Source code for

Various tools to add functionality to stores

from typing import Optional, Callable
from import Mapping

from dol.base import Store
from dol.trans import store_decorator

NoSuchKey = type('NoSuchKey', (), {})

# ------------ useful trans functions to be used with wrap_kvs etc. ---------------------
# TODO: Consider typing or decorating functions to indicate their role (e.g. id_of_key,
#   key_of_id, data_of_obj, obj_of_data, preset, postget...)

_dflt_confirm_overwrite_user_input_msg = (
    'The key {k} already exists and has value {existing_v}. '
    'If you want to overwrite it with {v}, confirm by typing {v} here: '

# TODO: Parametrize user messages (bring to interface)
# role: preset
[docs]def confirm_overwrite( mapping, k, v, user_input_msg=_dflt_confirm_overwrite_user_input_msg ): """A preset function you can use in wrap_kvs to ask the user to confirm if they're writing a value in a key that already has a different value under it. >>> from dol.trans import wrap_kvs >>> d = {'a': 'apple', 'b': 'banana'} >>> d = wrap_kvs(d, preset=confirm_overwrite) Overwriting ``a`` with the same value it already has is fine (not really an over-write): >>> d['a'] = 'apple' Creating new values is also fine: >>> d['c'] = 'coconut' >>> assert d == {'a': 'apple', 'b': 'banana', 'c': 'coconut'} But if we tried to do ``d['a'] = 'alligator'``, we'll get a user input request: .. code-block:: The key a already exists and has value apple. If you want to overwrite it with alligator, confirm by typing alligator here: And we'll have to type `alligator` and press RETURN to make the write go through. """ if (existing_v := mapping.get(k, NoSuchKey)) is not NoSuchKey and existing_v != v: user_input = input(user_input_msg.format(k=k, v=v, existing_v=existing_v)) if user_input != v: print(f"--> User confirmation failed: I won't overwrite {k}") # this will have the effect of rewriting the same value that's there already: return existing_v return v
# --------------------------------------- Misc ------------------------------------------ _dflt_ask_user_for_value_when_missing_msg = ( 'No such key was found. You can enter a value for it here ' 'or simply hit enter to leave the slot empty' )
[docs]def convert_to_numerical_if_possible(s: str): """To be used with ``ask_user_for_value_when_missing`` ``value_preprocessor`` arg >>> convert_to_numerical_if_possible("123") 123 >>> convert_to_numerical_if_possible("123.4") 123.4 >>> convert_to_numerical_if_possible("one") 'one' Border case: The strings "infinity" and "inf" actually convert to a valid float. >>> convert_to_numerical_if_possible("infinity") inf """ try: s = int(s) except ValueError: try: s = float(s) except ValueError: pass return s
[docs]@store_decorator def ask_user_for_value_when_missing( store=None, *, value_preprocessor: Optional[Callable] = None, on_missing_msg: str = _dflt_ask_user_for_value_when_missing_msg, ): """Wrap a store so if a value is missing when the user asks for it, they will be given a chance to enter the value they want to write. :param store: The store (instance or class) to wrap :param value_preprocessor: Function to transform the user value before trying to write it (bearing in mind all user specified values are strings) :param on_missing_msg: String that will be displayed to prompt the user to enter a value :return: """ store = Store.wrap(store) def __missing__(self, k): user_value = input(on_missing_msg + f' Value for {k}:\n') if user_value: if value_preprocessor: user_value = value_preprocessor(user_value) self[k] = user_value else: super().__missing__(k) store.__missing__ = __missing__ return store
[docs]class iSliceStore(Mapping): """ Wraps a store to make a reader that acts as if the store was a list (with integer keys, and that can be sliced). I say "list", but it should be noted that the behavior is more that of range, that outputs an element of the list when keying with an integer, but returns an iterable object (a range) if sliced. Here, a map object is returned when the sliceable store is sliced. >>> s = {'foo': 'bar', 'hello': 'world', 'alice': 'bob'} >>> sliceable_s = iSliceStore(s) The read-only functionalities of the underlying mapping are still available: >>> list(sliceable_s) ['foo', 'hello', 'alice'] >>> 'hello' in sliceable_s True >>> sliceable_s['hello'] 'world' But now you can get slices as well: >>> list(sliceable_s[0:2]) ['bar', 'world'] >>> list(sliceable_s[-2:]) ['world', 'bob'] >>> list(sliceable_s[:-1]) ['bar', 'world'] Now, you can't do `sliceable_s[1]` because `1` isn't a valid key. But if you really wanted "item number 1", you can do: >>> next(sliceable_s[1:2]) 'world' Note that `sliceable_s[i:j]` is an iterable that needs to be consumed (here, with list) to actually get the data. If you want your data in a different format, you can use `dol.trans.wrap_kvs` for that. >>> from dol import wrap_kvs >>> ss = wrap_kvs(sliceable_s, obj_of_data=list) >>> ss[1:3] ['world', 'bob'] >>> sss = wrap_kvs(sliceable_s, obj_of_data=sorted) >>> sss[1:3] ['bob', 'world'] """ def __init__(self, store): = store def _get_islice(self, k: slice): start, stop, step = k.start, k.stop, k.step assert (step is None) or (step > 0), "step of slice can't be negative" negative_start = start is not None and start < 0 negative_stop = stop is not None and stop < 0 if negative_start or negative_stop: n = self.__len__() if negative_start: start = n + start if negative_stop: stop = n + stop return islice(, start, stop, step) def __getitem__(self, k): if not isinstance(k, slice): return[k] else: return map(, self._get_islice(k)) def __iter__(self): return iter( def __len__(self): return len( def __contains__(self, k): return k in
from dol import KvReader from functools import partial from typing import Any, Iterable, Union, Callable from itertools import islice Src = Any Key = Any Val = Any key_error_flag = type('KeyErrorFlag', (), {})() def _isinstance(obj, class_or_tuple): """Same as builtin isinstance, but without the position only limitation that prevents from partializing class_or_tuple""" return isinstance(obj, class_or_tuple) def type_check_if_type(filt): if isinstance(filt, type) or isinstance(filt, tuple): class_or_tuple = filt filt = partial(_isinstance, class_or_tuple=class_or_tuple) return filt def return_input(x): return x # TODO: Try dataclass # TODO: Generalize forest_type to include mappings too # @dataclass
[docs]class Forest(KvReader): """Provides a key-value forest interface to objects. A `<tree>`_ is a nested data structure. A tree has a root, which is the parent of children, who themselves can be parents of further subtrees, or not; in which case they're called leafs. For more information, see `<wikipedia on trees>`_ Here we allow one to construct a tree view of any python object, using a key-value interface to the parent-child relationship. A forest is a collection of trees. Arguably, a dictionnary might not be the most impactful example to show here, since it is naturally a tree (therefore a forest), and naturally key-valued: But it has the advantage of being easy to demo with. Where Forest would really be useful is when you (1) want to give a consistent key-value interface to the many various forms that trees and forest objects come in, or even more so when (2) your object's tree/forest structure is not obvious, so you need to "extract" that view from it (plus give it a consistent key-value interface, so that you can build an ecosystem of tools around it. Anyway, here's our dictionary example: >>> d = { ... 'apple': { ... 'kind': 'fruit', ... 'types': { ... 'granny': {'color': 'green'}, ... 'fuji': {'color': 'red'} ... }, ... 'tasty': True ... }, ... 'acrobat': { ... 'kind': 'person', ... 'nationality': 'french', ... 'brave': True, ... }, ... 'ball': { ... 'kind': 'toy' ... } ... } Must of the time, you'll want to curry ``Forest`` to make an ``object_to_forest`` constructor for a given class of objects. In the case of dictionaries as the one above, this might look like this: >>> from functools import partial >>> a_forest = partial( ... Forest, ... is_leaf=lambda k, v: not isinstance(v, dict), ... get_node_keys=lambda v: [vv for vv in iter(v) if not vv.startswith('b')], ... get_src_item=lambda src, k: src[k] ... ) >>> >>> f = a_forest(d) >>> list(f) ['apple', 'acrobat'] Note that we specified in ``get_node_keys``that we didn't want to include items whose keys start with ``b`` as valid children. Therefore we don't have our ``'ball'`` in the list above. Note below which nodes are themselves ``Forests``, and whic are leafs: >>> ff = f['apple'] >>> isinstance(ff, Forest) True >>> list(ff) ['kind', 'types', 'tasty'] >>> ff['kind'] 'fruit' >>> fff = ff['types'] >>> isinstance(fff, Forest) True >>> list(fff) ['granny', 'fuji'] """ def __init__( self, src: Src, *, get_node_keys: Callable[[Src], Iterable[Key]], get_src_item: Callable[[Src, Key], bool], is_leaf: Callable[[Key, Val], bool], forest_type: Union[type, Callable] = list, leaf_trans: Callable[[Val], Any] = return_input, ): """Initialize a ``Forest`` :param src: The source of the ``Forest``. This could be any object you want. The following arguments should know how to handle it. :param get_node_keys: How to get the keys of the children of ``src``. :param get_src_item: How to get the value of a child of ``src`` from its key :param is_leaf: Determines if a ``(k, v)`` pair (child) is a leaf. :param forest_type: The type of a forest. Used both to determine if an object (must be iterable) is to be considered a forest (i.e. an iterable of sources that are roots of trees :param leaf_trans: """ self.src = src self.get_node_keys = get_node_keys self.get_src_item = get_src_item self.is_leaf = is_leaf self.leaf_trans = leaf_trans if isinstance(forest_type, type): self.is_forest = isinstance(src, forest_type) else: self.is_forest = forest_type(src) self._forest_maker = partial( type(self), get_node_keys=get_node_keys, get_src_item=get_src_item, is_leaf=is_leaf, forest_type=forest_type, leaf_trans=leaf_trans, ) def is_forest_type(self, obj): return isinstance(obj, list) def __iter__(self): if not self.is_forest: yield from self.get_node_keys(self.src) else: for i, _ in enumerate(self.src): yield i def __getitem__(self, k): if self.is_forest: assert isinstance(k, int), ( f'When the src is a forest, you should key with an ' f'integer. The key was {k}' ) v = next( islice(self.src, k, k + 1), key_error_flag ) # TODO: raise KeyError if if v is key_error_flag: raise KeyError(f'No value for {k=}') else: v = self.get_src_item(self.src, k) if self.is_leaf(k, v): return self.leaf_trans(v) else: return self._forest_maker(v) def to_dict(self): def gen(): for k, v in self.items(): if isinstance(v, Forest): yield k, v.to_dict() else: yield k, v return dict(gen()) def __repr__(self): return f'{type(self).__name__}({self.src})'