ pass
class HashableMixin: def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __eq__(self, other): return hash(self) == hash(other)