Source code for meshed.scrap.reactive_scope

Ideas towards a reactive-programming interpretation of meshes.
A scope (MutableMapping --think dict-like) that reacts to writes by computing
associated functions, themselves writing in the scope, creating a chain reaction that
propagates information through the scope.

from functools import cached_property

from meshed import DAG, FuncNode

# TODO: Should ReactiveFuncNode exist? Could put the logic in a function and used in
#  ReactiveScope instead.

[docs] class ReactiveFuncNode(FuncNode): """A ``FuncNode`` that computes on a scope only if the scope has what it takes""" @cached_property def _dependencies(self): """The keys the scope needs to have so that the FuncNode is callable""" return set(self.bind.values())
[docs] def call_on_scope(self, scope, write_output_into_scope=True): if self._dependencies.issubset(scope): return super().call_on_scope(scope, write_output_into_scope)
from typing import MutableMapping # TODO: Don't seem to need the relations to be acyclic. Try it out, and make it work. # TODO: If we allow multiple writes/deletes, to a key or even to different keys, # we open ourselves to a lot more complexity. We need to be able to detect when # existing values are not valid anymore, given the relations exhibited by the func # nodes. This is a lot of work, and I'm not sure it's worth it. Might be better to # keep the scope as a simple mapping, and protect it from having actions taken on it # that might bring it into an invalid state.
[docs] class ReactiveScope(MutableMapping): """ A scope that reacts to writes by computing associated functions, themselves writing in the scope, creating a chain reaction that propagates information through the scope. Parameters ---------- func_nodes : Iterable[ReactiveFuncNode] The functions that will be called when the scope is written to. scope_factory : Callable[[], MutableMapping] A factory that returns a new scope. The scope will be cleared by calling this factory at each call to `.clear()`. Examples -------- First, we need some func nodes to define the reaction relationships. We'll stuff these func nodes in a DAG, for ease of use, but it's not necessary. >>> from meshed import FuncNode, DAG >>> >>> def f(a, b): ... return a + b >>> def g(a_plus_b, d): ... return a_plus_b * d >>> f_node = FuncNode(func=f, out='a_plus_b') >>> g_node = FuncNode(func=g, bind={'d': 'b'}) >>> d = DAG((f_node, g_node)) >>> >>> print(d.dot_digraph_ascii()) <BLANKLINE> a <BLANKLINE> ┌────────┐ b ──▶ │ f │ └────────┘ │ │ │ │ │ ▼ │ a_plus_b │ │ │ │ │ ▼ │ ┌────────┐ └─────▶ │ g_ │ └────────┘ <BLANKLINE> g <BLANKLINE> Now we make a scope with these func nodes. >>> s = ReactiveScope(d) The scope starts empty (by default). >>> s <ReactiveScope with .scope: {}> So if we try to access any key, we'll get a KeyError. >>> s['g'] # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: 'g' That's because we didn't put write anything in the scope yet. But, if you give ``g_`` enough data to be able to compute ``g`` (namely, if you write values of ``b`` and ``a_plus_b``), then ``g`` will automatically be computed. >>> s['b'] = 3 >>> s['a_plus_b'] = 5 >>> s <ReactiveScope with .scope: {'b': 3, 'a_plus_b': 5, 'g': 15}> So now we can access ``g``. >>> s['g'] 15 Note though, that we first showed that ``g`` appeared in the scope before we explicitly asked for it. This was to show that ``g`` was computed as a side-effect of writing to the scope, not because we asked for it, triggering the computation Let's clear the scope and show that by specifying ``a`` and ``b``, we get all the other values of the network. >>> s.clear() >>> s <ReactiveScope with .scope: {}> >>> s['a'] = 3 >>> s['b'] = 4 >>> s <ReactiveScope with .scope: {'a': 3, 'b': 4, 'a_plus_b': 7, 'g': 28}> >>> s['g'] # (3 + 4) * 4 == 7 * 4 == 28 28 """ def __init__(self, func_nodes=(), scope_factory=dict): # Note: scope_factory could be made to return a pre-filled dict too if isinstance(func_nodes, DAG): dag = func_nodes func_nodes = dag.func_nodes func_nodes = [ReactiveFuncNode.from_dict(fn.to_dict()) for fn in func_nodes] self.dag = DAG(func_nodes) self.func_nodes_for_var_node = { k: v for k, v in self.dag.graph.items() if k in self.dag.var_nodes } self.scope_factory = scope_factory self.clear()
[docs] def clear(self): """Note: This actually doesn't clear the mapping, but rather, resets it to it's original state, as defined by the `.scope_factory`""" self.scope = self.scope_factory()
def __getitem__(self, k): # TODO: try/catch and give the user a bit more info (e.g. what dependencies are missing?) return self.scope[k] def __setitem__(self, k, v): # write the value under the key self.scope[k] = v # TODO: Need to make sure the func_node are in topological order # TODO: The .get(k, ()): prefill with missing keys at init time instead? for func_node in self.func_nodes_for_var_node.get(k, ()): # "try" calling the func_node on the scope (if scope doesn't have enough # func_node.call_on_scope(self.scope) def __len__(self): return len(self.scope) def __contains__(self, k): return k in self.scope def __iter__(self): return iter(self.scope) def __delitem__(self, k): # TODO: Could use the same mechanism as setitem to propagate the deletion through the network raise NotImplementedError( "deletion of keys are not implemented, since cache invalidation hasn't. " 'You can clear the whole scope with the `.clear()` method. ' "(Note: This actually doesn't clear the mapping, but rather, resets it to it's original state.)" ) def __repr__(self): return f'<{type(self).__qualname__} with .scope: {repr(self.scope)}>'