Source code for meshed.makers


This module contains tools to make meshed objects in different ways.

Let's start with an example where we have some code representing a user story:

>>> def user_story():
...     wfs = call(src_to_wf, data_src)
...     chks_iter = map(chunker, wfs)
...     chks = chain(chks_iter)
...     fvs = map(featurizer, chks)
...     model_outputs = map(model, fvs)

If the code is compliant (has only function calls and assignments of their result),
we can extract ``FuncNode`` factories from these lines (uses AST behind the scenes).

>>> from meshed.makers import src_to_func_node_factory
>>> fnodes_factories = list(src_to_func_node_factory(user_story))

Each factory is a curried version of ``FuncNode``, set up to be able to make a ``DAG``
equivalent to the user story, once we provide the necessary functions (``call``,
``map``, and ``chain``).

>>> from functools import partial
>>> assert all(
... isinstance(x, partial) and issubclass(x.func, FuncNode) for x in fnodes_factories
... )

See that the ``FuncNode`` factories are all set up with
``name`` (id),
``out`` (output variable name),
``bind`` (names of the variables where the function will source it's arguments), and
``func_label`` (which can be used when displaying the DAG, or as a key to the function
to use).

>>> assert [x.keywords for x in fnodes_factories] == [
...  {'name': 'call',
...   'out': 'wfs',
...   'bind': {0: 'src_to_wf', 1: 'data_src'},
...   'func_label': 'call'},
...  {'name': 'map',
...   'out': 'chks_iter',
...   'bind': {0: 'chunker', 1: 'wfs'},
...   'func_label': 'map'},
...  {'name': 'chain',
...   'out': 'chks',
...   'bind': {0: 'chks_iter'},
...   'func_label': 'chain'},
...  {'name': 'map_04',
...   'out': 'fvs',
...   'bind': {0: 'featurizer', 1: 'chks'},
...   'func_label': 'map'},
...  {'name': 'map_05',
...   'out': 'model_outputs',
...   'bind': {0: 'model', 1: 'fvs'},
...   'func_label': 'map'}
... ]

What can we do with that?

Well, provide the functions, so the DAG can actually compute.

You can do it yourself, or get a little help with ``mk_fnodes_from_fn_factories``.

>>> from meshed.dag import DAG
>>> from meshed.makers import mk_fnodes_from_fn_factories
>>> fnodes = list(mk_fnodes_from_fn_factories(fnodes_factories))
>>> dag = DAG(fnodes)
>>> print(dag.synopsis_string())
src_to_wf,data_src -> call -> wfs
chunker,wfs -> map -> chks_iter
chks_iter -> chain -> chks
featurizer,chks -> map_04 -> fvs
model,fvs -> map_05 -> model_outputs

Wait! But we didn't actually provide the functions we wanted to use!
What happened?!?
What happened is that ``mk_fnodes_from_fn_factories`` just made some for us.
It used the convenient ``meshed.util.mk_place_holder_func`` which makes a function
(that happens to actually compute something and be picklable).

>>> from inspect import signature
>>> str(signature(dag))
'(src_to_wf, data_src, chunker, featurizer, model)'

We can actually call the ``dag`` and get something meaningful:

>>> dag(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
'map(model=5, fvs=map(featurizer=4, chks=chain(chks_iter=map(chunker=3, wfs=call(src_to_wf=1, data_src=2)))))'

If you don't want ``mk_fnodes_from_fn_factories`` to do that (because you are in
prod and need to make sure as much as possible is explicitly as expected, you can
simply use a different ``factory_to_func`` argument. The default one is:

>>> from meshed.makers import dlft_factory_to_func

which you can also reuse to make your own.
See below how we provide a ``name_to_func_map`` to specify how ``func_label``s should
map to actual functions, and set ``use_place_holder_fallback=False`` to make
sure that we don't ever fallback on a placeholder function as we did above.

>>> def _call(x, y):
...     # would use operator.methodcaller('__call__') but doesn't have a __name__
...     return x + y
>>> def _map(x, y):
...     return [x, y]
>>> def _chain(iterable):
...     return sum(iterable)
>>> factory_to_func = partial(
...     dlft_factory_to_func,
...     name_to_func_map={'map': _map, 'chain': _chain, 'call': _call},
...     use_place_holder_fallback=False
... )
>>> fnodes = list(mk_fnodes_from_fn_factories(fnodes_factories, factory_to_func))
>>> dag = DAG(fnodes)

On the surface, we get the same dag as we had before -- at least from the point of view
of the dag signature, names, and relationships between these names:

>>> print(dag.synopsis_string())
src_to_wf,data_src -> call -> wfs
chunker,wfs -> map -> chks_iter
chks_iter -> chain -> chks
featurizer,chks -> map_04 -> fvs
model,fvs -> map_05 -> model_outputs
>>> str(signature(dag))
'(src_to_wf, data_src, chunker, featurizer, model)'

But see below that the dag is now using the functions we specified:

>>> # dag(src_to_wf=1, data_src=2, chunker=3, featurizer=4, model=5)
>>> # will trigger this:
>>> # src_to_wf=1, data_src=2 -> call -> wfs == 1 + 2 == 3
>>> # chunker=3 , wfs=3 -> map -> chks_iter == [3, 3]
>>> # chks_iter=6 -> chain -> chks == 3 + 3 == 6
>>> # featurizer=4, chks=6 -> map_04 -> fvs == [4, 6]
>>> # model=5, fvs=[4, 6] -> map_05 -> model_outputs == [5, [4, 6]]
>>> dag(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
[5, [4, 6]]


import ast
import re
import inspect
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
from typing import (
from functools import partial

from i2 import Sig, name_of_obj, partialx, double_up_as_factory
from i2.signatures import name_of_obj

from meshed.dag import DAG
from meshed.base import FuncNode
from meshed.util import mk_place_holder_func, ordered_set_operations

T = TypeVar('T')

# Some restrictions exist and need to be clarified or removed (i.e. more cases handled)
# For example,
# * can't reuse a variable (would lead to same node)
# * x = y (or x, y = tup) not handled (but could easily by binding)
# We don't need these cases to be handled, only x = func(...) forms lead to Turing (I
# think...):
# Further other cases are not handled, but we don't want to handle ALL of python
# -- just a sufficiently expressive subset.

def attr_dict(obj):
    return {a: getattr(obj, a) for a in dir(obj) if not a.startswith('_')}

def is_from_ast_module(o):
    return getattr(type(o), '__module__', '').startswith('_ast')

def _ast_info_str(x):
    if hasattr(x, 'lineno'):
        return f'lineno={x.lineno}'
        return 'lineno=unknown'

def _itemgetter(sequence, keys=()):
    if len(keys) == 1:
        key = keys[0]
        return sequence[key]
    return tuple(sequence[i] for i in keys)

[docs] def signed_itemgetter(*keys): """Like ``operator.itemgetter``, except has a signature, which we needed""" return partialx(_itemgetter, keys=keys, _rm_partialize=True)
def _ast_unparse(node): try: import astunparse return astunparse.unparse(node) except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): return '<to see the code, pip install astunparse>' def _error_handler(body, info=None): info = _ast_info_str(body) if isinstance(body, ast.If): raise ValueError( f'At {info}: You cannot have if statements. ' f'Replace them with functional equivalents. ({body=})\n' f'{_ast_unparse(body)}' ) else: raise ValueError( f"Couldn't find a handler for parsing body with {info} ({body=})\n" f'{_ast_unparse(body)}' ) def parse_body(body, *, body_index=None): info = _ast_info_str(body) if isinstance(body, (ast.Assign, ast.AnnAssign)): return parse_assignment(body, info=info) elif isinstance(body, ast.Expr) and isinstance(body.value, ast.Call): dummy_var = ast.Name(id=f'_{body_index}', ctx=ast.Store()) new_assign = ast.Assign(targets=[dummy_var], value=body.value) return parse_assignment(new_assign) elif isinstance(body, ast.Return): return None # ignore # TODO: Would like to actually use this elif isinstance(body, ast.Expr) and isinstance(body.value, (ast.Str, ast.Constant)): return None # ignore # TODO: Would like to actually use this else: return _error_handler(body) # Note: generalize? glom? def parse_assignment(body: ast.Assign, info=None) -> Tuple: # TODO: Make this validation better (at least more help in raised error) # TODO: extract validating code out as validation functions? info = _ast_info_str(body) if not isinstance(body, (ast.Assign, ast.AnnAssign)): raise ValueError(f"All commands should be assignments, this one wasn't: {info}") if isinstance(body, ast.Assign): target = body.targets elif isinstance(body, ast.AnnAssign): target = [] # ast.AnnAssign has a single target, not a list assert len(target) == 1, f'Only one target allowed: {info}' target = target[0] assert isinstance( target, (ast.Name, ast.Tuple) ), f'Should be a ast.Name or ast.Tuple: {info}' value = body.value assert isinstance(value, ast.Call), ( f'Only assigned function calls are allowed:' f' {info}' ) return target, value # TODO: Evolve this: Perhaps it can be used to centralize this concern: def _extract_value_from_ast_element(ast_element): if isinstance(ast_element, ast.Name): return else: return ast_element.value
[docs] def parsed_to_node_kwargs(target_value) -> Iterator[dict]: """Extract FuncNode kwargs (name, out, and bind) from ast (target,value) pairs :param target_value: A (target, value) pair :return: A ``{name:..., out:..., bind:...}`` dict (meant to be used to curry FuncNode Where can you make make target_values? With the ``parse_assignment_steps`` function. >>> from meshed.makers import parse_assignment_steps >>> def foo(): ... x = func1(a, b=2) ... y = func2(x, func1, c=3, d=x) >>> for target_value in parse_assignment_steps(foo): ... for d in parsed_to_node_kwargs(target_value): ... print(d) {'name': 'func1', 'out': 'x', 'bind': {0: 'a', 'b': 2}} {'name': 'func2', 'out': 'y', 'bind': {0: 'x', 1: 'func1', 'c': 3, 'd': 'x'}} """ # Note: ast.Tuple has names in 'elts' attribute, # and could be handled, but would need to lead to multiple nodes target, value = target_value args = value.args bind_from_args = {i: for i, k in enumerate(args)} kwargs = {x.arg: _extract_value_from_ast_element(x.value) for x in value.keywords} if isinstance(target, ast.Name): yield dict(,, bind=dict(bind_from_args, **kwargs) ) elif isinstance(target, ast.Tuple): assign_to_names = tuple(map(attrgetter('id'), target.elts)) # yield the function call information, assigning to a single variable # TODO: Long. Better way? (careful: need global uniqueness!) func_output_name = '__'.join(assign_to_names) yield dict(, out=func_output_name, bind=dict(bind_from_args, **kwargs), ) # then, yield instructions to extract variable into several for i, assign_to_name in enumerate(assign_to_names): yield dict( func=signed_itemgetter(i), name=f'{assign_to_name}__{i}', out=assign_to_name, bind={0: func_output_name}, func_label=f'[{i}]', ) # raise ValueError(f"You're here: {target=}") else: raise TypeError(f'Should be a ast.Name or ast.Tuple. Was: {target}')
FuncNodeFactory = Callable[[Callable], FuncNode] def node_kwargs_to_func_node_factory(node_kwargs) -> FuncNodeFactory: return partial(FuncNode, **node_kwargs) def _ensure_src_string(src): if callable(src): src = inspect.getsource(src) return src def _remove_indentation(src): m = re.match(r'\s+', src) if m is not None: indent = indent_length = len(indent) def gen(): for line in src.split('\n'): if line.startswith(indent): yield line[indent_length:] return '\n'.join(gen()) else: raise RuntimeError(f'I found no indent!') def robust_ast_parse(src): try: return ast.parse(src) except IndentationError: return robust_ast_parse(_remove_indentation(src))
[docs] def parse_steps(src): """ Parse source code and generate tuples of information about it. :param src: The source string or a python object whose code string can be extracted. :return: And generator of "target_values" >>> from meshed.makers import parse_steps >>> def foo(): ... x = func1(a, b=2) ... y = func2(x, c=3) >>> target_values = list(parse_steps(foo)) Let's look at the first target_value to see what it contains: >>> name, call = target_values[0] # a 2-tuple >>> assert isinstance(name, ast.Name) # the first element is a ast Name object >>> sorted(vars(name)) ['col_offset', 'ctx', 'end_col_offset', 'end_lineno', 'id', 'lineno'] >>> 'x' >>> assert isinstance(call, ast.Call) # the first element is a ast Call object >>> sorted(vars(call)) ['args', 'col_offset', 'end_col_offset', 'end_lineno', 'func', 'keywords', 'lineno'] >>> call.args[0].id 'a' >>> call.keywords[0].arg 'b' >>> call.keywords[0].value.value 2 Basically, these ast objects contain all we need to know about the (parsed) source. """ src = _ensure_src_string(src) root = robust_ast_parse(src) assert len(root.body) == 1 func_body = root.body[0] # TODO: work with func_body.args to get info on interface (name, args, kwargs, # return etc.) # return func_body for body_index, body in enumerate(func_body.body): if (parsed_body := parse_body(body, body_index=body_index)) is not None: yield parsed_body
parse_assignment_steps = parse_steps # backcompatible iterize = lambda func: partial(map, func) FuncNodeFactory = Callable[..., FuncNode] FactoryToFunc = Callable[[FuncNodeFactory], Callable]
[docs] def src_to_func_node_factory( src, exclude_names=None ) -> Iterator[Union[FuncNode, FuncNodeFactory]]: """ :param src: Callable or string of callable. :param exclude_names: Names to exclude when making func_nodes :return: """ exclude_names = set(exclude_names or set()) for i, target_value in enumerate(parse_assignment_steps(src), 1): for node_kwargs in parsed_to_node_kwargs(target_value): node_kwargs['func_label'] = node_kwargs['name'] if node_kwargs['name'] in exclude_names: # need to keep names uniques, so add a prefix to (hope) to get uniqueness node_kwargs['name'] += f'_{i:02.0f}' exclude_names.add(node_kwargs['name']) yield node_kwargs_to_func_node_factory(node_kwargs)
dlft_factory_to_func: FactoryToFunc # TODO: A bit strange to ask a factory for information to get a func that it needs # to make itself. Do we gain much over simply saying "factory, make yourself"?
[docs] def dlft_factory_to_func( factory: partial, name_to_func_map: Optional[Dict[str, Callable]] = None, use_place_holder_fallback=True, ): """Get a function for the given factory, using""" # TODO: Add extra validation (like n_args of return func against bind) name_to_func_map = name_to_func_map or dict() factory_kwargs = factory.keywords name = ( factory_kwargs['func_label'] or factory_kwargs['name'] or factory_kwargs['out'] ) if name in name_to_func_map: return name_to_func_map[name] elif use_place_holder_fallback: arg_names = [ k if isinstance(k, str) else v for k, v in factory_kwargs['bind'].items() ] return mk_place_holder_func(arg_names, name=name) else: raise KeyError(f'name not found in name_to_func_map: {name}')
[docs] def mk_fnodes_from_fn_factories( fnodes_factories: Iterable[FuncNodeFactory], factory_to_func: FactoryToFunc = dlft_factory_to_func, ) -> Iterator[FuncNode]: """Make func nodes from func node factories and a specification of how to make the nodes from these. :param fnodes_factories: An iterable of FuncNodeFactory :param factory_to_func: A function that will give you a function given a FuncNodeFactory input (where it will draw the information it needs to know what kind of function to make). :return: """ # TODO: Might be a cleaner design for this... for fnode_factory in fnodes_factories: sig = Sig(fnode_factory) if sig.n_required == 1 and sig.names[0] == 'func': # first making sure the fnode_factory is exactly as expected for this case, # get a function for this fnode_factory, then use it to make the fnode func = factory_to_func(fnode_factory) yield fnode_factory(func) elif sig.n_required == 0: # if fnode_factory has no (required) arguments, just call the factory: yield fnode_factory() else: # if couldn't figure it out from the last two cases, freak out! raise ValueError( f"The fnode_factory didn't have the expected format, so I'm freaking " f"out. It's supposed to be a no-arguments-required-callable or a " f'functools.partial that needs only a func to make the func node. ' f'This is the offending fnode_factory: {fnode_factory}' )
[docs] class dlft_factory_to_func_mapping(Mapping): def __getitem__(self, item): return dlft_factory_to_func(item)
def _code_to_fnodes(src, func_src=dlft_factory_to_func): # Make all the funodes, but partial ones that don't have the func defined yet fnodes_factories = list(src_to_func_node_factory(src)) # "Inject" the actual functions return mk_fnodes_from_fn_factories(fnodes_factories, func_src) def _extract_name_from_single_func_def(src: str, default=None): t = robust_ast_parse(src) if (body := getattr(t, 'body')) is not None: first_element = next(iter(body)) if ( isinstance(first_element, ast.FunctionDef) and (name := getattr(first_element, 'name')) is not None ): return name return default FuncSource = Union[Callable[[str], Callable], Mapping[str, Callable]] # TODO: Make code_to_fnodes more flexible (not need to be enclosed in a function # definition) @double_up_as_factory def code_to_fnodes( src=None, *, func_src: FuncSource = dlft_factory_to_func, use_place_holder_fallback=False, ) -> Tuple[FuncNode]: """Get func_nodes from src code""" func_src = _ensure_func_src(func_src, use_place_holder_fallback) # Pass on to _code_to_fnodes to get func nodes iterable needed to make DAG return tuple(_code_to_fnodes(src, func_src)) def _reconfigure_signature_according_to_src(src, dag): if callable(src): new_dag_sig = Sig(dag).modified(_allow_reordering=True, **Sig(src).parameters) return new_dag_sig(dag) return dag @double_up_as_factory def code_to_dag( src=None, *, func_src: FuncSource = dlft_factory_to_func, use_place_holder_fallback=False, name: str = None, ) -> DAG: """Get a ``meshed.DAG`` from src code""" fnodes = code_to_fnodes( src, func_src=func_src, use_place_holder_fallback=use_place_holder_fallback ) dag = DAG(fnodes, name=_ensure_name(name, src)) return _reconfigure_signature_according_to_src(src, dag) def code_to_digraph(src): return code_to_dag(src).dot_digraph() simple_code_to_digraph = code_to_digraph # back-compatability alias # import re # from typing import Tuple, Iterable, Iterator # from meshed import FuncNode, code_to_dag, code_to_fnodes, DAG extract_tokens = re.compile('\w+').findall
[docs] def triples_to_fnodes(triples: Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str]]) -> Iterable[FuncNode]: """Converts an iterable of func call triples to an iterable of ``FuncNode``s. (Which in turn can be converted to a ``DAG``.) Note how the python identifiers are extracted (on the basis of "an unbroken sequence of alphanumerical (and underscore) characters", ignoring all other characters). >>> from meshed import DAG >>> dag = DAG( ... triples_to_fnodes( ... [ ... ('alpha bravo', 'charlie', 'delta echo'), ... (' foxtrot &^$#', 'golf', ' alpha, echo'), ... ]) ... ) >>> print(dag.synopsis_string()) delta,echo -> charlie -> alpha__bravo alpha__bravo -> alpha__0 -> alpha alpha__bravo -> bravo__1 -> bravo alpha,echo -> golf -> foxtrot """ code = '\n\t'.join(_triple_to_func_call_str(*triple) for triple in triples) code = f'def main():\n\t{code}' return code_to_fnodes(code)
def _triple_to_func_call_str( outputs: Union[str, Iterable[str]], func_name: str, inputs: Union[str, Iterable[str]], ) -> str: """Converts a `(outputs, func_name, inputs)` triple to a function call string. >>> _triple_to_func_call_str(('a', 'b'), 'func', ('c', 'd')) 'a, b = func(c, d)' """ outputs = _ensure_tokens_iterable(outputs) inputs = _ensure_tokens_iterable(inputs) return f"{', '.join(outputs)} = {func_name}({', '.join(inputs)})" def _ensure_tokens_iterable(tokens): if isinstance(tokens, str): return extract_tokens(tokens) else: return tokens def _ensure_func_src( func_src: FuncSource, use_place_holder_fallback=False ) -> Callable[[str], Callable]: if isinstance(func_src, Mapping): name_to_func_map = func_src func_src = partial( dlft_factory_to_func, name_to_func_map=name_to_func_map, use_place_holder_fallback=use_place_holder_fallback, ) assert isinstance(func_src, Callable), f'func_src should be callable, or a mapping' return func_src def _ensure_name(name, src): if name is None: if isinstance(src, str): name = _extract_name_from_single_func_def(src, 'dag_made_from_code_parsing') else: name = name_of_obj(src) return name # SB stuff, not used, so comment-out deprecating # class AssignNodeVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): # def __init__(self): # = [] # # def visit_Assign(self, node): # # return node # # # def retrieve_assignments(src): # if callable(src): # src = inspect.getsource(src) # nodes = ast.parse(src) # visitor = AssignNodeVisitor() # visitor.visit(nodes) # # return def lined_dag(funcs): dag = DAG(funcs) if not funcs: return dag else: names = [name_of_obj(func) for func in funcs] pairs = zip(names, names[1:]) dag = dag.add_edges(pairs) return dag from typing import Callable, Mapping, Iterable NamedFuncs = Mapping[str, Callable]
[docs] def named_funcs_to_func_nodes(named_funcs: NamedFuncs) -> Iterable[FuncNode]: """Make ``FuncNode``s from keyword arguments, using the key as the ``.out`` of the ``FuncNode`` and the value as the ``.func`` of the ``FuncNode``. Example use: To get from ``Slabs`` to ``DAG``. >>> from meshed import DAG >>> func_nodes = list(named_funcs_to_func_nodes(dict( ... a=lambda x: x + 1, ... b=lambda a: a + 2, ... c=lambda a, b: a * b) ... )) >>> dag = DAG(func_nodes) >>> dag(x=3) 24 The inverse of this function is ``func_nodes_to_named_funcs``. >>> named_funcs = func_nodes_to_named_funcs(dag.func_nodes) >>> dag2 = DAG(named_funcs_to_func_nodes(named_funcs)) >>> assert dag2(x=3) == dag(x=3) == 24 """ return ( FuncNode(func, name=f'{out}_', out=out) for out, func in named_funcs.items() )
[docs] def func_nodes_to_named_funcs(func_nodes: Iterable[FuncNode]) -> NamedFuncs: """Make some components (kwargs) based on the ``.out`` and ``.func`` of the ``FuncNode``s. Example use: To get from ``DAG`` to ``Slabs``. >>> from meshed import DAG, FuncNode >>> dag = DAG([ ... FuncNode(lambda x: x + 1, out='a'), ... FuncNode(lambda a: a + 2, out='b',), ... FuncNode(lambda a, b: a * b, out='c'), ... ]) >>> dag(x=10) 143 >>> named_funcs = func_nodes_to_named_funcs(dag.func_nodes) >>> isinstance(named_funcs, dict) True >>> list(named_funcs) ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> callable(named_funcs['a']) True >>> assert dag.find_func_node('a').func(3) == named_funcs['a'](3) ==4 The inverse of this function is ``named_funcs_to_func_nodes``. >>> func_nodes = list(named_funcs_to_func_nodes(named_funcs)) >>> dag2 = DAG(func_nodes) >>> assert dag2(x=3) == dag(x=3) == 24 """ return {node.out: node.func for node in func_nodes}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ This section contains some ideas around making a two-way interaction between meshed and a GUI that will enable the construction of meshes as well as rendering them, and possibly running them. """ # from typing import Callable # from meshed.dag import DAG, FuncNode # from meshed.util import mk_place_holder_func # from functools import partial # TODO: Add default func_to_jdict and dict_to_func that uses mk_place_holder_func to # jdict will be only signature (jdict) and deserializing it will be just placeholder Jdict = dict # json-serializable dictionary def fnode_to_jdict( fnode: FuncNode, *, func_to_jdict: Callable[[Callable], Jdict] = None ): jdict = { 'name':, 'func_label': fnode.func_label, 'bind': fnode.bind, 'out': fnode.out, } if func_to_jdict is not None: jdict['func'] = func_to_jdict(fnode.func) return jdict def jdict_to_fnode(jdict: dict, *, jdict_to_func: Callable[[Jdict], Callable] = None): if jdict_to_func is not None: return FuncNode( func=jdict_to_func(jdict['func']), name=jdict['name'], func_label=jdict['func_label'], bind=jdict['bind'], out=jdict['out'], ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Need a function')
[docs] def dag_to_jdict(dag: DAG, *, func_to_jdict: Callable = None): """ Will produce a json-serializable dictionary from a dag. """ fnode_to_jdict_ = partial(fnode_to_jdict, func_to_jdict=func_to_jdict) return { 'name':, 'func_nodes': list(map(fnode_to_jdict_, dag.func_nodes)), }
[docs] def jdict_to_dag(jdict: dict, *, jdict_to_func: Callable = None): """ Will produce a dag from a json-serializable dictionary. """ jdict_to_fnode_ = partial(jdict_to_fnode, jdict_to_func=jdict_to_func) return DAG( name=jdict['name'], func_nodes=list(map(jdict_to_fnode_, jdict['func_nodes'])), )